The key to understanding MLM is to look behind the curtain. It is one big fraud being perpetrated by the owners, executives, and pyramid-toppers for their own personal benefit. In Mary Kay, national sales director (NSD) is the highest position Read more…
NSD…. the elusive dream. Almost no on gets there, despite so many who are actively working, trying, and doing all the things they were taught would lead to success. You only get to NSD with the right combination of luck, Read more…
If you’ve been in Mary Kay, you know that friendship is just an illusion. They talk about “my Mary Kay girlfriends” and “doing life” with their forever friends that they met through MK. I experienced this myself. My sales director Read more…
Mary Kay has a new disclaimer in Applause magazine. You know… the publication MK has been doing for decades that has all the numbers for the NSDs and the top earning directors. Except they switched it up earlier this year. Read more…
If women in Mary Kay told the truth about the “opportunity,” they’d never recruit anyone. The truth is that it’s not about selling products, it’s about recruiting. Very little of the products that are ordered are actually sold to customers. Read more…
One of our favorite Mary Kay friends, Chelsea Claytor Adkins, has taken a social media break for the last couple of months. She’s appeared in the posts of others, but her Instagram feed has been dead for two months. Chelsea’s Read more…
How exciting! Jamie Taylor finally made it to NSD after finding recruits to push people through to DIQ, helping to fund initial inventory purchases to get enough production, and pushing women to pay their way to director and car driver. Read more…
I found an interesting Instagram account called Pleasantly Persistent. There are some great posts about why MLM (and Mary Kay in particular) is terrible. This one was so spot on!
We’ve seen this before. The transition to quitting Mary Kay. Leah Cade is considered a “top director” in MK since she sometimes appears in Applause magazine. Her commissions that have shown up in the last year ranged from 6,000 to Read more…
I think we have Truth in Advertising to thank for this one! This week the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent a letter to over 1,100 multi-level marketing companies notifying them that future false claims about their money-making opportunities could result Read more…
This is spot on, PinkPeace. We tried so hard to justify our actions, especially by cherry-picking Bible verses. When the…
Wow, PinkPeace. Thank you for this, and for your humility. There is so much cherry-picking of Bible quotes shared in…
It’s pathetic at this point.
3+3+3 every week! A Power Start every month! It’s soooo simple!
And the first person you must deceive is… yourself!!