Negative thoughts affecting her emotionally. There can be only one explanation. Conscience. And if so, then there is truth to…
He will keep her in perfect peace whose mind stays fixed on Him!
Peace has been a resounding voice in my life since March 4th when I clearly discerned what the Lord had been trying to say to me… lay down your alabaster box.
Let me explain.
For 4 years now, I have prayed for God to move or move me. I didn’t think the latter of the two options would even happen to be honest. I knew exactly what was in my alabaster box… that thing that is so precious to me that I was holding onto it and too afraid to lay it at Jesus’ feet.
I’ve had a very successful career in network marketing and have brought home 1.4 million in commissions during my career. As much as I would love to tell you that it was all done with integrity, here is the humblest part of me laid out in front of you telling you it wasn’t.
Someone who I valued and trusted asked me in June of 2012 to do something I never imaged doing. Cheating the system so that she could gain a title.
Leadership is a position that should bring JOY and be a SAFE place for you to turn to when you need guidance. Not a place to manipulate others for your own gain. What I have come to realize in the last 4 years is that what was meant to be a place to grow, has been a place for God to break me.
My work ethic and desire to win was taken advantage of from someone I deeply trusted. As a competitive individual who loves the race, my performance was constantly interrupted ,threatened and de-valued. The people I loved the most were taken from me because of lies that they choose to believe. I was isolated, lied about and the very core of who I am was called in to question.
Reputation is merely what others think you are. Character is what you really are.
So this is me calling the bluff on the lie that God can’t use you for greater good if you’re not tied to certain people. Let me remind you that we live for an audience of ONE.
The Lord took what was meant for evil against me and used it for good. He has molded me into a woman that looks to HIM for the next best step.
So here we are friends… it’s come to this! I’m laying my alabaster box down at Jesus’ feet. He can have it all.
It was never mine anyway. All that I have and all that I am, I owe to HIM.
As of April 1st, I will be stepping into a new position that God has assigned for me and my heart is overjoyed.
This is where I lay down a very heavy burden I’ve carried for 4 years and walk away. This is where God is honored and He gets the glory.
As God ushers me into a new season, I thank every single person that has been attached to my current season. I have loved the friendships that have been built and pray that God has assigned you for somewhere in my future.
If not, my prayer for you is to- seek justice, love mercy and walk humbly!
Our time on earth is so limited friends! Make sure you spend it chasing Christ and not the things of this world.
Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. ❤️