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This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!
“It itches.”
“All I need is just a little more white and I’ll look just like a zebra!”
“I think putting it on caused it to deform”
Garish! Just grab the purse on the shelf and good to go……….but ‘where to’ in this monstrosity? Does not fit any social occasion on the planet. Is it fuzzy? Is it metal? Who wears this stuff? Oh yeah NSD’s.
Damn! Knew I shouldn’t have washed it with the towels! But I will smile anyway and lie right through my teeth.
Introducing our slamming, multitasking line of Mother of the Bride Funeral Wear!
Sparkly, just like Edward Cullen in sunlight!
Or else she’s got really bad dandruff.
“Roadkill”…it’s all the rage
Yay for burlap!
lol! oh my! lol!
“And here, I thought Scarlett O’Hara was onto something with making those curtains into a dress. Too bad all I had were these old Halloween decorations.”
How appropriate… a suit made from the same material as shark suits! Now I am safe from all those evil comments!
LOL This is the fugliest NSD suit ever.
lol lol lol!
Are we allowed to use the F word here? Otherwise cannot come up with a nicer comment. LOL
That think is HIDEOUS! How much does that thing run them??
“It was more of a spontaneous thing than anything – a friendly bet, a girlish wager. Here we were on the NSD trip to Detroit and we’re in the cab driving past, like, the thousandth abandoned building we’ve seen that day. NSD Toupin looks out the window and sees this Hispanic guy selling blankets out of the back of his van. I mean, he had these things draped all over the fire hydrants and light poles and everything. Elvis blankets, Justin Bieber blankets, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the whole ball of wax.
So Toupin elbows me in the gut and goes, “Truth or dare.” Being the adventurous type, I’m like, “Dare!” She goes, “Dare you to buy three of those blankets and make a suit out of them. And you have to use the Star Wars ones.”
I bought the freaking blankets for $5 apiece, got my underpaid maid to sew it up after the trip, and this was the result. Toupin can go suck it long and hard because I FOUND A WAY MADE A WAY, BABY – BOOYAH!”
Ha, well when the “truth” question was “show us your Schedule C.. you know, just among us NSD’s” she just HAD to take the dare, I bet!! 😉
funny caption Scrib…
p.s. I like the slammin’ haircut and pose… NSD must stand for “No S***, Dawg!”
Best acronym for NSD EVER!!!!!!!!!!
I just spit Pepsi all over my laptop screen… AGAIN!
And when the Chicken and Careers Meeting is over it’s a great wire scrubber for the barbecue grill!
This suit also doubles as microdermabrasion!
BUTT UGLY. I remember this style – had a suit like this 5 YEARS AGO…
It looks like it would be really heavy and really scratchy. ICK.. just ICK
Twinkle, twinkle, I’m a star – in my suit; now where’s my car?
Up above the ‘bots so high, so much debt that I could cry. . .
you guys are FUNNYY!! and people say I am funny, I laughed out loud at this comment :up above the bots so high, so much debt I could cry
Going out on a limb here, but I think it’s beautiful.
“Well, we were re-upholstering the chairs in the conference room at my J.O.B., and we had some fabric left over, so, well, yanno….”
Cheap imitation St. Johns… but still probably cost as much as the real deal!
Recycling grandma’s afghans.
“Blanche didn’t realise that wearing poodle fur would make her PETA’s next victim”
“It only makes me look about 20 lbs. heavier”
It was halfway to horrible, and then she added those tights . . .
This is my suit to tell you “bad news”
Oh, Dear God in Heaven!!!
All I ever saw (until just now) was a 1″x1″ swatch of material.
THAT is what I was aiming to wear (and God help me) PAY for?
“The goal hasn’t changed, just the due date.” Oh, NO, honey..The goal HAS changed…The goal is CANCELLED!!!
Now, where did my son’s glitter pen go?
‘The Mary Kay Mobile Moth Farm comes with 1/2 ounce Starter Larvae ($16), .22 oz pre-fertilised seeds ($7.95), .38 oz Neck Rash Goop ($27.50) and a Pink Swatter ($47.00). Matching no-breathe hose come in 2 colours: Used Toner or Industrial Sludge ($6.47).’
Don’t laugh. I spent big bucks to get this stupid suit
oh dearest kim how itchy that horrible looking pot scrubber must be to wear. you should have one of your directors fetch you a new almighty leader suit immediatly. seriously this one is a real shark got my wife.
You all are killing me with your comments.lol lol lol lol lol lol lol.