On January 16, 2007, Pink Truth announced that Mary Kay was changing its entire color cosmetic line, to include lipsticks, compacts, eyeshadows, blushes, and eyeliners. Mary Kay Inc. intended to make the announcement in July 2007, and in fact the Read more…
Milwaukee, WI November 22, 2006 — Pyramid Scheme Alert announces that Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, MBA, CFE has been named to the organization’s Board of Advisors. Her consumer education website, PinkTruth.com, which exposes and analyzes the business and recruiting practices Read more…
They look kinda cool, but that doesn’t stop all the inventory-carrying consultants from being screwed. I know, I know. You have plenty of time to sell those old compacts. And who in good conscience can sell a compact today, knowing Read more…
Written by Raisinberry One of the devices used to achieve mind-numbing compliance with all things Mary Kay was the use of the slogan. We were led down a path of little to no resistance because no matter what ugly objection Read more…
Milwaukee, WI November 20 2006 — Tracy L. Coenen, CPA, MBA, CFE, a nationally-recognized fraud examiner and expert witness, has developed a website to educate and inform the public about the Mary Kay Cosmetics business opportunity. Pink Truth (www.pinktruth.com) has Read more…
Mary Kay Cosmetics is always helping its independent sales directors to recruit and retain beauty consultants. Most important, of course, is getting them to purchase inventory and not send it back under the product repurchase option! Here’s a script to Read more…
If you thought $3,600 wholesale was a lot of inventory in Mary Kay, wait until you see this! For many years, Mary Kay Cosmetics had inventory “levels” or packages that started at $600 wholesale and went up to $3,600 wholesale. Read more…
A few years ago, I would have been surprised to find out that Mary Kay was exactly like Amway in certain ways. I knew that they both use the multi-level marketing business models, so there were similarities, but I wouldn’t Read more…
A few years ago, I would have been surprised to find out that Mary Kay was exactly like Amway in certain ways. I knew that they both uses the multi-level marketing business models, so there were similarities, but I wouldn’t Read more…
I remember the Mary Kay tax benefits piece with the advice that if you're going on vacation, all you have…
If she HAD done these things, she might have noticed she was losing lots of money ... which is why…
her upline either did not care or (more likely) was equally ignorant. Listening to some of my SIL's "successful MLM…
SDs sometimes (often?) sign their spouses as team members. I heard an SSD say that having her husband in her…
Classic example of "pay to play." Once again, proof positive that to be a successful "consultomer" one must only make…