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This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!
omg she doesn’t look happy lol
“Crap, now how am I gonna convince them I need 1200 wholesale??”
My first thought but you expressed it well! Good one onceapinkhead! lol
And a link to the video for $1,200 wholesale: http://www.pinktruth.com/2011/07/gloria-mayfield-banks-needs-1200-wholesale/
“I soooooo tired.”
A satire on her video.
Not a caption, but just a comment – only $8MM in commissions???? In 24 years??? That only comes out to an average of $33,333/year. Holy smokes – I make TWICE what Madam Banks makes and I only have to work 40 hours a week!! Woot woot!!
It seems that you’ve either divided 800,000 by 24 or 8,000,000 by 240. 8,000,000 divided by 24 is 333,333.
You made your mistake to Mary Kay’s disadvantage, but I think that the fact that you could make such a mistake by a factor of ten – and you are very far from being alone – is a perfect illustration of the sort of muddled understanding of numbers that makes so many people easy for Mary Kay to take advantage of. I virtually always spot such errors straight away, but many. many people don’t, including many intelligent and educated people. I see mistakes of this kind in the “quality” press over and over again. Once we get into the billions, we might was well be casting spells so far as most people are concerned. Mary Kay knows that too – the fact that its wholesale revenue is only $2.5 billion while it has two million or whatever agents should completely destroy its credibility as an income opportunity, but it is rarely remarked on.
Great point! I like the way you think.
Yes, I did make a mistake – the correct number should have been $333,333. My bad. As a side note: My error had nothing to do with having a “muddled understanding of numbers…” as your comment below states. I just looked at the little tiny calculator on my computer wrong since it doesn’t put in commas. I’ll try not to worry my pretty little head too much about it though. Yes, I do take your comment as rather condescending. Thanks.
Yeah I thought his comment was a little on the rude side, it was simple mistake. Not because you can’t do math just that you looked at the answer wrong. Some people
I don’t think he meant his comment to be rude. I think it’s just that sometimes written words don’t convey the intent behind them. 🙂
Not a comment, but she’ll be smiling and clapping at the next meeting and telling new recruits “You can do it!”
Ugh, I use to love her and she was my fave National. So glad I’ve been out of MK since 2008. 🙂
“I’m screwed. These stage lights are freaking hot and my popcorn necklace is already starting to fire off. On the positive side, at least I’ll have something to nosh on for the remaining 5 hours of Awards Night.”
Scrib, You crack me up! I should’ve known it was you as soon as I started laughing! Great to read your comments again! lol
She gave me a plaque. I gave Mary Kay my heart, she gave me a…plaque.
MC, I love you so. freaking. much. 🙂
(“So, like, if you all know so much about enriching women’s lives, why are you all hanging out at the Gas-N-Sip on a Saturday night?”)
Mary Kay Lies…when she cries.
That’ll never be me, that’ll never be me. That’ll never be, never be me. NO… NO, NEVER, NEVER, EVER. And don’t you EVER THINK IT.
(sorry, guys. I nerded out)
Dude, she has written 300 songs about Mary Kay. And she’s going to sing them ALL tonight.
(nerding out right there with you)
It says 333K/yr GROSS? I wonder what her NET was? Also, I wonder how much of that was making genuine ongoing sales to faces vs front-loading to new recruits?
That’s all for 24 years? Kind of sad considering her expenses. I remember several years ago seeing Janis Moon’s 2 million dollar plaque for like 30 year. Pathetic.
If I’m not mistaking, that’s Kathy Helou standing next to Ms (ah, Dr…) Banks… If so, the competition between those two has been monumental over the years. My Captions:
Ms. Banks: Oh, crap, Kathy finally made more than I did in commissions. How am I ever going to live this down?
Helou: See, look what manipulating and twisting scriptures has done for me! I finally beat Gloria. Don’t you wish you were me?
I’ve got a similar thought process…
“Bitch made more than me… Damn… Gotta push harder. Find me some fresh recruits. I need 1,200 of them!”
“I’m pissed. My smile is a grimace and I don’t care.”
I didn’t know it was possible to trash up that NSD suit any worse than it already was.
you all crack me up lol
Holy s***, Martha Stewart sell MK?
True she has a ton of expenses. She’s able to offset with her training CDs, videos, guest events ($12 online $15 at the door) & retreats. She’s a master marketer/manipulator.
She is probably selling those necklaces on a table in the back of the room.
She has worn all the different colors she could possibly get on her neck.
When ya think about it. After taxes she earns about 20K a month.
Then take off her expenses. I would not know what that would be.
So she really is not making that much especially for the time and energy she puts in to her act.
For her life style.
I have heard, hearsay, her husband has a real business, earns a boat load.
I don’t really know.
Just saying.
I have heard, hearsay, her husband has a real business, earns a boat load. Look up Banks Construction, in Maryland.
Look at the size of the projects he’s bidding on.
That’s not hearsay, that’s public records.
So glad they don’t know my expenses! I will try to smile to fake them out just until I retire.
$8 Million My Ass. If I had $8 million, do you really think I’d be standing here next to this bitch, wearing this cheap suit with this crappy jewelry? oh HELLLLLLLLLL NOOOO!!
haaa lol!
“This suit is itchy.”
She’s thinking “Oh just SHUT UP already Kathy, OMG- you’re so annoying- hate her!”
She looks miserable while the woman next to her looks like she is gloating? I suspected a rivalry issue which seems to be correct according to the comments.