We’ve all heard Mary Kay ladies say they’ve “won” a free car from the company. That’s not true. They get to drive a car that Mary Kay leases, but only if their team/unit keeps ordering lots of products. There is Read more…
A couple of years ago, I posted an article about the false earnings claims being made by Mary Kay NSD Dacia Weigandt. I had a problem with her statement that the average part-time consultant makes $5,000 to $10,000 per year. Read more…
For nearly the entire existence of Mary Kay, there was a little loophole in the recruiting rules that allowed a sales director to unfairly benefit after a woman completed DIQ and became a director. Under the old rules, anyone recruited Read more…
Mary Kay ladies will never tell you the truth about being a sales director: You’re likely to make only minimum wage. You’re likely to miss the minimum monthly production over and over, so if you want to keep your unit, Read more…
Written by The Scribbler When your sales director or NSD “believe” (or in Mary Kay-speak, “bee-lieve”) in you, it is easier to get you to order products you don’t need. The “business” of MK is based heavily on emotional manipulation. Read more…
Almost ten years after Robert FitzPatrick wrote his 10 Big Lies of MLM, he wrote the flip side of it, the 10 Big Truths of MLM. Again, he is spot on with his analysis and nearly all of his points Read more…
More than ten years ago, Robert FitzPatrick wrote “The 10 Big Lies of Multi-Level Marketing.” Robert has studied MLMs and pyramid schemes for decades and is the author of the book False Profits and the head of Pyramid Scheme Alert. Read more…
One of the biggest challenges in Mary Kay (or any MLM, for that matter) is getting new people interesting in holding parties. Where do you find these women? You can only hang out in Starbucks or the aisles at Target Read more…
When you first become a Mary Kay Consultant, you are told that the “real money” is in becoming a sales director. They flaunt the “high commission checks” and make you believe that these “high checks” are normal checks. (Note: They’re Read more…
Every month Mary Kay’s truth is published in black and white. It’s called Applause Magazine. Mary Kay publishes the top earners and recruiters in the U.S. because the bragging rights help recruit more people and get consultants and directors to Read more…
Negative thoughts affecting her emotionally. There can be only one explanation. Conscience. And if so, then there is truth to…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…