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Why on earth do you suppose Mary Kay NSD Linda Toupin would block yours truly on Twitter???
And check out her retirement world tour!
Why on earth do you suppose Mary Kay NSD Linda Toupin would block yours truly on Twitter???
And check out her retirement world tour!
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I guess there's a kernel of truth to the MK "sisterhood," in that they're doing LIE-fe together...
Well done for sticking to your guns and refusing to buy on credit. There are some good "sound bites" here…
Lynn, you are not alone. Please keep an accurate ledger and track your costs to the penny. Mary Kay Corp's…
Holly Ludington's comment made me laugh: "helping clients understand the process." When I buy something I want the "process" to…
“Consultants and directors are anxious, burnt out, and exhausted” Many of the young, “successful” MK ladies I see on social…
I get her thing was “milking the cows”, but is it really necessary to have them pose by one? I wouldn’t feel professional at all if I was there.
Milk a fake cow for your fake business.
Oh, that’s right. I forgot. Her recruits are short-term cash cows. Too bad they go dry so fast.
What do my eyes see? Did they really pose with cows? What a crazy world!
“Join Mary Kay. Why wear dirty boots and milk cows when you can wear heels and milk women!”
(Definition: Milk, verb – exploit or defraud (someone), typically by taking regular small amounts of money over a period of time.)
Mad Cow Disease?
Milkin’ It all the way…..
A herd of Karens
“Join our herd, we’ll milk you dry.”
Hahaha, Parsonsgreen! That was perfect!
“A Coven of Kaybots Converge to Caress a Cow Cut-out”
Upline herds the new downlines for a quick selfie.