A Brainwashed Mary Kay Husband
One Mary Kay sales director has her husband help her sell the Mary Kay “opportunity.” He writes these letters to the consultants in her unit. A letter for husbands of Mary Kay consultants:
I have to admit at first I was skeptical of my wife getting involved in a Direct Marketing business. As a Christian, I believe we should be good stewards; therefore it was my duty to look into this. I checked it out thoroughly and to my surprise everything checked out. For every $100 of retail products our wives sell, they only pay $50 for it, so immediately $50 of the profit is ours to keep.
What does Mary Kay do with their $50? They put a lot of it back into the pockets of the Consultants and Directors (your wife and mine). Of that $50, Mary Kay pays for manufacturing the product, warehousing, offices , shipping, salaried employees, etc. Plus, they pay lease payments on Mary Kay Cars, Commissions that start at 4%, 9%, 13% and go up to 26%, and Monthly Bonuses $50, $100, $500 and on up to $5000! Since commissions come from the company, it is not a pyramid.
The Company doesn’t pay 1 million a minute to advertise on TV and they have a very low overhead (no big stores to run). In other words, no one above you makes a dime of your sales, as is most often the case in other sales businesses, instead Mary Kay Inc. gives of their 50%. Why do they do this? Simple, they are paying us for advertising! Instead of the major networks getting the money for advertising, they have consultants and directors out there driving around in mobile ads…Red Grand AMs, Pontiac Vibes, Grand Prixs, and the Pink Cadillacs! This tends to get US Husbands on fire for Mary Kay Inc, as we see what it can do for our families!
I have to admit, it’s a guy thing, that you don’t want your wife to out-earn you. We feel like we might loose control or something. That’s normal. I went through that too, but I would be crazy not to let Diane make all she can. We look at it like it’s a family business. I actually help her by delivering product, helping with the newsletter, I go to meetings sometimes so we have more family time, and I get contacts for her. When you look at it as a Family Business and you get involved too, everything is still in its proper order. So OK, Diane can out-earn me, more power to her. I still control the major finances in our home and she has no problem with that. We just have a lot more money to control, is that a problem? Could be worse!
Looking at it from the Family Business perspective; say you opened a Doughnut Shop. Could you only show up two days a week, for 1 or 2 hours at that and expect your business to prosper? Of course not. Plus, could you have just a few doughnuts on the shelf and tell someone you’ll order one for them and have it next week? Of course not, again!
I guarantee you, if you stock your shelves and run your business 5 days a week, it will prosper. That’s what happened to us! The first two years Diane was in Mary Kay, she only fiddled around part time. Hey part time was great, she averaged $200 per week profit in only a few hours, …3 classes a week… and who can’t use the extra money?
But when she quit her job (Just Over Broke) and went full time into Mary Kay, it really took off. It has been a real blessing. You just don’t know until you try it. I don’t think God wants us to be rich, which is not our goal. He does however; want us to be out of debt (Prov. 22:7). That way, we can serve Him more and not have to be always struggling financially, which takes up most of our time and effort. By the way, this is the best part of this career, having the time to do what we want.
Just pray about it. God used Mary Kay to free us financially. He can do the same for your family.
In His Service, [Mary Kay Husband]
I love Husband’s statement that it’s not a pyramid because the company pays the commission. Is he serious? If he was so knowledgable about the Mary Kay business, he wouldn’t make such a silly statement! A pyramid scheme is not determined based upon who pays out the commission.
He also shows his lack of information when he mentions the fact that the company doesn’t advertise. Has he seen Glamour Magazine? Has he seen Oprah? That’s called advertising, and that costs money.
I love how he says Mary Kay “gives of their 50%”. Ummm… that’s called taking in money from the consultants and directors in the form of wholesale orders, and spending that money to run the business. How on earth does that make the company fabulous?
Husband also says that he sometimes goes to Wife’s meetings so they can have “family time”. How does a rah-rah meeting for Mary Kay turn into family time? This guy is nuts! He is brainwashed!!!
And if you needed any further proof that life as a Mary Kay consultant is ALL MARY KAY, ALL THE TIME… Here is something that Husband wrote in July 2006. Notice that basically, Wife’s entire vacation was spent “doing Mary Kay”. How sad for them that they think just being on vacation together would be a waste of time.
It’s Summer of 2006. It sure is good to be home this year. We’ve already been to a family reunion the last week of June and will have seen 4 fireworks displays by the time the 4th of July weekend is over… all this while Diane worked the business.
One thing she has always done is take the business along on our vacations. I will admit at first, I didn’t think I was going to like it. I thought a vacation was supposed to be a time away from work, but as I saw Mary Kay literally pay for vacation after vacation, we could afford to take more of them and longer ones. How could I complain?
Plus she didn’t work the whole time. She would plan parties ahead or pampering sessions at a local Restaurant or the Hotel we were staying in. She offsets the appointments, example: she’d book an appointment in the afternoon keeping the morning and evening to be on vacation. Then the next day she may have booked a party at night (from the pampering session the day before) so we’d have all day again. Make time to play too! You just get used to figuring out how to work and play at the same time.
Now we couldn’t just relax a week without doing some business, it would be such a waste of time, and really we wouldn’t enjoy it. What I’m saying here is, because of mixing work with play, we do alot more of both! Something we found out was that one actually helps the other.
Ask yourself, how many times have I not gone somewhere or done something because it costs too much or you didn’t want spend that much. Now what if you were going to make money while there? Would that change anything? You know the answer. I will never forget the first time we took a small vacation in Gatlinburg and came back with more money than we left with, Diane had a party there that was over 800.00 in sales! Not to mention the contacts she made there and the future business that has come over the years. That is the power of this business.
This is just the beginning too. If worked like a business, it has so much more to offer, just give it the time you do now to that J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) and see the results.
As you are working your business, remember to remove the words “Buy & Sell”” from your vocabulary and you will sell alot more products. I know it seems crazy, but people have a pavlovian response to those words, So, don’t use them! Use “TRY” the product instead. Ask them to, give me your hands and then just put satin hands on them. They will do the rest. It’s the same with parties, etc. Ask contacts to get people together to SHOW them the new products or to do Color Analysis or to let them TRY products for free to see if they like them. If they do (& they usually do) they will ask if you have it in stock (got to have inventory!) & how much is it?
Employee Pampering Sessions are so good because that’s what they are doing, letting their staff try stuff! They like to try for free! Diane gets most of her contacts from pampering sessions. They become a customer, host parties and keeps going on from there… if you work it!
Thank you for another Mary Kay Year, July 2005-June 2006!
In His Service, [Mary Kay Husband]
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