The concept of “retail sales” should be so easy to define. And yet, in Mary Kay it is one of the biggest lies that is repeatedly told at all levels. You would think that a “retail sale” would be a Read more…
There is always a huge push to “finish” your goals by June 30. It’s the end of the seminar year, so there are extra prizes and sometimes you get to go on stage at seminar. Everyone is pushing in June, Read more…
Mary Kay ran their “Destination Red” promotion from January through June, offering a 4-night cruise on Royal Caribbean as an incentive. To win this prize you had to: Buy $3,600 of wholesale inventory in the 6 month contest period Recruit Read more…
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.
I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!