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Oh, and Barb? Directorship is NOT where the money is. If anything, you'll lose even more money because the production…
I always lusted after their hangers. My hangers are a total hodgepodge and it would be so nice to have…
“Would you do me the honor of sampling MK & giving me your honest comparison…no purchase necessary…I just want your…
"I had people always asking me if they could buy the disposable wash clothes we used at makeovers." LOL. That…
Barb & Sharalyn need to cruise over to PT and hang out with us!! The sun is beginning to shine…
Mary Kay next to a photo of late husband dracula.
Fits right in.
Since it doesn't sell itself, I bet the book will be marked down 20-80% before ultimately showing up in mass quantities on Craigslist and eBay, just like every other product with the name "Mary Kay" on it. 😀
3 things that can drain the life out of you!
Or atleast the vampire can be scared off with garlic and a little holy water!
CULT Fiction!
Oh this is too much fun!
Lol tell me this is in the "mythology" and "mystical creatures" section, right?!?…
Birds of a feather…..
Timewise skin care: Before and after.
Oh look, the caption is already pre-printed on the shelf above: Magical Arts, Occult, and Supernatural
Magical Arts: "Spells, Curses and Folk Magic"
Supernatural: "Encyclopedia of Vampires"
Occult (definition – any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies; beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated; hidden from view):
"The Mary Kay Way" You just have to BEE-LIEVE, right???
I'm soooo glad you all are having fun with this picture I took a couple years back- it makes me giggle 😀
Yup… found it while going through thousands of old emails and I thought it was too good to keep to myself!
“I decided that as long as I was going to Hell, I might as well do it thoroughly!”
My caption.