Mary Kay’s Star Recruiter Oath
The official “oath” for a star recruiter (red jacket), as published by Mary Kay Inc.:
As a Star Recruiter, I pledge
To live true to the Golden Rule philosophy,
To encourage and support my team members with love and respect,
To lead by example, and
To carry on Mary Kay’s mission by extending the go-give spirit to everyone I meet.
This I pledge as a brand-new Star Recruiter.
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…
You Stole My Dream: I hadd a dream that I could run fast enough to hop over the Grand Canyon,…
“It’s hard to build an impenetrable wall around yourself of positivity.” This is what stood out the most to me…