I just wanted to share an update. I don’t know if you remember, but I emailed close to this time last year asking for advice on how to become an “ethical sales director.” You even posted my email on the Read more…
Mary Kay is running a promotion with new car options for sales directors. What do you think about offering a Camaro and a Colorado?
Here’s some hate mail that’s a little bit different. It’s about Primerica, the MLM that sells life insurance and investments. My blog for my company has a couple of articles about Primerica that have been popular over the years (apparently Read more…
As the Mary Kay seminar year comes to a close, let’s talk about the “virtual” seminar that is planned for August. Sorry to all the women who ordered and ordered and ordered to get to certain levels. No walking across Read more…
So the real deal with Mary Kay is recruiting and frontloading . A small amount of product sales occur from time to time. But the real money is made in recruiting, and directors are usually pretty up front about it. Read more…
Here is a recent post in a Mary Kay group on Facebook. The poor consultant can’t find new customers, and knows she’s going to have to do the “warm chatter” thing. (For those who are new, “warm chatter” means walking Read more…
Just a break from the action to do something fun and silly today…. One of our favorite NSDs, Dacia Wiegandt (former school teacher!) gives her thoughts on Selling Sunset. This deserves a caption, I think!
Written by Lazy Gardens How do Mary Kay recruiters get women to do things that are not in their best interests? The most basic example is ordering inventory they don’t need on a credit card, because they don’t have the Read more…
When women leave Mary Kay, I always find myself wanting them to tell the truth about what an awful company it is. And they almost never do. Our friend JTA was brave enough to tell the truth, and she likely Read more…
Yes, the Mary Kay ladies are guilty of repeatedly making false earnings claims. The 50% profit lie is probably the most common. And even Mary Kay Inc. is guilty of pushing this lie. (It’s not just those “independent consultants” who Read more…
Yes, and if Mary Kay Cosmetics truly wanted you to be yourself they wouldn’t make women wear uniforms to show…
I'm one of the few people here who has never sold Mary Kay. I found this site shortly after I…
Valued for who you are?? Don't order next month, quit your business and return the inventory, skip meetings to spend…
And can we compare it against the Canadian Income Disclosure I linked to earlier?
If Mary Kay really does work, how much money (after expenses please) are you making annually? Nobody here knows who…