It never ceases to amaze me how recruiters, sales directors, and NSDs make up numbers and pretend they’re reality. This piece has circulated for years. It seems to have originated with retired NSD Cheryl Warfield who made it about 20 Read more…
The Mary Kay ladies can’t help themselves. Despite the FTC pretending to care about false earnings claims and Mary Kay Inc. pretending to crack down on earnings representations, national sales director Dawn Dunn makes false earnings claims. A May, 2020 Read more…
If women in Mary Kay told the truth about the “opportunity,” they’d never recruit anyone. The truth is that it’s not about selling products, it’s about recruiting. Very little of the products that are ordered are actually sold to customers. Read more…
Mary Kay nsd Lily Gathreaux educates us on how stupid we are. She hates it when people say that direct sales preys on women. Because if you’re not stupid, you just sell the products and then you make money. Lily Read more…
Mary Kay directors and consultants use all sorts of different tactics to recruit women into the scam. One of them is the “membership” idea. Remember, all we have to do is get them to sign up. Then we have a Read more…
I will never tire of exposing the false earnings claims in Mary Kay. Often it is the flaunting of supposed wealth from women who are not making anything close to executive income. It is regularly lies about how much product Read more…
One of the most frustrating parts about Mary Kay Cosmetics is the deception during the recruiting process. “Doesn’t this look eeeeeeasy????” “All you do is squirt and smile! Squirt and smile!” “I just know you’d be great at doing what Read more…
Yes, the Mary Kay ladies are guilty of repeatedly making false earnings claims. The 50% profit lie is probably the most common. And even Mary Kay Inc. is guilty of pushing this lie. (It’s not just those “independent consultants” who Read more…
The Mary Kay legal department has issued a letter to all National Sales Directors about earnings claims. It seems they may be trying to head off trouble from the FTC, since it is widely known that Mary Kay consultants, directors, Read more…
If you are in an MLM, and you are exploiting the Coronavirus panic to recruit or sell products, you should be ashamed of yourself. No good crisis should go to waste, though, in the Mary Kay world. People like Rachael Read more…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.
:D I read it in a book ages ago and I loved it. I think it's a New England-ism but…
We really need the option to react with a laughing emoji. "seventeen fits in one straight row." Thanks for the…
Wow! Five boxes of masks? She must have been buying her way to something, perhaps Queen’s court or Unit sales.