What Is This Doing?
A Pink Truth critic placed this comment on our recent video about Monique Anthony (Earleana Tafesse) and then deleted it. I’m not sharing her name, but it is interesting to note that the commenter is a felon herself, having served time in federal prison for embezzlement. She is also a former Mary Kay sales director.
So, she was on felony probation because of her crimes? That means she was caught right? Brought to justice and judged right? She took a plea deal and instead of getting time they gave her probation in 2019 right? It is now 2022, so she been on probation for 3 years and has restitution. Has she committed any more crimes?
I am not saying she is justified, but our (supposed Judicial system) judged her. What is this doing? Taking her back to court? Did we do that to the Full House Star who frauded Millions and got 11 or 14 days? Look at the owner of Satander Finance, he is a felon too now he robbing the people legally with his finance charges on cars.
Im sad for this whole situation, the former national, the company Mary Kay, the businesses affected and all. But this is not the way forward.
In debate class, this type of argument would get a very poor grade from the judges. The informal name for it is “whataboutisms,” in the general form of “Why pick on A? What about X, Y, and Z?”
X, Y and Z have nothing to do with the subject at hand; let’s concentrate on A(nthony).
The fact that Anthony spent little time in jail doesn’t mean she only stubbed her toe some. The prosecution team certainly felt she deserved more punishment than probation, and I happen to agree with them, especially given that she has defaulted on yet another loan since. Are we not seeing a pattern, here?
We’ve since witnessed Anthony’s colleagues distancing themselves from her, taking down their glowing interview videos (too late; Tracy bagged them!). We’ve seen Anthony redact her own social media presence, trying to lower her profile; it’s pretty clear she isn’t proud of her past.
Sweeping this stuff under the rug would only encourage more wrongdoing, in my humble opinion. Shining light on these acts is the right thing to do.
As a former state champion debater, I approve this comment.
Well, it shows that this woman, who held herself up as a godly person and a role model for others, is a thief, a liar, and a sinner.
The fact that she used a fake MKC paystub to perpetuate her fraud speaks volumes.
If she had done it just once, I could almost excuse it as a lapse of judgement. Twice though? In a matter of a few years? While she was rising up the MK ranks? That’s a hard ‘no’ here.
If she was making that Mary Kay “executive income”, she wouldn’t have needed to create a fake MK paystub.
Oh she definitely stands out. Just not in a good way. Nor in a way that glorifies God.
She sure stands out, alright. Outside of the Dallas Convention Center at seminar time!
Is her seminar ticket refunded? Lol
No, I haven’t been “prefect,” because I’m American and we don’t have prefects in American schools.
I haven’t been perfect, either, but a background check shows me to be a boring, law-abiding individual. I’ve come by everything I own honestly, without lying and stealing to get it. I personally collect, reconcile, and disburse nearly $15 million over the course of the year for work and the auditors who check my books every year have to search hard to find a misplaced comma. I never held myself up as someone to be admired and emulated based on a big fat lie, either.
“S” seems to be channeling GMB_SUCCESS, only non-ironically.
That’s good!
I think we’ve found our new GMB_SUCCESS!
(can I get a translation, please? Preferably one that lets me still like pineapple afterwards?)
Pineapple = pinnacle
Thank you!
I can never replace the OG GMB_SUCSESS poster. He/she was golden and we miss her. But yes pineapple=pinnacle and Americus=Emeritus. That’s the best I’ve got, I think NayMKWay has the best content to pull it off.
Basically, just take anything that GMB would have/has said, or what others who have “sat at her feet” say about her, and misspell it in all caps peppered with typos and random punctuation.
If only MK had done a background check on Inmate 85192.
Wonder what they’d find if they did a retroactive background check on all current NSD’s
Lol, the Ridiculous Downvote strikes again!
Like seriously, who thinks this ^ comment is bad, and why? Why be upset at the idea of MK running basic background checks on their tippy-top directors? (shrug emoji)
What will they find if they do a background check on any of us
Well for me, they’ll find no misdemeanors, no felonies. They’ll find an incredibly successful fraud investigation business. One that does not require me to lie to people to recruit them, like MK does.
It’s not so much about the backgrounds of hundreds of thousands of consultants. It’s about directors of every level who present their MK “business” as being profitable enough to pay for luxury cars (like Monique here) or luxury houses (like Kristin Sharpe) when that is definitely NOT the case. Recruits like you, S, decide to join MK in part because you’re told that you can achieve the profitability to buy a nice house, a nice car, send your kids to a nice school…etcetera…and when these directors lie to you and everyone else in their areas/units about how much money they’re actually making, they are not giving you the real information that you need to make the best decisions about how much time and money you should invest in MK. It’s not a witch hunt; it’s about having clear, factual information on which to base your decisions. You deserve that, S, as does every other potential recruit.
What will they find if they do a background check on any of us!
For me, nothing. That’s because I don’t embezzle, defraud, or commit other felony crimes.
But in making a remark like that, it appears as though YOU have got something on your background that you feel guilty about…it’s not too late to turn your life around. Own up to your mistakes. Make amends. Don’t become another Monique.
As part of the requirements to become a Landed Immigrant into Canada, I had to submit a police record from any countries I had lived in. Mine came back clear as did my husband’s. Since 2000, the only crime I have committed was speeding 35 kmph in a 30 zone.
Lol oh stahp DA, we all know you’re a counter-counter-agent (like a double agent but doubley-er) just masquerading as a harmless Mary Kay non-fan. But we’ll help keep your cover 😉
I seriously worry someone will do too thorough a background check on me and die of boredom.
Not emptying the lint catcher in the dryer every load? Check.
Leaving one ice cube in the tray and putting it back? Check.
Lying to the dentist about how often you floss? Checkity-Check.
Sleeping with your contacts in? Oh, CHECK.
Perusing Pink Truth on a Friday night? Totally check!
Pulling the tag off pillows and mattresses
Funny note: I worked in the mattress industry for many years (retail sales and as a manufacturers’ rep) and the old ‘tear the tag off the mattress’ bit was often how new acquaintances thought of me when learning my profession.
Fun fact: back then (early-mid 2000s), tearing that tag off actually WOULD cost you your warranty coverage (the manufacturer wouldn’t be able to identify the model and manufacture date without it). Also the tag explained the materials used and fire hazards.
I’ve been out of the industry for over a decade (I was so burnt out, I lived and breathed mattresses for years and I was happy to give it up), but to this day when I stay at a hotel I ALWAYS pull up the sheets on the corner to see the tag and know what brand I’m sleeping on plus how old it is.
OK Mountaineer95, let’s check your answers against mine:
Empty the lint catcher: Every load I do, which isn’t many, TBH. But I’m anal about that sort of thing. I’ve been known to clean the screen before my wife is ready to remove the load of clothes. Open door, clean screen, replace, close door. (I’m an engineer; it’s my job to design things that don’t catch on fire.)
Ice cube tray: I would never! I also never leave the toilet seat up. Ever.
I floss every time I brush. Hand to God. Water pik, too.
No contacts. I do sleep with my LASIK in, though. I haven’t figured out any alternative.
Perusing Pink Truth on a Friday night? OK, ya got me! I am guilty! Guilty! GUILTY!!!
Every other night, too.
What is it they say in Psych 101…the things you dislike most in others are the things you dislike most about yourself? Or something like that…just my way of saying that I do every single thing on that list except sleep in my contacts only because I haven’t been able to wear them for years (but before that, you betcha…got one of those suckers hidden behind my eyeball for a few days…good times).
I’ve had a dryer fire before; I should know better. How do you like the Water Pik? I’ve considered it.
My workplace runs a check on anyone over 18 who is offered a position. Large majority: clear record, clear conscience, or a traffic ticket. Small fraction: old DUI, college bar fight, poor decisions. Very small number: more serious offence such as domestic assault, weapons charge, convicted of theft (this level cannot continue our hiring process). I can assure “S” that nobody at our (real) executive level has a fraud conviction, ESPECIALLY one involving fake cheques from corporate. That is called due diligence on behalf of the company. MK obviously failed to do any kind of vetting, and now have a lot of damage control to do.
A whole lotta nothing in my case. It isn’t that difficult to not commit felonies.
As a registered nurse, I get a background check with every job. (Currently doing contract nursing — which means a background check at LEAST 3 times a year.)
To quote Spaceballs, they ain’t found sh*t. I worked too hard for my license and reputation to have something stupid (like felony financial fraud) show up in my background. I don’t even have a parking ticket.
“Has she committed any more crimes?”—
Umm, yeah. She reached the top MLMer tier in a product-based pyramid scheme called Mary Kay. Just because she and the company haven’t been formally investigated for pyramid scheming, doesn’t mean it isn’t another financial crime.
IMO, she has only escalated her fraudulent behavior.
Also, whether someone committed NEW crimes is not necessarily the litmus test we want. I think she needs to finish up her probation, then we can talk about whether or not she is a changed person.
And yes, MK is right up her alley because she’s a con artist through and through.
“I am not saying she is justified, but our (supposed Judicial system) judged her. What is this doing? Taking her back to court?”
What Tracy exposed was repeated, deliberate, blatant fraud on the part of this woman. It is fair that people know of her past before choosing to go into business with her. Is it relevant to a corporation to know if a candidate for a finance position was convicted of embezzlement? Of course it is. But if the company decides to hire that person anyway, at least they knew what they are getting.
If Mary Kay and then Monique’s underlings decide to give her a pass, that’s clearly up to them, but it does say something about Mary Kay if they do. Regardless, it is important that they know the whole truth about what this woman is capable of before making that decision.
Sadly, many founders of many MLMs are criminals. Donald Gary Young, Bill Gouldd, Eddy Alexandre, Keith Raniere, Robert Edwards. It comes with the territory, I guess. Meanwhile, their down-lines idolize these fraudsters. Smh.
Right! How much do you want to bet that she used her fraudulently acquired luxury vehicles when recruiting to achieve directorship in MK? Look at how successful I am in my MK business, it affords me these vehicles, and you too can achieve this! Talk about false income claims in recruiting.
“ repeated, deliberate, blatant fraud”
Reading through the court documents that Tracy provided, we can see that this woman was extremely aggressive in her crimes. In less than twelve months, she waltzed into multiple car dealerships and banks and left with either a luxury car or a huge wad of cash. This wasn’t a one-time crime committed out of sheer desperation; this is a pattern of brazen, fraudulent crimes committed repeatedly, and only ceasing when she’s arrested. Heck, even being arrested doesn’t stop her.
This circles back to one of the foundations of Pink Truth: that PT is here to tell the truth about the false claims and promises that potential recruits are told. Sure, nobody has “held a gun” to anyone’s head to get a recruit to join and buy inventory. BUT, the recruit is making their important decisions (whether to sign up, whether to buy inventory) based on what the recruiter tells them about the “opportunity”. If a recruit makes such decisions based on LIES, that is a travesty and it’s what PT tries to overcome.
This Director was committing significant felony fraud WHILE she was also “presenting the opportunity” to recruits. She probably used her fraudulently-acquired luxury vehicles to drive some potential recruits around, and surely flaunted the cars as a result of earnings from her MK directorship. Her fraud is intertwined with her MK “business” and deserves the attention it receives here.
It’s nice to see the three previous posts are in the top ten all time posts.
The fact that she used a fake Mary Kay document in one of her frauds should have disqualified her from ever having anything to do with Mary Kay in the first place. So if Corporate had done their due diligence, this particular situation wouldn’t have happened.
This ^^^^^^
She will start her very own mlm! It must be in the works by now…
“it is interesting to note that the commenter is a felon herself, having served time in federal prison for embezzlement. She is also a former Mary Kay sales director”
I must say, Tracy has much more self control than I do. I desperately want to know who made this comment and how her embezzlement overlapped with her directorship!
We walk differently through a field of bunnies than we do through a nest of rattlesnakes. For decades, MK has presented itself as a wholesome company, a pillar of ethical excellence. What “this is doing” is revealing the lie in their reputation. It’s important for women to know walking into a relationship with this company and its representatives what kind of people they’re dealing with so they can arm themselves appropriately.
As for the justice system already doing its job, sure, they have. But I don’t know of any halfway reputable company that doesn’t run a basic background check (or Google search!!) on their top executives. Or that puts a convicted financial felon in charge of influencing the finances of their direct reports.
Well said!
Frosty Rose,
I guess Mary Kay had access to Monique’s social security number and could have checked on her that way. My guess is that she did not disclose her original name. She may or may not have done a legal name change.
According to Tracy, her current legal name matches the name under which she was convicted.
But background checks always require ALL names you’ve used legally, plus your SSN. That’s a pretty basic requirement.
We all had to give our SSNs to get in to MK. Now, some have made them up to finish goals, but you do/did indeed have to use a SSN.
Question: Are NSDs aware of Mk being a scam ? Or are they also being brainwashed?
They all know that almost no one makes money in MK, yet they promote it as a business and a money-making opportunity. So……
Thank you Tracy
I recently purchased some skincare products at wholesale price… I have very sensitive skin on my cheeks and ALL OF THEM made my face burn like hell. I checked the ingredients and to my surprise they contained alcohol at the top of the list. As far as I know, good quality products shouldnt contain it, riiiight? I feel angry and deceived, and for the price I better look for dermatological products.