Pink Truth appears to be enriching the lives of women all around the world! This one is from a sales director in Germany. Wie krank und verbittert muss man sein, wenn man erkennt, dass man unfähig ist Erfolg zu haben! Read more…
The big selling point for Mary Kay or any MLM is the financial freedom you can have. Despite the fact that 99% of MLM participants lose money, they still crow about how much you can make. A tiny fraction of Read more…
Here are the new Mary Kay products coming out in spring. Consultants aren’t supposed to know about these until February 1st.
At first glance, you may be impressed to hear Chelsea Claytor say that she has sold $200,000 of Mary Kay products in 5 years. Wow! That’s a ton of makeup. But then you dig into the claim, and realize what Read more…
A former Mary Kay consultant decided to sell her red jacket. She got a response from her recruiter saying she must really need money. This was her email back. No, I’m not really in need of money, and kind of Read more…
This month has been ANOTHER opportunity for sales directors to earn “double credit” on all orders placed by their units. What is double credit, you say? It’s a little trick that fraudulently inflates the amount of “retail sales” an individual Read more…
False income claims are rampant in Mary Kay, and the company doesn’t seem to do anything to stop it. Truth in Advertising (TINA) has been documenting false earnings claims by MLMs and their representatives. The FTC has started to take Read more…
Bubble gum pink, y’all!!!!
Written by LighterShadeOfPink This is part of my “I story” and how I became a Red Jacket. I started out as a Mary Kay customer with a facial with my soon-to-be Sales Director. My first purchase was the Miracle Set, Read more…
Here is the first look at the Mary Kay sales director suit for 2020. What do you think???? I’ll add more pictures as they are sent to me. More pics! Thank you BestDecision!
That's one weird down-vote!
Why yes, yes we can.
I certainly will! Her and Megan Wilkes Coleman both!!!M
I second the request for a Schedule C, you can block out your name, address and Social Security number. Or…
Thar’s not how cause and effect works, m’dear.