Written by The Scribbler It didn’t take long for the comments section of the Hungry for Answers: One Mary Kay Consultant’s Journey video to fire up shortly after having sent my explanatory e-mail to “Vince.” The excitement began when “Vince” Read more…
Written by The Scribbler Some time ago I’d created a YouTube video titled, Hungry For Answers: One Mary Kay Consultant’s Journey . Simple and crude in execution (hey, even Spielberg had to start somewhere, right?), it served and continues to Read more…
Written by Verity Rose It’s no wonder that Mary Kay recruiters in search of a downline will encourage potential recruits to watch Your Future is Now, in which NSD Lisa Madson tells her I-story to a room full of MK Read more…
Written by Tabitha Why are there so many women who quit Mary Kay when it is such a great opportunity, you can fit it into any schedule, and the product sells itself? Why do so many sales directors “step down” Read more…
….and IBCs, directors and NSDs are crazily selling at a huge discount, more than the usual.
They are. I know this for a fact. About 2 weeks ago, the Asia-Pacific team revealed new products in a…
my thoughts exactly!
Ok, so the while supplies last part is for the samples ::facepalm::. Ryan is still getting rich off the consultomers…
I just noticed the "while supplies last" part in the small print. I'm 100% convinced that they're fixing to unload…