Seminar 2019 Attire
It’s been years since we done a post featuring some of the most tragic fashions from Mary Kay’s Seminar. (Mostly because I just don’t have the time to find the pictures, take screenshots, upload, etc.) But I’ve got a few worthy pictures, and thought maybe we could give it a try with a bit of crowdsourcing of pictures. Send the most outrageous and awful seminar outfits to pinktruth@gmail.com. I’ll add them to the body of this thread. Make it the best ones…. don’t overwhelm my email inbox or I won’t be able to get through them.
See I love the rainbow dress. it would be perfect for Pride Parade.
If these people are making as much money as they claim, surely they can afford to shop at high end department stores and boutiques. Unless they equate bad taste with MK makeup.
That’s what I thought too! It also has a disco / Donna Summer vibe, maybe it’s the lady wearing it that put that in my head.
I love that idea! I mean the real “winner” is that homemade pink frock that looks like the skirt being worn as a dress. I don’t know who would see that as a pinnacle of success… looks like something I wore at 9 years old thinking I was glam in my moms high heels
I wonder if that guy carries a Golden Goblet as his pimp cup. You should see his spray painted shoes, too!
Got 99 problems, but Mary Kay ain’t one!
Is GMB matador top and couch pillow bottom dress going to make this list?
That first picture is not a dress, it is a skirt she is wearing too high! If it were a dress the elastic band would have been hidden instead of visible.