Caption This Seminar Photo
Words escape me, so I’m going to let you caption this!
Words escape me, so I’m going to let you caption this!
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I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!
Sister Wives of Mary Kay. They think their master loves them but it’s not to be. Lol
Wait a sec….is that a NSD w the teenage gladiator sandals on???? :0. GIRL them earrings got to go. I wont even discuss the necklace……Lordy Lordy!
I can’t unsee those hideous gladiator shoes.
And OMG what in all that’s holy and unholy is up with those hideous gladiator sandals?
That’s just “Fancy’s” signature look: “more is more”. Or something thst rhymes with “more.”
Lol! Apparently she’s never watched Working Girl it read up on Chanel’s advice to look in the mirror and take off one thing (like those garish sandals or that huge, fake costume jewelry ring) before leaving the house.
Wow! That’s pretty tacky. Don’t know who that is but she looks like she may be working the Vegas Strip to earn some extra cash.
Professional Business Attire Do’s and Don’ts. Here are four shining examples of DON’T.
One week only, straight from Dollywood, the “Fake It Till You Make It’s” performing their hit single, You’re Nobody Till Somebody from MK Loves You.”
Yeah, no caption will top that!
Are open toe shoes allowed now days??? No wonder MK forbid them…she envisioned this mess!! How many bracelets can you wear? Umm are you playing strip poker and jewelry counts???? Color matching is good for you….How about looking in the mirror and just asking if this coordinates??? Oh my!!! No caption possible from me…shaking my head….
Wait a sec….is that a NSD w the teenage gladiator sandals on???? :0. GIRL them earrings got to go. I wont even discuss the necklace……Lordy Lordy!
Left over Mardi Gras beads. Hideous, but strangely appropriate.
My first impression was that I was seeing a pod of grey dolphins in formation, rising up out of the water on their tails.
Unfortunately, the pod pictured here didn’t sink back under the waves.
Those sandals look like the NBC peacock logo too. Stranger things.
The peacock gladiator sandals are just a mess, aren’t they?
And with a suit?! Mary Kay would have been freaking out!
MK would have heart failure over all of these gals
Not one meets professional standards……
First it was the doe-eyed stare just like the 20/20 special. Then it was those Rainbow Brite shoes. Complete hideous embarrassment to MK.
We must find these sandals online somewhere! Need to know the brand!!!
Tracy, NSD Kristin Sharpe just posted there are only 187 NSDs in the US. Around 2002, I was told there were 300 or so.
Good to know. I had estimated around 200 NSDs. Happy that the number is even smaller!
For the lady in gladiator sandal, the legend would be: Left! Fight with Joshua in Jericho!
lady with flower boots: she’s a flower child–love, peace & flower power- left over from 1968 Haight-Ashbury region of San Francisco.
Okay, besides the excessive amount of dime store jewelry, and those hideous Peacock sandal boot things, how much PEROXIDE was used in the making of these hairstyles? Jesus that’s a lot of bleached blond!
Lol, they probably get it in bulk like you would for chlorine!
I didnt get past the outfits. Tks for pointing it out. Once I looked at the hair, I noticed everyone had dark roots…you thought they would have those done for seminar…horror….gasped! Then I noticed gal on right has mismatched nail polish and peacock gal has mismatched toenail polish…wow!
And then there’s this….
Kimberly needs a little more “support.” And the one in black on the end looks like she’s going for the Vampira look with black cape and dark lipstick.
Oh Lordy that’s bad!! It’s like an accident and I can’t stop looking!
Announcing: Padookie High School’s Multi-Year Class Reunion 2019
Events: Prom Queen “Consolation” Contest – A chance for all you aging wannabes to finally feel special.
Update: Another successful reunion for Padookie. Go Oinkers! Thanks to all our contestants. (Photographed)
is t he second from right a reject dress leftover from LuLaRoe?!
That’s her daughter. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Flamingo Fortenberry is third from left.
Are they all related?
What’s with the grey/white hair? I know most of them are related, but is it a unit “thing”?
That’s actually blonde. LOL
Love the tan lines on the one in hot pink. She didn’t think anyone would notice?
Ummm nighttime bedroom fashions for your hubby???? I would love to see MK alive and her reaction to this mess!!!
“Brassy and Assy, Not One Bit Classy”
New products: a Natural Certified Skin-Care line. Ingredients from nature.
An exfoliating powder for 34 dollars. Face oil for 48 dollars.
And here they are, the perfect spokespeople for that natural skin care line. LOL
I like the Peacock Shoes
Please do a “caption this” with their awards night dresses! And Jordan Eicher’s dress!
Oh my.
That’s a dress? It looks like she forgot to pack the dress and decided to wear the crinoline as the dress. Lol
Hilarious, isn’t it, how everyone is falling all over themselves to tell her she was “killing it” in this dress. She looks ridiculous. And yet the sheeple know that they’re all supposed to say it’s amazing.
Tracy, I just sent you 2 more from Seminar. Prepare yourselves for stripper boots…
Oh my.
Oh Emm Gee. And I will still never understand thigh high peep toe boots. Not to mention they look a little scuffed on the knees. Could be the angle of the picture, could be from begging for orders to make production.
Those are actually rips in the knees. Like… tears that were put there on purpose to look fashionable.
Aren’t these the people who own(ed) the Shabby Chic (something like that) online clothing boutique?
Nothing about that look is fashionable so why start with the boots/knees? LOL
Tracy, more Seminar attire happenings are on their way to you. Prepare yourselves for pimp suits, ladies…
And a “top secret” product launch coming…
Any minute now the one on the right is going to start twirling a baton. Badly.
Is Jordan pregnant? That tulle skirt thing makes her look like it.
I wondered the same. I don’t think so.
My SO says that this is the fashion equivalent of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
they have no idea how bad it looks.
And who are there women?
3 word: Oh honey, no.
Words…really I can grammar.
You’re forgiven. Your brain is probably a bit traumatized right now. LOL
The crowd of women had been pestering women all day asking to borrow their faces for their portfolio.
Police asked for a copy of their Schedule C and the crowd disbursed immediately.
“Here’s your one chance, Fancy don’t let me down” …. (no dis to Reba intended)
I am a Texas girl, born and bred. Houston raised, Dallas for college (go Ponies!), San Antonio for raising my family. I know all about big, blonde hair and, at times, even admire it. The higher the hair, the closer to God, right? But *this* hair? Who do they think they are kidding??? Girls, if you’re reading this, you don’t look like Highland Park, you look like Garland.
Costumes aside, every time I see pics of consultants, Hilly Holbrook and friends come to mind.
I always think Stepford Wives(the original, not the Kidman edition although that could work too if there were more hats)
I can only imagine the stunning ensembles these girls will have on their Bahamas cruise
Oh my! I can’t stop laughing. I know these women claim to be professional business owners. But what profession and what business? Hot pink crinoline girl looks like something that was on the top of our toilet when I was growing up.
Omg the Crochet Skirted Barbie toilet paper cover? That took me right back!! Lol
First of all if I got to Seminar and saw these getups as a new IBC, I would be cringing. It looks like you need to be a bleach blonde to be in their group. Between the tacky gladiator shoes, over the knee boots with rips, and the neon crimson crinoline tulle half dress it’s very hard to take any of these women seriously. I felt like seminar was cultish decades ago. Now these creepy photos just like the hale bop comet cult (Heavens Gate), make me Leery. I’m sure Corp is seeing the beginning of the end. With fewer NSD’s to pension off, the heirs and board members must be rubbing their hands in glee.
Could someone clarify for me what system is used in the Circle of Achievement awards? Seeing pictures of $350,000, $400,000, etc. I assume it’s based on orders by individual or team. I don’t presume success based on this or other compensation (cars, cruises, jewelry) without seeing a Schedule C.
It’s the total yearly retail product ordered by a Director and her entire unit. Not sold, but ordered.
I appreciate the information – thanks! Guessing there is product in closets, basements, etc.
It is wholesale orders of the unit x 2, which is suggested retail pricing. And then sometimes for a special promotion the suggested retail pricing is multiplied by two… it’s called double credit.
Thanks, Tracy! That $400,000 figure is becoming less impressive. If they’re fortunate, they sold enough product to pay for Seminar and those crazy outfits!
A Director doing $400K Circle of Achievement grosses no more than $46K/year. After taxes, that’s $34,500 that then decreases because of her expenses.
Simple math:
200,000 wholesale
Divided by 12 months
= $16,666 wholesale/month
X .23 Director commission and unit volume bonus
=$3,833 commissions/month
X 12 months
= $46,000 gross commissions
Thanks for the breakdown, BestDecision. One can easily see that most jobs with benefits are going to be a better deal.?
I am going to start needing bleach for my eyes!!!!!
You can borrow some from the Copeland Clan! They have a whole drum of it for their hair!
Judges gave extra points for perfect hand-placement in top photo.
Kimberly has a photo of herself in the bathtub on FB.
They all look slightly pained – not one genuine smile amongst the whole lot!
And the pink crinoline girl, wow. She doesn’t look very big, and yet that dress makes her look like beachball. Why would you want to look bigger than you are? Is it a predator/prey thing?
Today I learned that you have to be box blonde in order to be part of the “big girls club”! Well, with the exception of Tullesplosion there…
I can get over all the tacky gear if these women are genuinely happy and have something to celebrate. But are they as happy as they look? And do they really have something to celebrate? Do their net earnings from Mary Kay reflect their smiles?
I suspect that the numbers of NSD’s, SD’s, etc. will all shrink and their numbers will increase in other countries where MKI has opened up its market—and the cycle will repeat itself all over again. It is a mathematical certainty that pyramids do not have much room at the top! And all unfulfilled dreams eventually come to an end, one way or another.
Crystal makes me sad. Her niece has already been queen of something at maybe 18, her mother and sister are NSDs. What is up with her? Why can’t she get to NSD? She lost her pink Cadillac and went to Equinox a while back and she’s been a director almost 20 years.
If only she was willing to work a little harder. I mean it’s just a numbers game.