Mary Kay Knew About Former NSD Monique Anthony’s Crimes
UPDATE: Monique Vallair Anthony was terminated by Mary Kay Inc., effective July 1, 2022.
Last week I had the pleasure of telling Pink Truth readers about Mary Kay nsd Monique Vallair Anthony’s felonies committed under her legal name of Earleana Tafesse. (For funsies, here’s her bail bond, compliments of her current husband Kevin Anthony.) I questioned whether Mary Kay Inc. knew about the crimes at the time they appointed her to the position of nsd. It was possible, after all, that Monique disclosed her crimes in the paperwork MK required her to fill out, and Mary Kay decided to overlook it.
It seems that wasn’t the case. It seems that instead, Monique Anthony did not disclose her crimes, and despite being in possession of her real legal name, Mary Kay did no investigation into her background before appointing her to the very prestigious position of national sales director.
Mary Kay DID have a chance to do something about Monique, however. Last month, the company was notified of Earleana Monique’s felonies. And the company did NOTHING. Oh, I’m sure there was some handwringing. But the company took the risk that no one would find out that they appoint felons to the position of nsd.
Until last week Monday, when Pink Truth exposed the felonious nsd and Mary Kay’s lack of due diligence. All current nsds have scrubbed their social media accounts of any mention of Monique. I have been told that MK terminated Monique late last week. However, her Mary Kay beauty consultant page is still active, and she still shows up on Mary Kay InTouch as an nsd. (In other words, I don’t know if she’s been terminated or not.)
If Mary Kay did terminate Monique/Earleana, you might say they did the right thing. Too bad they didn’t proactively do the right thing, and only did so once Pink Truth exposed how women with admitted felonies for financial fraud are appointed to the most prestigious position in the pyramid. Rumor also has it that Monique has been actively working to suppress information about her crimes.
Here’s another video of Monique blathering about how she started in MK in 2012, became a director in 2013, earned 12 Mary Kay cars, and being an nsd was her ultimate dream. It appears she didn’t learn her lesson while on probation (until 2026!). Had she been honest with Mary Kay from the start about her felonies, maybe this would have ended differently.
I wonder what Inmate 85192 ‘s next adventure will be.
If we’re talking white collar crimes, it will be hard to top Mary Kay given she made it to NSD. 😆
It’s her pass, STOP HATING ….. SHE’S A WONDERFUL WOMAN OF GOD…. Read Matthew 6:14-15, Ephesians 1:7 and 1John 1:9, God bless you Monique, we’re praying for you and your family and with you….
Well it’s not her past. It’s her present. She is currently on felony probation. And I would say this is very relevant to her moral character currently.
S, lol so you’re confirming she was terminated? Has she commented about this at all?
I agree my heart is just aching. As a single mom that was on the verge of suicide when I started this business. I have grown so massively over the course of 4 years of doing this. Not just the tangible wins but the value of me wins. Y’all telling only part of this woman’s story from a f***** up perspective without the parts of how and why!!! How can this be what’s right? To tear someone down who has built so many up. You Pink Truth people are so sad. God is so sensitive about his children and she is one of his so I pray mercy on each of you as God goes to war on her behalf. The word says touch not my anointed. And Incase you are reading a different bible than me God used some of the most broken people to do the biggest things. This one you probably should have left alone. I hate that y’all are so bold behind these computer screens but definitely not the same energy in anyones face. This whole pink truth is full of bs. If you wanted to be right why not interview these people. Because y’all only want share your one sided point of view. What if y’all’s destruction of her life and her family’s life caused her to end her life. Do you idiots realize how many lives y’all just crumbled? This woman has helped so many. I be trying my best to be a good Christian but today y’all got all me on true turn up! How dare you all destroy someone’s life like this?!!!!!
I would love to know what “how and why” we need to know about Monique Tafesse stealing over $200,000??????
And let’s be clear here…. we didn’t destroy Monique’s life.
She made her choices. She chose to hide her past, falsify documents with MK, and commit the crimes that have her in the position she is in today. This is 100% on Monique.
Also this could have been avoided by Mary Kay if they had done a background check.
“I pray mercy on each of you as God goes to war on her behalf” … Bring it on! I’m an atheist.
. Y’all telling only part of this woman’s story from a f***** up perspective without the parts of how and why!!!
The HOW is that Monique deliberately forged not one not two but three fake pay stubs . THREE. The last time was AFTER she had spoken to police about the first two incidents. Monique acquired nearly $300,000 by these actions.
As for the WHY your guess is as good as mine. We are not talking about some-one absent-mindedly walking out of the store with a loaf of bread. Instead we are talking about the very public record of a felony offense.
God is so sensitive about his children and she is one of his so I pray mercy on each of you as God goes to war on her behalf. The word says touch not my anointed. And Incase (sic) you are reading a different bible than me God used some of the most broken people to do the biggest things. This one you probably should have left alone.
The Bible I read said a lot about not lying or stealing. And I think God has far more important things to do than inflict vengeance cos some-ones repeated crimes are being talked about. That’s just being petty.
I hate that y’all are so bold behind these computer screens but definitely not the same energy in anyones face. This whole pink truth is full of bs. If you wanted to be right why not interview these people. Because y’all only want share your one sided point of view.
I for one would love Monique to come here and talk about why she found it necessary to forge, lie and steal on three different occasions. Why she felt her deserve level was nearly $300,000. And most importantly why she decided to carry on committing her life of sin after she had already talked about her first two sets of crimes with the police.
And please, show us what bullshit. And prove we are wrong. I’d love to see your evidence.
Given that Monique was a sales director at the time she was committing these crimes, one has to wonder if she was trying to get money to make Cadillac production.
The “how and why” was presented in court. Monique LIED TO GET MONEY and automobiles. That is a crime.
“I hate that y’all are so bold behind these computer screens but definitely not the same energy in anyones face.” You have not met me. You probably don’t want to meet me, because I would have no problem telling you what I tell you on screen.
“Do you idiots realize how many lives y’all just crumbled? ” How many women did Monique lure to financial destruction? To get to NSD, even briefly, she had to get a hell of a lot of women to not just order the minimum but to to order more than they could sell and to lure others to do the same … because it’s a pyramid of deceit.
And we don’t know what happened to the staff member who authorised the loans. It’s possible that they were reprimanded or worse for not following their due diligence.
I agree. This website seems to be about tearing people and the company down. It’s like the owner is on a personal vendetta against Mary Kay and I don’t know why. I wonder what skeletons her and her immediate family might have in their closet
Oh hi Monica. I don’t have skeletons, nor does my immediate family. I’m a fraud investigator and forensic accountant. I find fraud for a living, I don’t commit it. But thanks for your veiled threat.
I’m not about tearing down anyone or anything. I’m about exposing the truth. Mary Kay is an ugly, ugly company that preys on women financially and emotionally. It’s my mission to inform as many people of that as possible.
The only skeletons I have in my closets are Halloween decorations. Not felony fraud.
They don’t care. As long as she is bringing the money in. Come on ya’ll. Don’t expect morality here.
They didn’t care about all the Nigeria cheating and the top 3 spots going to them. They didn’t care about yanking the original TimeWise off the market overnight without any advance notice to even Directors. They didn’t care about keeping Sean Key in a highly visible position after being arrested. They didn’t care about letting thousands lie and say we didn’t test on animals when, in fact, we did (and they still do).
All MK cares about is profit. It’s so far away from what MK Ash created, and that’s why it’s not appealing anymore. She would’ve NEVER allowed any of the above to happen, let alone allow one of her precious NSDs to be a criminal because she would’ve gotten to know her personally.
Unethical people, unethical company.
Mary Kay eliminated a few husbands from her biography – she wasn’t exactly a pillar of truth and honesty.
Mary Kay Ash also copied, almost word for word, the founder of Nutrilite’s origin story. Oopsies! 😜😂
For $100 (or less), MKC could have run a criminal bkgd. check before appointing her NSD. I bet that will be a requirement for NIQ’s moving forward.
I wonder if they already run bkgd. checks on their corporate employees – and either rescinded offers or didn’t present a position if that candidate didn’t clear.
Again, it’s all about the money…
I can say that they do run background checks on corporate employees. I used to work in that building but I suppose an NSD brings in the money/suckers so they look the other way IF they even run a check on them.
We’d love to hear more from you, Former MK Inc-er. 🙏🏻 Wouldn’t we, Tracy?
“But God had a whole other plan for me” — Can someone tell me which god she follows? I want to make sure I avoid the one that leads people to MLM pyramid scams like Mary Kay and to multiple felonies. Thanks.
Imo, her scheming lies to become an NSD and acquire pink cars exceeds her scheming lies to acquire those other cars. She was simply held accountable for the latter. If the law were to make defrauding thousands of women via pyramid scheming a crime that they actively pursue, she would be in far bigger trouble.
Tracy’s editing is a hoot.
Looks like Monique failed at least four of the main JudeoChristicianIsmalic Commandments’
Do not take the Lord’s name in vain
Do not Lie
Do not steal
Do not covet they neighbour’s property
but I’m just an atheist so what do I know??
Find a way make a way!!!!!
You made a valid point, but it seems like at least two people couldn’t part with their Mary Kay skunks. They readily pass it out upon hearing facts, critical thought, or any analysis questioning their cult/group-think indoctrination.
I also chuckled at (on her website) the blather about ‘Our Commitment To The Planet’ which must have been written by the same b.s. artists who go on and on about ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ after any catastrophe…
How did she earn 12 cars if she started in 2012 and it’s 2022 now?
What I wonder is why she needs to buy Mercedes and BMWs if she’s earned 12 cars. LOL!
“Buy” lol! That word does not mean what she thinks it means.
Just ask Janis Joplin..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8djMafdIffA&t=5s
She was in MK before that and claimed she earned 6 of the cars that time around.
She removed her fb page. Perhaps Mary Kay is finished with her.
She had pics from the Maui NSD trip, living her “dream life.”
Looks like it WAS just a dream.
Awwwww look at Corporate trying to do the right thing quietly without drawing attention to the truth. So cute. HI CORPORATE WE SEE YOU.
I wonder what she thinks she can do to suppress information about her criminal past? I don’t think the state of Texas cares about her reputation and the records are public – LOL
I met Janis Trude over 30 years ago when she was an ESSD. At the time, she was married to my first cousin, Eric Moon. I signed up for MK under her in early 1992 & quit later the same year because I saw the handwriting on the wall & was not going to go into debt to stay in it. To her credit, Janis didn’t try to talk me out of quitting. Instead, she told me to be sure that I really wanted out because I couldn’t get back in if I changed my mind later. That was MKC’s policy at the time, & I had no intention to change my mind. I’ve said all this to say that Janis was an MK protege who emulated MK & I can’t believe she would have anything to do with anyone with a criminal record. I think she’s so deep in the pink fog that she’s lost her moral compass, as have other NSD’s. It will be interesting to see how this ultimately plays out. Thanks to Tracy for all your hard work to research & publicize this on PT.
She no longer appears on the consultant search function.
As of 9:20pm, her PWS is still active and showing an NSD title.
I don’t see her on there. Perhaps I’m using the wrong alias searching for her?
There’s still a video on YouTube of her. https://youtu.be/1M3G2EWhiOA
Monique comes on at the 18:27 mark. The minute before that is Janis hyping her up with income claims ect.