This article explains how you won’t get rich in multi-level marketing. The more accurate headline is that you won’t make any money. The survey found that most people were making less than 70 cents an hour in sales, and that Read more…
Merry Christmas to everyone, and best wishes for whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of the year. We’ll be back the day after Christmas. In the meantime, please enjoy some of these previously published articles: For New Mary Kay Read more…
Written by Lorraine I have been a consultant for about 6 months now. I’d like to start from the beginning. A good friend of mine starting selling. I came to one of her first parties. Her recruiter was supposed to Read more…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…
You Stole My Dream: I hadd a dream that I could run fast enough to hop over the Grand Canyon,…