The Way to Really Do a Million in Mary Kay
“Top Director” Jen Semelsberger was thrilled that her unit “Did a Million” before seminar 2007. How did it really get done?
Well, for starters, Mary Kay Inc. was offering “double credit.” All wholesale orders during the promotional period counted double toward the $1 million retail mark. So “a million” wasn’t really a million.
Jen said the following to her unit about getting $32,000 of orders on the last day of June. We all know that her unit didn’t actually sell all of this product, and that’s a big part of the big lie in Mary Kay. So Jen had to beg her unit to order products they didn’t need, and here’s her recap of it on her unit website.
What was it like in my house wrapping up Million?
Well, the phones were ringing off the hock with orders, e-mails were flying in and it was CRAZY! Thank you so much to Kay, Tanya, J’Nay and Amy for stopping by and helping me hold it all together!
Here I am on the phone with Heather Hines from headquarters…helping me figure out the numbers! When Erik, my boyfriend, put together my desk for me 2 years ago…I told him this desk is were the Million is going to happen….WE DID IT)
Last order was in with only 2 mins and 8 seconds to go!
We pulled in $32,000 in the last 24 hours. Wow, my incredible Unit was out selling to the very end…..they are soooo amazing!!!!
Conference Call with the Unit at 1:10am announcing the GREAT News that WE DID IT!
Check out J’Nay in the background! My Million $ Office is in my bedroom. 🙂
This morning we had breakfast to celebrate our YEAR!
Sarah, my Sr. Mama, if it wasn’t for your wonderful leadership I won’t be were I am today…thank you! I am so blessed to have you as my Sr. Mama!
Kay, thank you soooo much for all your love, support and belief in me and my AMAZING UNIT! We loooove you soooo much!
The picture of Jen’s computer screen gives some interesting numbers:
- $76,016.76 wholesale orders in for June
- 91 consultants ordered (for an average order of $835 wholesale)
- 62 consultants did not order
- 10 new consultants recruited
But here’s the REAL key to finishing million.
Jen posted a picture of herself on the phone with corporate at the last minute. And what do we have here…. 3 credit cards on the desk in front of her. And that, my friends, is proof of how a million is really done.

June 30 is the day when sales directors “tee hee” about how much production they could suck out of their consultants. And all the other directors will congratulate Jen for this feat… conning her unit into putting more on their credit cards. She should be proud. Not.
“We pulled in $32,000 in the last 24 hours. Wow, my incredible Unit was out selling to the very end…..they are soooo amazing!!!!”
Isn’t this disgusting how easily the lie slips off ESSD Semelsberger’s tongue? Let the reader understand that Mary Kay does NOT track retail sales, therefore, Semelsberger’s claim of her troops being out “selling to the very end” is hogwash.
I’d have figured a director in such a wonderful “God First” company would have just told the truth and said, “My incredible unit was out ORDERING until the very end.”