National Sales Director Commissions December 31, 2006
We see the monthly commissions of Mary Kay’s national sales directors, but have you ever wondered how those numbers all add up?
Mary Kay Cosmetics publishes totals, and here are the figures for the six months ended December 31, 2006.
A sampling of some of the higher totals:
Jan Harris……………………………..$243,701.12
Nan Stroud ……………………………215,614.25
Cheryl Warfield………………………..210,707.2DIAMOND
Barbara Sunden……………………..$394,512.48
Karen Piro………………………………253,123.38
Lisa Madson……………………………242,992.58RUBY
Pat Fortenberry ……………………..$382,519.67
Carol Anton…………………………….266,606.71
Pat Danforth ………………………….195,926.4SAPPHIRE
Gayle Gaston ……………………….$346,652.80
Christine Peterson …………………..324,427.85
Joanne Holman………………………220,916.01EMERALD
Anne Newbury………………………$541,049.44
Gloria Mayfield Banks ……………..235,906.17
Kathy Helou …………………………223,747.41
Nice paychecks, ladies! Too bad you had to sell your souls to get them.
Ah! The ENTIRE sentence is jacked, got it. Currently: "Coupons, samples, proenter to wins and treats." I think it is…
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