Surprise! Mary Kay NSDs now must EARN the right to go on the NSD trip!
How’s this for a big kick in the pants for the Mary Kay national sales directors? One of the “perks” of being an NSD was the privilege of going on the annual NSD trip. The Advance Brochure says: “Annual luxury trip for self and spouse.”
Cross that perk off the list! National sales directors will only be going on future trips if they meet the qualifications, starting with the 2008-2009 seminar year. Sounds to me like the NSDs might not be “producing” enough for Mary Kay?
And it seems as if some of the NSDs are none too happy by the sound of this part of a letter from Darrell Overcash to them:
One of the hottest topics of discussion on the Trip was the recently announced NSD Trip requirements. Let me apologize now for any pain I caused for not doing a better job of softening the news in the letter I sent prior to the trip. I understand that I left some of you with the feeling that you were not valued by me or the Company, and I hope you know me well enough to know that was not my intent at all. Each of you are phenomenal women who lead amazing Areas. I am very proud of each of you and thankful for your contributions to our success in furthering Mary Kay’s dream of enriching women’s lives. You are women who make things happen. And just as I believe we need to make these changes, I also know that each of you will rise to the occasion.
I should also take this opportunity to clarify references to the Inner Circle in my original letter. My message was simply that they were a source that corporate staff used to get input on what the requirements should be prior to publishing our plan. I did not mean to imply that our Inner Circle decided what the requirements would be or approved the requirements.
Of course, the new qualifications are really in the best interest of the NSDs and their areas, according to this statement by Darrell:
Our goal was to offer a “menu” of qualifications that focus on leadership development and growth. The qualifications should be varied and apply to every aspect of our business. Finally they should be achievable by all NSDs, brand new developing Areas, as well as large mature Areas. Our hope is that each National Sales Director will qualify to attend the Trip, and I may be biased in my opinion, but with the many ways to qualify, there is no doubt in my mind that each of you can do so!
The achievement of any one of the following qualifies the Mary Kay NSD for the trip:
- Inner Circle
- Diamond Circle
- NSDs who have debuted during the Seminar year will be eligible to attend the first two trips subsequent to their debut date. This has been changed in fairness to all newly debuted NSDs regardless of debut date within the Seminar year.
- Senior NSDs who debut one or more Offspring NSD(s) during the Seminar year
- NSDs that have at least 20 Sales Directors in their combined first and second unaffiliated lines. (NSD Personal Unit included)
Each of these first five options include any international business you may have. These remaining three options are based on your U.S. business only.
- NSDs who develop a net increase of one Sales Director in their three unaffiliated commissionable lines by the end of the Seminar year. (Note: A Sales Director that debuts out of a third line unit will be included in the count.)
- NSDs who achieve a 13% increase in their unaffiliated Area unadjusted retail production (NSD Personal Unit included) in their first three commissionable lines. This goal will be supplied to you in late July each year.
- NSDs who achieve a 13% increase in new qualified team members ($600 order placed in A+1) in their three unaffiliated commissionable lines. This goal will be supplied to you in late July each year. (NSD Personal Unit included)
NSD Emeriti Eligibility
- If you debut as an Emeritus on January 1, 2009, these changes will not affect you. You will still be awarded four trips.
- If you debut as an Emeritus on January 1, 2010, you will also be guaranteed four trips.
- If you debut as an Emeritus on January 1, 2011, you will automatically qualify for the May, 2011 Trip. You will be awarded an additional Trip for the 2007/2008 Seminar year since the requirements were not in effect at that time. You will also be eligible to qualify for two additional trips based on your Area performance for the 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 Seminar year, for a total of four trips.
- Beginning with Emeritus debuts on January 1, 2012 and ongoing, each Emeritus will automatically qualify for the first trip following her debut date. She will be eligible for up to three additional trips based on the number she qualified for in her final three complete Seminar years. In other words, she could be eligible for a total of four trips.
- As before, these trips must be taken in the first five years following her Emeritus debut.
As before, cash compensation in lieu of attending the NSD Trip as well as an option to “bank” a Trip will not be offered as part of the program.
Yeah, sounds like things are going just great at Mary Kay Cosmetics if it’s too much of an expense to provide a trip for all of the NSDs.
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