The 2007-2008 Mary Kay National Sales Director Suit
Glitter galore on this chocolate brown creation.
Glitter galore on this chocolate brown creation.
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my thoughts exactly!
Ok, so the while supplies last part is for the samples ::facepalm::. Ryan is still getting rich off the consultomers…
I just noticed the "while supplies last" part in the small print. I'm 100% convinced that they're fixing to unload…
Ryan DOES look terrible! At least compared to the last pictures I saw of him. At any rate: Is this…
"This is your chance to set yourself up for success by attracting new customers who could become valuable team members,…
Since I had been Princess House direct sales, I thought I knew what to expect. Big difference was that in P.H., I held parties, took orders, sent them in, and got acheck in the mail. In M.K., I purchased “inventory”, looked for customers to sell to make a 50% mark-up, had wait until I had $225 in profits to to restock. $225 is the smallest order taken. I didn’t like have to have on hand whatever my customer wanted to make a sale. There was a constant need to reinvest.