Written by A former Cadillac “future executive senior sales director” I started MK 4 years ago. To save money on product only. Went to a career breakfast and saw tons of sharp, happy, women who were “making money” and I Read more…
The May 2007 issue of Mary Kay’s Applause Magazine has an interesting piece called “Inventory Answers: Coaching Your New Team Members to Success.” And they have the audacity to claim that Mary Kay has “never been about ordering.” But everything Read more…
This item has been attributed to Sean Key, one of the Vice Presidents at Mary Kay Inc. Enjoy all the rah-rah and hype surrounding Seminar! Do you notice any subtle pressure to order? And how many standard MK “lines” can Read more…
Written by Raisinberry So Mary Kay announced a new FAQ website, supposedly to address concerns from the sales force. I would have more respect for the company if they simply said “Wow, we’re sorry.” Imagine opening your Intouch page and Read more…
In January 2007, Mary Kay Cosmetics launched a web initiative to help counteract the effect of Pink Truth’s wide dissemination of information. Mary Kay consultants got news of Mary Kay Inc.’s latest attempt to “deal” with the information being put Read more…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.
:D I read it in a book ages ago and I loved it. I think it's a New England-ism but…
We really need the option to react with a laughing emoji. "seventeen fits in one straight row." Thanks for the…
Wow! Five boxes of masks? She must have been buying her way to something, perhaps Queen’s court or Unit sales.