Caption This Mary Kay NSD Photo
Just a break from the action to do something fun and silly today….
One of our favorite NSDs, Dacia Wiegandt (former school teacher!) gives her thoughts on Selling Sunset. This deserves a caption, I think!
Just a break from the action to do something fun and silly today….
One of our favorite NSDs, Dacia Wiegandt (former school teacher!) gives her thoughts on Selling Sunset. This deserves a caption, I think!
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I’ve been in MK for 15 years and it’s been a... totally enriching experience... I assume you mean this in…
“The marketing plan isn’t a pyramid because team building is a choice.”— False and bass ackwards. Retail sales to non-affiliates…
Eleanor Rigby!
It’s not about negativity, it’s about telling the truth. She doesn’t understand many women on this site are former Sales…
Here, I keep this extra one in a jar by the door.
Did she seriously just type “realistate”? ?
And sadly, that’s not an isolated incident.
Something’s up. She just posted her favorite sun products, and not one MK item is listed.
Spelling with Dacia. Or how about “NSD Ain’t for Me”? She preys on people not questioning her lack of intelligence. Complete abuse of power and disgusting!
Well I mean if someone THIS challenged by basic spelling and grammar all the time can make $20k a month in MK, then I suppose anyone can!!!
That’s probably a topic that we should avoid here.
Who is GMB?
Gloria Mayfield Banks
Tone deaf and spelling impaired.
One thing is for certain. I’m glad she’s not teaching children anymore.
Did she ever get her OMG SO DESIGNER luggage and junk back from Delta?
It’s so weird how she always puts numbers in quotation marks (like “10”). Where the hell did she learn that?
^^^ I noticed that too. Now she changes fonts several time in each post. Must be part of her new influencer persona.
Cults have compounds, too.
Yep. And so did the drug lord El Chapo.
Views… compound…
But all Dacia has are dreams. Not very pleasant ones either.
The dreams of a hungry wanna-be MLM millionaire are rather like the conflicted dreams I have when I’m asleep but need to use the bathroom. My semi conscious mind is saying “you’re sssooo close” while my still unconscious body is saying “not in the bed you don’t!”
Caption: Just blatant greed. Insensitive to the decades of destruction their avarice has generated. Once upon a time we were programmed to think of MK as some kind of Saint. After all this was dual marketing. lol. All those NSD I stories. They just made us teary eyed to think that this supposed Christian organization was trying to empower women. Then came those arrogant narcissistic women. Those mean girls giving fake air kisses. Those gaudy dresses at Seminar. The heaps of extra costs: for dresses, transportation, rooms with shared with strangers and lousy food. The cruelty and unreasonableness of this clique is unimaginable. The slogan of “Can’t Sell From an Empty Wagon”. The constant changing of Product etc. slowly show just how vain and selfish these women truly are. The materialism, constant boasting about expensive homes, trips, jewelry, Pink Cadillacs etc. is just insensitive. The fact that they constantly have to remind others about how special they are makes being a part of MK seem creepy and evil.
Michelle Cunningham is such a liar. I just searched her social media and I don’t see one person who asked this question;
email from Michelle
Hello my beautiful friend!!
OK so, this is really awesome news. Do you have a second?
Like really awesome news!! I’m so excited!! ??
Over the last few months, I’ve received SO many versions of this message:
“Michelle! I’m frantic. I’ve been seeing your Mastering the Live training and it sounds SO amazing but I totally forgot to register and I missed the window it was open and now I see it’s $497! I’m so sad. Is there anyway I can still get the discounted price?? PLLEEEAAASSSE!!”
And each time, I’ve talked to my smart tech people and said, “Can I send this person the discounted price?”
And, they said unfortunately, we cannot do it for just one person.
So I said, “Wah! So annoying.” ?
But then, we had a brilliant idea.
They thought for a second and said, “The only way that we could do it is if we opened it up to ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE.”
So we talked about it for a few minutes and came up with a plan: we would offer Mastering The Live, my step-by-step program to host amazing and profitable Facebook LIVE events, to EVERYONE as part of a SPECIAL celebration: the one year anniversary of Mastering the Live’s very first launch.
And I was like, “YAY!!! Those that missed out will be so, so, so happy!!”
So, the smart dudes got to work and did whatever smart things they do behind the scenes.
FOR THE NEXT FOUR DAYS ONLY, with a strict deadline of 11:59 PM Saturday night, they were able to open up my new Mastering the Live program at A ONE-TIME ONLY special deal. The BEST deal we’ve ever offered.
And it’s not just this program: you also get access to some extra special BONUSES that I’m offering now… but you’ll have to sneak over to the website to check them out!
This is the lowest I have EVER offered this program, and the lowest I will ever offer it. Once Sunday night rolls around, this special pricing (and it’s extra special bonuses) are going, going, gone!
So, if you missed it and wanted in here is your link to check it out now!!!
I can’t wait for you to join us and be part of this elite group of ultra-pioneering entrepreneurs!
If you want to order my awesome Mastering The Live Program right NOW at this special $287 one-time-only low price (goes back up to $497 soon)
www [redacted] mastering the [redacted]/flashsale
We’ll talk soon!!
Michelle Cunningham
And Michelle is full of sh*t too.
Like she really has these conversations with her “tech” people.
who in their right mind would want to pay this?!
This usually means oh drat, no one has signed up, let’s lower the price”” The only way that we could do it is if we opened it up to ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE.””
In regular retail this really means ” the sale was a bust so we are offering it again. It’s the same as all the “Grand Reopening” sales. Trying to reignite business.
This woman is truly disgusting. She often brags about being a Christian yet she is clearly narcissistic, materialistic, and grossly fake. It’s really weird how she seems to think she is actually a celebrity. I’m amazed she has so many followers. I assume they’re forced because they work for MK. Sad for her kids that she probably never goes without make-up and just lives in the moment. Her entire life seems to be about creating her next Instagram post.