Mary Kay is targeting China for significant growth. Remember the stories about Mary Kay Cosmetics peddling their sub-par products in China? Well the push is on to make China the company’s biggest market within 10 years. I can only surmise Read more…
How can someone honestly believe that God brought her more Mary Kay wholesale orders on the last day of the month? Sales director Auri Hatheway was the queen of Emerald seminar in 2006. She gave a speech full of religious Read more…
A popular list of instructions for husbands of Mary Kay consultants… In Mary Kay, there is much talk about whether or not your husband is supportive. Generally, supportive means he doesn’t have any say in how you spend your family’s Read more…
Layering is a technique in which you keep contacting a potential recruit with recruiting information every few months until they tell you to jump off a cliff or sign up to be a Mary Kay consultant. I recently came across Read more…
We’ve discussed many times how little money the vast majority of Mary Kay sales directors make. The Premier Club and Cadillac directors are a tiny percentage of total directors. They are seen as the cream of the crop… the best Read more…
This is the story of a senior director who has been with Mary Kay for almost 30 years. And what does she have to show for it? No retirement savings. I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now Read more…
That “free” Mary Kay car??? It’s not so free after all! You didn’t get it FREE, you didn’t WIN it, and it’s not really even YOUR car. There are a lot of misconceptions about those red, silver and pink Mary Read more…
An October 2005 article from Smart Money for someone considering joining Mary Kay. QUESTION: A Mary Kay representative told me that if I became a rep, I could deduct the cost of my skin-care and cosmetics products from my taxes Read more…
Written by A former Cadillac “future executive senior sales director” I started MK 4 years ago. To save money on product only. Went to a career breakfast and saw tons of sharp, happy, women who were “making money” and I Read more…
Ah! The ENTIRE sentence is jacked, got it. Currently: "Coupons, samples, proenter to wins and treats." I think it is…
"$200 swag bag" LOL Probably two MK samples, a MK "Gift Certificate", coupons for local fast-food eateries, a few wrapped…
(I guess I should explain the June comment for the people reading who aren't familiar with the MK liturgical calendar)…
It won't even take six months for them to have strong opinions. June Is Coming ::ominous scary music::
Taylor also runs a content business on the side where she makes templates for other consultants to use - such…