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That works too. Drunk driving doesn't always equal death or injuries. But it does increase the risk. Just after I…
I admire that in a person. To do what is extremely difficult - To acknowledge, own up, face full on…
Biggest flaw in their arguments is: this is a business. It’s not. The consultant is the customer. And a pretty…
"I’m blanking on the name of this logical fallacy because you are making no-sense at all, here." False equivalence. From…
Honestly, it says a lot about the psychological manipulation and power of what MLMs do that anyone is still a…
Look at my face, my wife and her pink fog caused these wrinkles…
“This is how MK holds a gun to your head”
They smile at you like this… When you look into their eyes… You can tell that the lights are on but nobody is home.
^ awesome
(Left to right)
“Sure, I’d like to bonk you, but…”
“…I’m not blind and…”
“…the thought of draining my bank account on pink shit gives me dry heaves.”
I honestly thought this was some sort of spoof, because surely MK wouldn’t publish such an awkward ad? No such luck. It appears this one is for real. I don’t see any MAN that I know buying this stuff based on three men looking like idiots.
Man #1 – “I have a toothache”
Man #2 – “Look at the bags under my eyes”
Man #3 – “I have a headache”
“Who’s an idiot? …..This guy!!!”
“Hey honey, call your MK lady and get me whatever products will make me look like these guys,” said no man ever.
I think the one in the middle meant to use another finger.
Ha ha ha RJ. Both him and the one on the right are secretly pretending “middle finger…”
Current Mary Kay website suggested retail price for the complete set: $74
Current eBay price for the complete set: $40
Combined Wal-Mart price for equivalent items matching the set: $16 to $20
Loook into my eyes… Loook deeeeep into my eyes…
Knooowww how much you will ssseeellll… You’lllll ssseeellll it aaaalllllllll…
Oooooppeeennnnnn your wallllleeettt……….
MK Men- For men so old, they think they are ladies
first thought –
An updated 3 stooges promo!
Hey you look pretty cute!
But look! she sells Mary Kay.
Oh gosh I’d rather shoot myself in the head.
You just can’t help but know how excited they were to get this gig!
Wear this wonderful product and you can be a tool just like me!