An email from a new reader: Today I spent my lunch hour at the local mall where a young woman approached me on my way out to tell me that “I look just like the type of girl Mary Kay Read more…
Each quarter, Mary Kay Cosmetics sends out a “Preferred Customer” mailing. It goes to 6 million women. There are 700,000 U.S. consultants. That means that on average, each consultant has 8.5 customers on their preferred customer list. And for most Read more…
Step right up, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have something dazzling for you to see. Something downright amazing. Women. Hundreds of thousands of them. Selling gobs and gobs of Mary Kay Cosmetics to actual customers who can’t seem to get Read more…
Thing being a Cadillac sales director in Mary Kay is prestigious? Think they’re the ones making the big bucks and they’ve “really taught their girls to sell?” Think again. These are retail orders placed by consultants from July 1 through Read more…
Written by SuzyQ It seems that we have more than a few new readers on Pink Truth in the last couple of days. We are crediting the director suit picture in the email that “should not have been forwarded” for Read more…
Written by Robin Peters In my comments and forum postings on Pink Truth, I have observed that I consider it desirable for a cosmetics company to "tweak" its line of color cosmetics every season to reflect the changes in garment Read more…
Dear Mary Kay Sales Director Who Doesn’t Want Pink Truth to Get More Traffic Than It Already Does
Written by Raisinberry This is Raisinberry’s response to a Mary Kay sales director who wrote to her fellow directors, urging them not to read the “negative” websites. Thanks for your prayers. And thanks for at least trying to help your Read more…
More Mary Kay slogans… How many times will units hear about how things are “great in 2008” in Mary Kay? And how many times will consultants think they’re the only ones failing to get bookings and failing to sell products? Read more…
Multi-level marketing companies always hang their hats on the “unlimited earnings” gimmick. They make you feel bad about your current job and earnings, and tell you how you are limited only by how hard you’re willing to work in an Read more…
This document instructs new Mary Kay consultants on how they can “start their business” with “just” a $600 wholesale order. Isn’t that nice? They’re being so helpful, right? Well the truth is that they’re helping themselves. The key in Mary Read more…
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…