Business BasicsRecruiting

Before You Sign Up For Mary Kay… Watch This!

If you are thinking about becoming a Mary Kay consultant, you need to watch this video. Chase Williams is a former Mary Kay sales director, so he understands exactly how the scam works. Chase spent 2 years of his life devoted to Mary Kay and committed to being successful. And in the end, he was left with a bunch of inventory he couldn’t sell!

In the below video he talks about all the sleazy things you will encounter in Mary Kay… how they will recruit you, the scripts you will hear, how they will talk you into purchasing a bunch of products…. and most importantly, why Mary Kay is not a business.



  1. Very believable testimony about the manipulation machine that is Mary Kay. The way a wide-eyed newcomer is devoured by the smiling cult members reminds me of dark, evil wrongdoers grooming their victims. Mary Kay — and MLMs in general — change a person’s view of the other human beings they come into contact with. It turns nice people into predators.

  2. I really hope that those who pass by this article that are currently in MK can find it in them to listen! I do want to apologize for the “ums” and moments of thinking (also for the profanity if there is any.. I do have a sailor’s mouth).

    • Chase, great videos!! I stumbled onto this website while looking for ideas for Christmas. Actually, I started thinking about quitting Mary Kay and after seeing your videos, that pretty much sealed the deal.
      I do have a question though, about product repurchase that I haven’t seen answered. I have the forms from MK. Upon viewing them, for an example, if I purchased, say, 3 lipsticks of the same color, do I have to send back the same exact color or can it be 3 lipsticks of the same kind?

      • Corporate will make sure they are the same kind as indicated on the form. Congratulations on your decision! You’ll be much happier on the other side.

        • I accidentally hit send before I was finished typing. Sorry! So, to clarify, I can send back 3 lipsticks but they don’t have to be the same color that I purchased originally within that year? Just the same type, i.e true dimensions, not color.
          Thanks! I already feel a weight has been lifted!!

          • If you look at the forms that corporate emailed you after requesting the buy back, you’ll see that it’s color-specific. I had like.. 20 lipsticks left over that I couldn’t send back to the company. Thank goodness for liquidators.

      • Bottom line: check your return form. Corporate is looking for any excuse to deny you a refund. You’re only allowed to return what you yourself purchased. If your form says three Plum Pimp lipsticks you’d better send them three Plum Pimps, not two Hotpink Hookers and a Sienna Streetwalker.

        The strictness in the return policy is one reason why Directors are now turning a blind eye to consultant trading. If you trade your inventory she won’t have to eat a chargeback on whatever you traded. You’ll be stuck with it.

        • Not to be confused with Strawberry Sweetcheeks, or Tangerine Tramp, or Rosie Redneck, or Wine Wonderlust, or Bubble Gum Gaudy, Purple Poledance, Mudslide Momma, Lavender Lush, Vampy Vendetta, Inked-Up Irsula, Parfait Priscilla, Metallic Maggie, Seafoam Frenzy, Orchid Orgey, Butternut Bambi.

          Sorry, Ladies, I couldn’t resist. Whose job is it to sit around and come up with the new names? I always coveted that job.

          • If I EVER start a cosmetics company (which is probably the last thing I’d do after I make high heels for dogs), I’m giving you a call to name everything. Mudslide Momma has to be my favorite.

  3. I am glad this is on youtube. A LOT of young people follow youtube and I know Mary Kay does target a lot of young, naive people. I wish I would have seen this a couple years ago before I got started! The only reason I found Pink Truth was because I wanted to know how to send my inventory back…some people don’t even get to that point. Keep speaking out, you’re doing a great service!

  4. Great videos, Chase! I’m sure this took a lot of courage and will be a huge service to many people. I got the sense that you still have some guilt, which is understandable, but just know that God or the Universe (or whatever your belief system is!) has forgiven you and so will the people who matter. šŸ™‚ You seem very confident, so I’m sure the haters will not affect you in the aftermath of your videos, but if they ever do…just remember that you are helping SOOO many through your Youtube channel. Best of luck in your bright, Pinkk-free future!!

  5. What he said about the ‘prizes’ were so spot-on! In my area, they have these 3 ‘hat boxes’: small, medium, large. They’re for if you’ve sold 300+, 500+, and 1000+, or if you’re the ‘queen of sales’ for that week, whether you’ve sold 300 bucks of stuff or not. This was done by the ‘money count’, where they have you stand up starting out having opened your store, 50, 75, 100, etc. My weeks were usually bad, so I never stood up. :/ But they also gave out prizes if you came for 13 weeks. When I FINALLY got to 13 weeks (actually it was 16-17, because there was a few weeks in which there weren’t many folks–consultants or otherwise there, but there has to be at least one director there to open up the studio. And even then, she’s holding a skin care class), I looked in the small hatbox, and all of the stuff looked like JUNK one would see in a dollar store! Total rip off!

    • Yup! My Senior used to purchase her prizes from the dollar store. How upsetting to know that you worked your butt off to not make any money, but hey, at least you earned a prize… from the dollar store. Totally makes up for it!

    • My Director was so clueless vs. lazy that she even FORGOT to give us the prizes she’d promoted and we’d earned! Once I debuted, I vowed to never do that to my Consultants, and I always asked them to gently remind me if I’d left their name off a list or whatever. In all my years of being a Director and even as a Senior Director with Offspring and hundreds of Consultants, I am not aware of a SINGLE time that I forgot someone’s prize. So proud of that–sorry! (And I used to spend good money for legit prizes!)

  6. Haters will always hate, but Chase I love reading the comments on your YouTube videos. You are helping so many people! Keep it up! šŸ™‚

  7. Someone tried signing me up & I came here . This is crazy someone I know is in the honeymoon phase . How can I tell her what happens .

  8. Are the youtube videos mirrored anywhere or hosted on any other websites? The links all appear to be broken šŸ™ I’m guessing MK’s legal team had something to do with this.

  9. I wanted to watch the video but it’s no longer available on YouTube. Is it anywhere else? I’d love to see it.

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