An email I recently received about the fake religious focus of Mary Kay and the potential MK has to destroy families. I am an older male who is reading your website because my best friend’s wife has been involved with Read more…
Written by So Lost In Wisconsin I am writing to all of you customers out there. Hopefully, before your next “skin care class” you will take a moment to read what I will do during the close of the class Read more…
This is an interesting article on the combination of religion and direct selling in China. China has strict rules against multi-level marketing, but companies are allowed to do “direct sales” if they have a license. Take a look at this Read more…
Spotlight on MLM: Lawsuit filed by Quixtar, Amway, Alticor, whatever the company is called today
A short story ran in the Detroit Free Press on Saturday about Quixtar (Amway, Alticor, etc.) and a lawsuit against bloggers and online forum participants. Althought the lawsuit was filed against 30 John Does, it is specifically targeting a former Read more…
Written by Lazy Gardens Could Mary Kay become an addiction for some? Yes. Here are some of the signs. The term “addiction” was previously applied exclusively to chemicals such as alcohol, drugs, or nicotine. With recent research on the brain Read more…
One of the favorite techniques used by multi-level marketing (pyramid schemes) to recruit: FEAR. That’s right. Instill fear. Find a hot button. Help you discover you that you’re not happy. You’re not appreciated. You’re not paid what you’re worth. You Read more…
Written by SuzyQ A glimpse into one (of many) unglamorous reality of Mary Kay Seminar. Arena seating versus Hall A? The goal of course is Arena Seating (No Hall A!!!) It is not unusual to chant at meetings No Hall Read more…
Usana Health Sciences sells vitamins and nutritional products that are priced 100% to 300% higher than comparable products from other companies. In March 2007, a report on Usana Health Sciences was released by the Fraud Discovery Institute. Barry Minkow and Read more…
An amended complaint was filed August 31, 2007 in the Robin Blackmon-Dunda v Mary Kay Inc. case in Dallas County. Some interesting facts about Robin’s unit and career with Mary Kay:
Written by The Scribbler Mary Kay nsd Kathy Helou shows you how to recruit by telling the prosepct that Mary Kay is the answer to any and all problems. Scrib’s note: Have you been asked to attend a unit meeting Read more…
I love seeing Ellen "heffers" bowman Cox on the front page as an example of the positive kindness of our…
Carrie Z’s biggest lie is that she has anything to teach about makeup application.
:D I read it in a book ages ago and I loved it. I think it's a New England-ism but…
We really need the option to react with a laughing emoji. "seventeen fits in one straight row." Thanks for the…
Wow! Five boxes of masks? She must have been buying her way to something, perhaps Queen’s court or Unit sales.