Still Looking for Someone Selling All That Mary Kay Stuff
You’ve heard how fabulous Mary Kay Cosmetics is because they have a wonderful product loved by many. You’ve been led to believe that tons and tons of Mary Kay products are being retailed to adoring customers around the world. But the numbers don’t lie. Not much is actually being sold.
I must not be focusing on the right units and areas when looking to see who’s selling a lot of Mary Kay , right? I know I’ll run across them eventually! I mean, all those consultants that I’ve already looked at… they just must not want to work. I’m sure if they really tried, they could sell lots and lots of Mary Kay. This business works! (LOL)
Here’s another longtime “top” woman in Mary Kay. She’s been around for a while. She should certainly have a good handle on selling the product. I bet she teaches her consultants to sell!
Guess again. We don’t know for sure how many consultants she has in her unit, but she’s going for $500k unit club and she says they’re a Cadillac unit, which means they probably have at least 100 consultant
And of those 100+, exactly one has purchased enough products from Mary Kay to profit more than $500 per month. But she probably didn’t sell everything she bought, and so on, and so forth….
Here’s another rising star in Mary Kay. I am sure she wants everyone to do MK the right way, and so she teaches them how to sell the product. Alas, only six of the 65 consultants in this director’s unit who ordered products, ordered enough to profit more than $500 per month. 9%+ have ordered enough to make more than $500 a month, if they sell it all.
Better? Yes. Still pathetic? Definitely.
All these consultants. All these units. All these orders. Surely some are making a living selling Mary Kay products?
Maybe we haven’t looked at the right units. How about one of the top women of all time in Mary Kay. What about her unit? I mean, she’s one incredible woman! Her unit even did $2 million retail orders once! So I’m sure she’s teaching her consultants to sell!
Well sadly, no. You see below that November’s numbers show only 12 consultants ordering enough for a $500 profit a month or more. In November, 173 consultants placed orders for the unit. There are likely more than 200 consultants in the unit, so based upon 200 total consultants, those 12 represent 6%.
That’s right. 6% (or maybe less) of a top Mary Kay nsd’s unit order enough to get at least $500 of profit if they sell it all.
Are we convinced yet that almost no one is selling this product????
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!