Emails Like This Warm My Heart!
Pink Truth is definitely accomplishing its goal each day!
I was excited last night after meeting with a friend of mine who was convincing me to become a Mary Kay consultant. She needed just one more person to meet her May goal of how many people were in her unit. She assured me that if I didn’t want to sell a lot of product that I could just buy product for myself and for gifts for others. I really felt like it would give me an opportunity to make a small amount of extra money while also getting my makeup for half price.
Now that I read your website I have decided not to sign up as a consultant. I only wanted to do it because it seemed like Mary Kay was very reputable and cared about women. Now I feel as if I was lied to. Thanks for helping me see the light.
Sure Jan.
"Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t allowed under the contract, is it?" Wait, you…
True, but I'd never book with her again!
PTC, I call BS. I can see how a hair stylist might be able to sell enough product to satisfy…
Obviously you all must not have invested properly in your business. ?? Well, some-one bought into the "can't sell from…