Kaybots Offer Pink Truth a Big Thank You!
Written by Raisinberry
Never thought you would ever see that headline, did you? Well don’t get too excited. It’s a prophecy of sorts. It will come about as soon as the pro-Mary Kay lurkers reading here on Pink Truth realize that the new TV commercial coming mid June was motivated by us. It actually has a tag line to call your independent beauty consultant!
Nearly two years ago we talked on this site about how poorly the “Fall in Love” campaign fared, and recently have continued the campaign to get corporate to support the consultants with PRODUCT SALES and Consultant prestige ad support. We wanted to see if Mary Kay would ever come under conviction and see the disastrous results of a recruiting-only marketing plan.
It is in Mary Kay’s best interests to have selling consultants, but that profit margin takes much longer to realize. Frontloading is so much more lucrative.
Without a directed television ad campaign that targets the image of consultants and raises it to a prestige level, along with romancing home party benefits (that don’t make hostesses feel like they get a ton of free off the backs of their guests), Mary Kay demonstrated that they couldn’t care poo about the failure rates of the vast MAJORITY of bright, hard working and trainable independent beauty consultants.
But before you get all excited thinking we may have had an impact, let me reiterate what I have always said, from being an astute observer of all things Mary Kay. The TV Commercial is tied to wholesale once again, in a much more crafty way. These guys are good. You must know this if we are ever to get you to see inside the pink bubble.
The TV commercial romances the compact and new fashioned product that goes inside. You can finish your quarterly star with the new product! The TV Ad will make the rounds of ladies talk shows. I can PROMISE you there will be a flurry of PRIZES and Contests to get all the vast sea of consultants ordering up at STAR LEVEL for that torrent of customers coming minutes after the commercial airs.
You will be told there will be no better reason than NOW to be a “star.” Can I tell you that we have been there, done that, got the T-shirt?
Can I give you a pink clarity moment? How much glamour did you sell in the last 6 months? Good. That’s about how much you will need to order now. Do you honestly think all the ladies with the platinum compacts are going to throw theirs out when they see the commercial? So all those doubles and triples of eye shadows you buy will SIT on your shelves for possibly decades, or at least until the next product upgrade.
But you were so excited because the commercial promoted the trendy compact! Oh yes, it is trendy. But as long as Mary Kay can appear to be promoting you as a consultant while also forcing you to buy new product to be ready for the ground swell, you are falling for the most popular trend of all. Get the money!
Speaking of trendy, I would like to make an observation. The music that backs the new commercial is a rip off of DJ Tiesto’s Remix of Justin Timberlake’s Lovestoned . This is trance music very popular in clubs.
My problem is… I have a sneaking suspicion that neither Mary Kay nor its Advertising agency paid DJ Tiesto for the “sample”. That’s just me and my skepticism. They tweaked it just enough at the end to change a note or two, but it is unmistakable. Its only 15 seconds… what’s the harm?
Guess what gang. If “I” caught it, you can bet Tiesto will. And if not Tiesto, Justin Timberlake’s people will. After all the lawsuits Mary Kay has had in the last few years, no doubt they have paid for the sample and all is well. I guess the only way we will know is if the commercial airs on schedule. If it doesn’t, suddenly… then oops!
I guess that would mean that D J Tiesto reads Pink Truth too!
Indeed Wow, PinkPeace! For being so honest and humble, for owning up to one’s own “sins” and for sharing it…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
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