Inventory & SellingProducts

Mary Kay Product Changes Through the Years: Satin Hands

Written by PinkPunch

Check out the changes Mary Kay Cosmetics has made to Satin Hands through the years!

Winter 2003 (current until March 2004):
Fall/Holiday 2005: This was a fun waste of time. It was a Limited Edition and the hype was, “You will not have to waste your time and money dressing this up as a gift, for Christmas, because the company has already done it for you! Isn’t that great! Don’t miss out on this great and popular gift giver!” *Sigh* I still have some of mine!
Summer 2006: Peach Satin Hands!!!
Winter 2009: It took them 3 years to figure out that they shouldn’t have gotten rid of the first one?! They lost a lot of people that do not like fragrances when they changed to peach.
Fall/Holiday 2010: Vanilla Satin Hands!!! (Original and Peach available too)

So in seven years, there were five different Satin Hands sets.

Do not fall for the “Limited Edition” crapola. Do not believe that “it will sell out and you won’t be able to get it” or that “customers will be dying for this.” Limited edition products rarely sell out,Ā  and if you order a bunch, you end up giving the stuff away for gifts and being stuck with the others. It’s not smart business.

The company relies on the Limited Edition stuff to bring in extra ordering, every three months. That is the true purpose behind Limited Edition Mary Kay products.



  1. So, that first picture (Winter 2003), I saw that set being sold at a flea market maybe 3 months ago! I knew it was old, but not THAT old! EW! Former IBCs STILL desperate to sell off their inventory?

  2. I loved the original Satin Hands.  Loved doing 'Satin Hands' before all my skin care classes and facials.  Even did them for hand massages at nursing homes.  (yes, I worked my keister off!)
    Do not care for the Peach stuff at all, nor the unscented.  The original, if you please.  Also, it was awesome when it was just the Body Scrub, Shower Gel, and Extra Emollient Night Cream all at once on your hands.  Heavenly smell and wonderfully soft hands when you were done.  It always impressed my guests.    They've changed it so much, I won't use it at all anymore.  I gone to Beauty Cotrol's 'Show of Hands' hand scrub.  Too bad.
    When I first started using Mary Kay in 1977, it was good stuff.  It could take the tar off your front fender, if need be.  Now, it's wimpy.  I still buy only the Basic formulas.  If they ever dump that, I dump MK.
    Off topic, when I decided to learn about going for Directorship, I chickened out after the meeting with my Director.  Geez, I just wanted a team, not a second job.  I consider myself a hard worker, but it just seemed overwhelming to me.  It still does.  My hat is off to those of you who actually did it.  Wow! 
    I have not been a consultant for several years now, just buy the products from another consultant and I'm O.K. with that.  Multi-levels are a lot of work.  It was the perfect match for the ultra-competitive Boomer generation – but these new young women aren't buying it.  As I get older, I just don't want to work that hard any more.  It's like chasing feathers in a stiff wind.

  3. This past June, I received a Winter 2009 set as a birthday gift from a relative.  Aside from the fact that some IBC somewhere was probably glad to finally get some older product off her shelves, I have never had to stifle a laugh so hard in my life.    šŸ˜‰

    • now that is funny!  It could have been sitting in her cabinet for a long while too.  I was given some as a hostess gift, a good year ago, it is under my bathroom cabinet…I just don't have time to do all that! 

  4. I actually really liked (still use) the Vanilla satin hands one. I used the lotion so much I ran out so I just use the unscented now. 

  5. If you go to Mk . com and read "just the faq's"  it mentions that the regular line products only change about every 3-5 years.  looking at this evidence about timewise, satin hands, day night  solution, lip gloss etc.. its easy to understand that the company is lying, and they are clearly changing packaging to get their #1 customers (the ibc's) to order the fresh and new!

  6. When I started MK around 1999, it was the limited edition, Terme d'Isola Satin Hands, which consisted of the Extra Emollient Night Cream, and Terme d'Isola scented scrub, wash, and lotion that was being offered.  I knew nothing of the original product, until it was re-introduced around 2003.  It smelled like baby powder, and since I had two preschoolers in the house, the last thing I wanted to smell was a baby, or even smell like a baby…and they were trying to market it to men too?
    I liked it well enough, but it never flew off my shelves.  The EE night cream smelled nice and I often slathered my hands with it and wore cotton gloves to bed to soothe chapped hands.  Then I discovered Burt's Bees was more convenient to get, environmentally friendly, less expensive, and Walgreen's didn't try to recruit me to sell it or build a team!

  7. This is another hook for consultants at the highe price point of 15.00 each, glad I am so past the must keep up mode on the latest product and hold inventory so passe.
      I am waving to corpse  as you are reading here ——
    Terme d'losa line?  It smelled wonderful, it had great ingredients, been meaning to tell you guys in the pink building for a while that was a very poor marketing move to take it out of regular line of body care.  Whew off my mind after 12 yrs!

  8. Sorry Pink Punch but you missed one.  The peach Satin Hands was formula and scent changed about a year ago as well.  Different  packaging, different scent and the one pictured was discontinued.  I had 7 of those suckers on my shelf when they changed the formula and scent. So there are actually 6 product changes for Satin Hands.  And they wonder why we get upset.

  9. It was the 2010 Satin Hands bag left in my van!  I recognize it!   This is a good use for discontinued products…harass the haters with product you can't sell.  šŸ™‚

  10. My girlfriend gave me the satin hands gift set for Christmas a few years ago. I have really sensitive skin, and the scrub turned my hands beet  red. The only thing I ever used was the hand lotion. I thought  back then I'm glad I never spent money on the set, just to have some overpriced hand lotion, I shudder at the thought of peach or vanilla. Just don't like sented lotions unless it's the same as the fragrance I'm wearing.

  11. Well…I just use  vasoline, sugar, and any hand soap and hand lotion I have in my bathroom.  It gives the same feeling and with ingredients you already have in your house.

  12. When I first tried Mary Kay, the Satin Hands wasn't even a set yet. It was the Terme D'Isola body products put together along with the extra emollient cream, like Ne-Pink-Plus posted.  I came across an old sampler tube of Terme D'Isola scrub the other day and when it goes bad, it smells a little like GOJO hand cleaner that mechanics use.

  13. I’m just a customer, but I absolutely loved that original Satin Hands (the white bottles in the zippered bag) and gave it as gifts to a ton of people who loved it back then. I am so bummed to see how they have messed with a great thing… and wish they’d just still sell that original. Thanks for this post… it helped me decide whether to purchase the newer type… I’ve decided not to since I really want it to be like the original. With that many versions away from the original… I doubt I would like it as much.

  14. Bummer, good thing I read this, as I have nearly 10 yr old MK Satin Hands – apparently original formula as it was the 4 step-the BEST..
    I have very slowly used this only when my hands were really in tough shape. And EVERY time, they had them back to smooth nearly the next day. I was going to order more, with my meager funds, but reading this…I guess I’m scared to now, as I don’t want an inferior product. I have lots of those drying up. This original 4 step process was AWESOME- but spendy for me, as I loved it. Why do companies play around and mess up good stuff???

    • Why? In Mary Kay’s case it’s because the REAL customer is the consultant, not the end-user.

      Mary Kay keeps changing the packaging, fragrance and colors to keep the consultants buying inventory, even though most of what they already bought is still sitting in on their shelves. Got to have what’s in the new Look Book, don’cha know? ‘Cuz your customers don’t want the old stuff.

    • I still have the original set and forgot the steps, I have the night emoilent, exfoliation, lotion and I forgot what the other one is. Does anyone remember the steps

      • Extra emollient, then add in scrub, then cleanser, and rub in to hands. Rinse off, then use hand cream.

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