Mary Kay Recruiting with Text Messages
This image comes courtesy of the Anti-MLM subreddit. I can totally imagine the desperate directors who want to finish their Cadillacs by June 30 sending these out. How would you respond?
This image comes courtesy of the Anti-MLM subreddit. I can totally imagine the desperate directors who want to finish their Cadillacs by June 30 sending these out. How would you respond?
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I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!
I prayed about it, and God told me to leave MK. So I did.
Looks like Mary Kay consultants have started following the It Works distributor playbook. Work from home from your phone. Just copy scripted text-messages and send them to as many people as possible. (Before you’re blocked or threatened.)
Can’t use proper grammar or spell the word “business” properly. Where’s my eyeroll emoji?
This is downright hilarious. This wasn’t just bad grammar, it was just plain sloppy with zero effort put in to typing the solicitation. Also, what is a “buiness” ?
I wouldn’t trust this person with caring for my goldfish.
Notice how she’s not trying to sell product. She’s recruiting! Anyone still think this isn’t MLM?!
“Woops” is right!
This is where those one of those brilliant memes from would come in handy.
that site is brilliant! love the meme about moving up in your own business based on the efforts of others people business.
My favorite: “Give us back our craft fairs #banthehuns”.
One of the sports booster groups at our school was putting together a craft fair to raise money. When they announced the event on FB, all of the MLMs started clamoring for table space. :/ I skipped it.
(wait for them to responded)
The sad reality is simple: the money is in the recruiting, not the selling. Which is why they push joining their girl gangs instead of the product. My personal trainer sells Advocare (I ignore that fact and she doesn’t recommend it for me) and I asked her if the move to one downline hampered her. She said no, she doesn’t have a massive downline, but she knows people who do, who jumped ship super fast to other companies with tiered compensation plans, and she was shocked because she thought they believed in the product, and they didn’t.
I have a couple friends selling Beauty Counter. They think it’s a good thing when they say “The best thing we sell is the opportunity.” I would love to see mlmbossbabe come up with a meme that says “If the best thing you sell is the opportunity, then your products are worthless and you are a pyramid scheme.”
What every director reading this should do, stat, is figure out how much of their commissions they’ve received are based on INVENTORY purchases from their downlines and HOW MUCH of those commission payments these directors have already spent.
Miss Director, are you holding those commissions aside until you are SURE that the product has been sold (or given away or used, or otherwise passes the one year mark)?
Wait, you’re not holding these commissions? You’ve already spent that commission money?
The MK Corp stance is that retail sales are the goal! And you should be supporting that! And the ONLY way to be supportive of that is if you don’t spend your commission checks until it’s verified that your downline wholesale orders (on which you were paid these commissions) have come to fruition as true retail sales.
You’ll get no sympathy from me for chargebacks, or worse, a huge pile of debt in which you bury yourself.
“until it’s verified that your downline wholesale orders (on which you were paid these commissions) have come to fruition as true retail sales.”
Of course, when you are encouraged to recruit those true retail customers as fellow consultants in order to advance, selling retail to them is extremely hard to do.
And so it goes, the inherent flaw with MLM.