In Case You Missed Mary Kay’s Movie Theater Brainwashing
In case you missed Mary Kay’s “Satellite Education Event” hosted at movie theaters around the country last weekend, here are the notes… If you’re new here and wondering what that event was all about, our author Raisinberry does an excellent job of explaining how this brainwashing event fits into the big picture of the Pink Cult.
The event started with wonderful old movie clips of women over the years being successful from Gone with the Wind to Erin Brokovich…Then a wonderful speech from Mary Kay which always inspires everyone. I could listen to Mary Kay speak all day long.
Yvette Franco spoke about the latest trends in fashion and makeup – Global Beauty. She said that this Spring the trends are all about nature – artistic colors, draped layers, pleats, ruffles, linen, cotton. Paisley prints and batiks (a dying process), fuller skirts, flowing, chiffon, longer tops in ethnic styles, tunics.
Colors of nature, ocean colors, rich blues, tropical greens, enhanced browns, colors of sand, sea and sky. Calming neutrals, rich earthly shades. The beach and nature-inspired trends.
Glamour makeup is healthy looking, dewy, pink and berry cheeks, eyes – blues & greens. Lips are Pink and Corals.
For product displays use seashells, flowers, pastels.
Mary Kay is thriving with the POWER of “Word-of-Mouth Marketing”
NSD Pam Shaw – Beyond Trust – Maintaining Your Competitive Edge
Pam told us that today Women control 85% of household purchases and purchase 50% of the same brands over and over. Passion Brand = trust, that meet needs, plus desire, what people want. Women are passionate about the brands they love. Be confident – it creates desire – I A S M = “I am sold myself” on this brand so I will tell everyone.
Make BOLD, assertive statements about our product – tell everyone about our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Learn the features and benefits of our products. Pick out a few big names from our product ingredients and throw those out at your classes it will sounds impressive.
Is everyone taking advantage of the Pacesetters online? Invest in your learning!
Be New Be Fresh with your sales and your displays. Learn about what is new. Put a new twist on something about which you are already confident. Follow the company’s leads……… younger women are calling skin care classes, “skin analysis appointments – for you and your girlfriends”.
Make changes to the way you apply your own makeup to show versatility. Do the Virtual Makeover and/or use the Look book for looks.
Promote our unique customer service – how many companies have a personal customer delivery service?
Invite people don’t demand – or Attract not attack. Show them how to make the most of their eyes, lips etc and ask how they feel about the way they look.
Sell people on Mary Kay the company, tell them about our MKACF & what MK does for its charities. Pink doing GREEN, we are becoming more and more GREEN caring for our products and the environment.
Our customer service is special. Enjoy what you are doing. Be entertaining. People like to have fun and laugh. If you are fun they will want to be around you.
Make your skin care classes fun. Share stories that are funny and human. Relax, have fun with them and show them a good time. People like to be around people who make them happy and less stressed.
NSD Rebecca Evans – Developing a Consistent Star Consultant Business
She missed star one time because she didn’t track it. Remember to track your results……….Use a weekly plan sheet ……..check out the contests on In Touch how many are you missing out on? Important, a number that gets tracked grows. This is true – try it!
Consistent Activity creates profit.
1. When you get the prize brochure, set your quarterly goal
2. Have a weekly sales goal (hers is always $600 retail)
– Keep that goal in front of you and subtract from it
– Do something every day toward your goalNew Consultant Benchmarks:
1. Power Start
2. 50 Skin Care Customers
3. then 75, then 100, etc. keep buildingNever leave an appointment without a future booking. Put together Hostess packets and book more classes from classes. Promise good Hostess credit if they book a class that day. At least book tentatively “so hostess gets credit”.
Create Momentum. Use samples to meet people………….hand with a business card. Ask them to try it and if you can call them back in a few days for their opinion. GET THEIR NUMBER AND CALL BACK THE NEXT DAY. Write on the back of the card with her info where you met her and something to remind you of her. You will have so many you will forget. Hand out business cards to guests to share with friends – tell them you will give them a gift if people call you from her referrals and bring the business card back to you.
Cash in on our personalized service, will Este or Clarins deliver to you from Macy’s? Keep your customers up to date. Contact them every 2 months by phone, email, ecards. Develop relationships!
-Have a clear goal – Remember Stars earn Cars……….Being a Star Consultant is the best goal any consultant can have. If you work towards your Star consultant every month YOU WILL CLIMB THE LADDER in Mary Kay. When she started Mary Kay she made it her goal to be a sapphire star every quarter.
-Break your goal down into monthly, weekly, daily goals………….sell $300 a week = $45 a day or 2 classes a week you will be a Star every quarter, ordering $600 wholesale every month and earning all the FREE bonuses from MK for extra cash.
-Have adequate inventory on hand.WOO Factor = Winning Others Over
This quarter is important to be a star it will entitle you to get priority seating at seminar in the Arena.
There are several consultants doing this – they are having $1000 weeks and $4000 months Doing a Power Start (30 faces in 30 days or 6 classes a month = 2-3 a week) will set you up for the rest of the year earning good money from your Mary Kay business? One of her consultants did a power start – she sold $4,800, in one month booked 17 classes from the classes and from those booked 28 for the next month. It just umbrella’s out and grows.
Give others a smile when you’re out and about. Promote our company.
NSDs Rebecca Evans and Pam Shaw – Marketing the Opportunity during a Tough Economy
Recruit – Give everyone the information and let her make the decision. This is important income for you, also a FREE Red Jacket and eventually a car or the cash!
The 5 main objections women have never change:
1. Not enough time
2. Not the sales type
3. Family excuses such as my husband would not like me to do this
4. I do not know anyone.
5. No money.Use the Feel, felt, found approach. I know how you FEEL, I FELT exactly the same way but, I FOUND that…………..
Not enough time Feel…Felt …found that if I used a weekly plan sheet I had extra time.
I love working with busy women. Ask about her schedule. If I can show you how you can do this working your normal life would you give it a try? Talk about “on the Go appointments”……does she go to events with children and other women are there? Where does she work, what are her hobbies etc. say I will help you find a way. Does that answer your questions? What else would prevent you other than time? Then you may get her real reason- fear!Not the sales type Feel…Felt …found that Mary Kay products sell themselves. What are the traits of the sales type that you wouldn’t want to have? We are not pushy sales people, do I seem pushy? We are about enriching women’s lives and helping women become the beautiful creatures God intended them to be. Is it just FEAR that is preventing you from trying this? I know the economy is tricky and women are not buying BIG items but they are spending on their needs. What do you think a sales type is? You just have to be you and show up for our training I will show you the steps. Other than FEAR what is preventing you?
My Husband ! Feel…Felt …found that once my husband knew how passionate I was about helping other women and earning some money in my spare time to help our household budget he was excited and then he helped me with my business. He loved counting my money and depositing it in the bank.
Do Not know anyone Feel…Felt …found that everyone knows at least 5 people and I asked a couple of friends to bring 2-3 friends over for coffee and help me with my goal. Besides I will help you and you will get so many ideas and tips from your new friends that you will meet at our meetings.
No money Feel…Felt …found that this is why I needed Mary Kay so that I would have some money…you need this business. If I can show you a way how to do this and earn money would you work with me? I can give you some LOOK BOOKS and some sales tickets. You can get some orders from your friends and family and get the money up front. You can then order your Starter Kit and you then will be able to order their product at 50% discount and make some money.
FOR INVENTORY – NO MONEY – Your Sales Director will discuss inventory with your new team members.
Idea – 24 x 24 x24: Make a list of 24 people you know and sell $24 or more to each in 24 hours . You can use email, text, phone, just sell small items, Mascara, Lipstick etc. Every woman needs a new lipstick or mascara or hand cream. Tell them you need help you to start your own business and you will reward them later. This will give you almost $600 for inventory and all the FREE stuff you can get from Mary Kay as a new consultant.
There are lots of reasons why women are starting a business now. To put food on the table, pay for the rent. Replace husband’s income because he lost his job etc or they have lost their jobs and the budget has a large void.
Remember people say YES because they are asked. So why not ask everyone you know, someone just might say YES!
Pam encouraged everyone to become a STAR consultant this quarter. It is the quarter to get priority seating at Seminar…… She encouraged us all to Make sure we earn the Sparkle & Shine contest……we have 2 weeks to do this. So get meeting the women and asking them to join you.
Set a goal to increase your customer base and be on the Career Conference stage.
Remember Book 8 to hold 5.MARY KAY’S COMPANY GOAL
5 x 50 = 5 billion by the 50th Anniversary.
You should also know…. The company apparently said at this even that “recruiting is up.” That’s not true. The number of Mary Kay consultants in the United States is actually down by 14%. But you know how it goes in Mary Kay… lies are fine as long as they have a purpose.
ales directors? I didn't know they had a liquor license. (Yes, I'm kidding).
Anti MLMer Julie Anderson
Another telltale sign of a recruiting MLM is the identity of the target customer. What percentage of product purchased by…
I don't think these lazy MLMers would go to such lengths. They will simply move on to easier prey.
I agree with you Char. This is intended to shed light on the folly of depending on recruiting. Yes, there…