Directors Who “Stumble Across” Pink Truth
Written by SuzyQ
Dear Directors,
Many of you have “stumbled across” the Pink Truth website and have read with horror and anger some of the articles and comments. Someone used the “watching a train wreck” metaphor and that is pretty descriptive. I did the same thing not so long ago.
I was bored and googled “negative Mary Kay” and found enough reading material for several days. I was stunned. I ended up reading everything on Pink Truth (which was called Mary Kay Sucks way back then).
While reading I started making a list of “don’ts.” Frontloading was number one. I had never heard of the term until PinkTruth. Mary Kay Ash always said “You can’t sell from an empty wagon.” Start MK without an inventory? If I did that, I would be setting my new unit member up for certain failure. I was unable to “pull” emerald and pearl orders, and believed I was at fault, because I was not an effective director.
Dual marketing? Believed that. If someone was naïve enough to ask me about a downline or an upline, I would patiently explain that MK was different. We build “families” not up and down lines.
We’re Number 1? I believed that too. It never occurred to me that MK didn’t track our SALES to customers, only the purchases we made from the company.
Business owner? Yep. FOR myself, not BY myself. I sincerely believed what I told people. I really did. I thought I was conducting my “business” correctly. It took some time to come to terms with the idea that Mary Kay isn’t really a business.
What about when things were bad? Every month was a clean slate, and I would turn my unit around. We would be working together to make everyone’s dream come true. Every new seminar year meant there was another opportunity to change and be successful.
I started posting on Pink Truth. The first time I hit “post” I thought I would throw up. My paranoia was rampant. I argued that MK could work, it could be done correctly. I loved the women in my unit and certainly would never have done anything to hurt them. Mary Kay was my mission field.
I knew MK could work, I had “seen” success with my own eyes, I had talked to the top directors, I knew several NSDs personally and thought nothing of giving them a call if I had a question.
The posters on Pink Truth were so patient with me as I wrote my comments under a variety of names because I couldn’t remember what name I had used… Other women posed questions and made me think. They provided info to me that I had never heard before and made me think. They gave examples from their own experiences and made me think.
I was so scared, so paranoid, feeling so disloyal to the company I loved, so afraid my dream of being an NSD would not come true, terrified about money and expenses. I had made such a huge financial and emotional investment, so many years and it comes to this?
To really be shown that MK is MLM and that’s all there was. If someone had approached me with Amway, I would have told them to go away because Amway was MLM and no way would I be involved in that sort of scheme! It broke my heart when I learned MK is the same thing.
So, directors, if you stumbled onto this site by accident, keep reading. Keep thinking.
It’s always about the timing isn’t it? This may be your time to learn something new about Mary Kay. I am not going to tell you to send your product back, to quit recruiting or to lower your goals and expectations. I know you believe you are doing the right thing and you believe God has placed this dream in your heart and He will guide your steps on the right path.
I know you believe MK always has and always will make decisions based on what is best for the sales force. I know you believe. I hear the arguments going on in your head, most of us said the same things to ourselves.
All I want you to do is to be honest with yourself. Look at your finances. Expenses. Time management. Stress level. Meeting attendance. Recruiting prospects. Inventory expectations. Consistent customer sales vs. ordering patterns. Events, advances and retreats. What you will do with new consultant inventory suggestion? Will you order products for them knowing that some of the products will be changed or discontinued before they can sell them?
There is a lot to think about. A lot to pray about. We’re here if you have questions. I wouldn’t be here if people had not been kind and patient with me.
Peace be with you.
Another Former Director
Great article SuzyQ!
In my day, Mary Kay was emphasizing that “Mary Kay is NOT a pyramid scheme. It is Multi Level Marketing”. (It was before MLM got the stigma.) Now, it’s “Mary Kay is NOT Multi Level Marketing. It is Direct Selling/Network Marketing” (or whatever stupid term they’ve latched onto). Next it will be “Mary Kay is NOT direct selling. It is a Socially Oriented Business Framework (or some other lame term). We are NOT scamming people. Scammers lie to people. We just withhold some truths until the right time or on an as needed basis.”
The lie that always gets me is when they’re dishonest about the discount. Sign up for $30 and you get 50% off. But they don’t tell you you need a minimum $225 order and you’re taxed twice.
MK knows very well that signing up for anything engenders a sense of committment. That inner voice that says, “No turning back now!” They know very few will say, “Whaddaya mean 225 bucks?! Gimme my thirty dollars back, you deceiving trolls!”
I wish more people would.
As just a casual observer of this site (I have never been involved in Mary Kay), I want to point out the commitment on the part of Tracy and the regular contributors to this site. A new posting every weekday, with one day set aside for a counterpoint from “the other side”. I know everyone has day jobs, but to keep this site fresh and helpful, these folks take time out to make sure Mary Kay reps (prospective, current and former) have a resource to turn to, if for no other reason, to get a sanity check on what they’ve heard from or about Mary Kay.
Some of the messages involve tough love, others are just factual information to counter the powerful misinformation campaign waged by Mary Kay leadership. Either way, I enjoy the posts and the comments, and appreciate what you all do here. I only wish Pink Truth was making an even bigger dent in Mary Kay membership!
Keep up the great work SuzyQ and the rest of you at Pink Truth!
Almost 16 years of it! And Mary Kay thought they could wait me out and I’d eventually go away and abandon the site. Haaaaaa!!!!!!
This site was a propellant for me getting out. I started to realize it wasn’t just me, that many others had the same scripts used on them and felt trapped in what few customers (or offspring) they had and walking away.
For fun, I think we should take our average annual net profits when we left MK, multiply that times how many years we’ve been gone, and compare the total with how much money we’ve made in our careers in the same amount of time. If we’d continued on that trajectory, how much would we have made?
I’ll go first: $99,000 in MK versus $530,000 in my career.
Zero regrets!