Written by The Scribbler This is where the sub-par treatment of husbands begins, friends: with the customers! I like to call this bunch of statements the Unholy Trinity – three sales objection-overcomers that deal specifically with skinflint spouses. If your Read more…
I was going through some old emails (very old!) the other day and came across this one from a producer at the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. The email came to me in 2014, and I didn’t Read more…
Here’s a nifty little idea that NSD Kristin Sharpe has to get a restaurant to let you set up a table in the area of their entrance or hostess station. October is breast cancer awareness month and domestic violence awareness Read more…
Why on earth do you suppose Mary Kay NSD Linda Toupin would block yours truly on Twitter??? And check out her retirement world tour!
Sales director Allyson Jankowski says you can earn a Mary Kay car by Christmas. The company gives you 4 months to do it, but you can do it in 3 months if you just know her “secret sauce.” Allyson spent Read more…
Mary Kay is so cutting edge! This isn’t your grandma’s cosmetic company. MK is on trend! And to prove it, they are huge into social media and they use words like “bestie” for recruiting promotions! There’s a little coupon that Read more…
This sign is brilliant, and I wish more businesses would create policies like this. Who wants to go to Target or Starbucks or any place of business and be harassed by MLM-bots? Oh I know, they’re taught that they’re not Read more…
Mary Kay is a bunch of mean girls. They often talk about the “big girls club” (directors and above), and once you get there, they have even more little groups based on number of offspring or unit production. Last year Read more…
I’m bringing back an article we published a few years ago about false earnings claims. I love these videos of sales directors lying about how much money is made in Mary Kay. The false earnings claims are so rampant because Read more…
Here’s another one of those Mary Kay “training” items that is really meant to make you feel like you just didn’t work hard enough. Who couldn’t five extra hours a week to do something important like Mary Kay??? This piece Read more…
That's one weird down-vote!
Why yes, yes we can. https://lazygardens.blogspot.com/2015/04/mary-kay-ash-and-missing-marriages.html?m=1
I certainly will! Her and Megan Wilkes Coleman both!!!M
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.