Pink Truth offends Mary Kay sales director Heather Wickstrom. It has for years. I remember back in 2006 or 2007 when we were brand new, and she took it upon herself to contact me and say hateful things. I never Read more…
A Mary Kay consultant who sells Mary Kay out of her hair salon thinks we just didn’t invest properly. She must be working her business the right way! Oh wait… selling out of a fixed location like a salon isn’t Read more…
Written by Leslie If I had to do DIQ all over again, there are things I would do differently. I did 8 years in Mary Kay and I really think I had a good unit. I wish my director would Read more…
[updated November 2022 to record 3 more directors lost – 1 first line and 2 second line] Mary Kay Cosmetics is a never ending cycle of churning new recruits, big inventory packages, DIQs, and sales directors. It took Jamie Taylor Read more…
Written by SuzyQ A summary of the process of manipulating new Mary Kay consultants, and all the ways sales directors treat this like anything but a business, then chastise you when you quit because you didn’t work it like a Read more…
What happens when you hold a Mary Kay party and you sell nothing…. and a new recruit is watching? Retired NSD Anita Garrett Roe thought that was a good thing and even put together a training document it. She realized Read more…
A Mary Kay DIQ wrote seeking advice on becoming an ethical Sales Director in MK: I found your site on accident over a year ago when I began my business. I pop in occasionally just out of curiosity to see Read more…
Longtime Mary Kay nsd Shannon Andrews is quitting! She has 13 more years to go until normal retirement at age 65, but has decided to retire now. I wonder what the reason is. It’s curious that she says she’s been Read more…
The Mary Kaybots will say you’re unsupportive. They’ll tell your wife that you’re just “trying to hold her back,” or that you “don’t want her to have something just for herself.” You’ll be called negative. They’ll say you just don’t Read more…
Mary Kay sales directors are upset because consultants in their units are buying products at wholesale from other directors. Oops. Big no-no. So these directors who are selling are able to place product orders that get production for them (which Read more…
Negative thoughts affecting her emotionally. There can be only one explanation. Conscience. And if so, then there is truth to…
"Reading that site totally ruined my day and now looking back, I now realize it ruined more than just that…
That right there is some straight up cult talk and should raise huge red flags for anyone considering Mary Kay.…
Why yes indeed it is hard to build an echo chamber. 😂 Do these women HEAR themselves???
Yeah…that “five people” quote is made up motivational bull poo used by people in MLMs to manipulate their downlines into…