Helping Consultants Order More
Let’s not kid ourselves. Getting consultants to order more inventory is the heart of the pyramid scheme: recruit and frontload. Notice that this email has absolutely NOTHING to do with selling the product. It is pure recruiting and scamming orders out of newbies.
All of this ordering is encouraged without regard to any consultant’s personal situation. No regard to her inventory. No regard to her sales. Only regard to has she ordered yet? And if she has ordered, was it enough? And if it was enough, do I need more?
I love how the writer points out that these schemes have worked for her time and time again throughout the years. That is… It worked to suck orders out of consultants. (I know, Kaybots. It’s their fault if they’re not selling to support their orders. But do you see anywhere in this email where it instructs the director to help anyone sell anything?)
The countdown is here to month-end, & the adrenaline is rising. Your goal is in sight, but production is short. Where do you find it now? Your diligent efforts over the next two days could DOUBLE your production & increase your paycheck by even more than double!
There’s no telling how many more consultants you can still recruit & activate, just by being out in the personal space of your prospects & operating with an energetic sense of urgency!
Preferably the groundwork has been already been laid for you to cross the finish line victoriously between your personal business activity & that of your unit in the last 28 days, & now all that is needed is focused followup on the phone.
Today is the day to view some reports. Think of them as treasure maps to production!
1. Go to “Recruiters & Their Teams”, and treasure hunt there first:
- Check your personal team to secure your own 13% Love Check. Have 5 of your team members ordered? Do you have in at least $600 wholesale yourself?
- What Red Jackets have an “I” by their own name, yet have team members who have ordered? Unless an activating order goes in by Saturday, she will lose a Love Check. Alert her immediately!
- Now check for 9% & 13% potential upgrades with Team Leaders & above. What Team Leaders are short of $600, yet have 5 team members who have ordered or could order? What TLs have in $600 themselves, but are short of 5? A quick, excited phone call to those Red Jackets may be just the motivation THEY need to cross the finish line beyond what they are seeing today.
2. Now go to your Unit Consultant Wholesale Production report, & measure it against your August Unit printout, under Monthly Unit reports. (If you have a DIQ, be sure to print both Parent Unit & Qualifying Unit pages):
- Who placed an order last month who could be inspired to begin a Consistency Club pace by placing a second order in August?
- Who has been in the Consistency Club, but hasn’t ordered yet in August? Send out both an email today with the “End of the Month Ordering schedule”, then have your office assistant call every one of these Consistency Club pacers just to remind them that the end of the month is Wednesday & what that schedule is. (Give her a script.)
I cannot tell you how many times this has produced orders, just because the end of the month had crept up on busy consultants who had no intention of giving up their Consistency Club status!!! Yes, they thank-you for conscientiously reminding them every month!
STRATEGY NOTE: If you do not have a Consistency Club promotion going in your unit, don’t allow another month to go by without placing a priority on this promotion! I have been running one for 15 years, & it has been the single most significant promotion I have ever run to maintain consistency in both my production & my paycheck. I have consultants who have placed $225+ orders every month for 8, 9, 10 YEARS!
- What new consultants came in in July who have not yet ordered? The deadline for her new consultant product bonus is this Wednesday! Has she been reminded of that this week?
- What other new consultants need to place initial orders before the end of the month? Are they aware that an order placed next month on day 1-5 will experience a long shipping delay? That DOES make a difference to new consultants! New consultants in qualifying units and/or on car teams probably have no idea that the timing of their order makes a big difference to someone else’s goal. If this new consultant has a Team Player personality, she will want to know that her timing can benefit a team goal. How you communicate that must be sensitive, but what has often worked for me was taught to me years ago by my Senior Director, Xxx Xxxxxx, “If you are going to be ordering anyway, is there any way possible you can do so by this Wednesday?”
- Check ordering patterns over the last 6 months. Who is “due” to order by her traditional pattern? (Example: usually orders every other month & has fallen out of pattern? Is she ordering? If her pattern has broken, why? Red Flag?)
3. THINK: Who has told you recently that she has sold a lot of product or “needs to order”? What if you call & offer to facilitate getting that inventory order in for her today before the end-of-the-month rush, so she can give the best service to her customers? From now on, anytime you hear that from a consultant, write a note to yourself in your day – timer the last week of the month… Has __________ ordered yet this month???
4. Finally, print your Former Consultants report (under Monthly, then Consultant reports). Who will lose her wholesale buying power if an activating order doesn’t go in by Wednesday?
Our work is cut out for us, leaders, so put on your running shoes! Cross the finish line Saturday with your tongue hanging out, & whatever the scoreboard says, hold your head high! If this month is going to be great, we must MAKE it great!
So that’s the formula for getting consultants to order when you’re Dialing For Dollars. But what happens next month? You do it all over again, and hope to squeeze every last penny out of each and every consultant.
“There’s no telling how many more consultants you can still recruit & activate, just by being out in the personal space of your prospects & operating with an energetic sense of urgency!”
Personal space is called personal space because it belongs to the person whose space it is. A stranger intruding in mine is going to turn me against you within a microsecond (unless you’re a doctor or saving my life somehow.)
“What Red Jackets have an “I” by their own name, yet have team members who have ordered? Unless an activating order goes in by Saturday, she will lose a Love Check.”
And more importanly, so will you! Danger, Will Robinson!
“Check ordering patterns over the last 6 months. Who is “due” to order by her traditional pattern? (Example: usually orders every other month & has fallen out of pattern? Is she ordering? If her pattern has broken, why? Red Flag?)”
Don’t let her give you some malarkey about being down for two weeks with COVID or the car needing expensive repairs! Dwelling on her negative is costing YOU money!!!
“Who has told you recently that she has sold a lot of product or “needs to order”? What if you call & offer to facilitate getting that inventory order in for her today before the end-of-the-month rush, so she can give the best service to her customers?”
Make sure to load her up with limited edition items, stuff that’s fixing to be discontinued, and colors that are all wrong for her customer base. Getting rid of it will be her problem, not yours. Plus then she’ll need to reorder really soon to get the stuff she actually can sell! Win-win!
“New consultants in qualifying units and/or on car teams probably have no idea that the timing of their order makes a big difference to someone else’s goal.”
And why should they give a hoot about anyone else’s goal but their own? They don’t get to drive the car, or get the accolades for being a Whatever Dollar Director. Didn’t you lure them in by promising they could run their own business to suit themselves, on their own time, in their own way?
Gosh, you’d almost think that recruitment speech was a big fat lie.
How many times does she use the word “order”? Where are the tips and product info needed to make SALES? This email shows once again that the focus is ordering product – the consultant is the customer and your upline and MK don’t care what happens to you or the product piled in your house afterwards.
I was curious so I ran it through MS Word. She uses “order” 24 times. “Sale” only appears 3 times and only as part of “wholesale.” So, yep, all about the inventory.
I have consultants who have placed $225+ orders every month for 8, 9, 10 YEARS!
That an efficient way of saying I have swindled some unsuspecting women out of $21,000 to $27,000 over an extended period of time.
What other new consultants need to place initial orders before the end of the month? Are they aware that an order placed next month on day 1-5 will experience a long shipping delay?
We are living in the era of Amazon Prime next day delivery and yet MK still fear mongers this outdated belief, because
New consultants in qualifying units and/or on car teams probably have no idea that the timing of their order makes a big difference to someone else’s goal. If this new consultant has a Team Player personality, she will want to know that her timing can benefit a team goal.
It’s not about one person in the downline, it’s about something else. It’s about a trinket for the higher members of the line.
Check ordering patterns over the last 6 months. Who is “due” to order by her traditional pattern? (Example: usually orders every other month & has fallen out of pattern? Is she ordering? If her pattern has broken, why? Red Flag?)
Hurry up before she realises that she’s been lied to and the products don’t “sell themselves” or “fly off the shelves”. Got to get that last order out of your reluctant addict.
Zero-Sum Game
Wikipedia: “Zero-sum game” is a mathematical representation in game theory and economic theory of a situation which involves two sides, where the result is an advantage for one side and an equivalent loss for the other.[1] In other words, player one’s gain is equivalent to player two’s loss, therefore the net improvement in benefit of the game is zero.[2]……”
When all the money is sourced from those playing in the “opportunity”, the winners (successful MLMers) are being paid from the losers (99% of MLMers). When you recruit, you are recruiting losers so you can win. You are NOT helping them.
Think of a raffle: 100 tickets sold at $10 each. Total purse $1000. Winner #1 gets $1000, and 99 others lose. The money distributed has come from a closed group of participants. It’s simple math.
MLM is inherently flawed for reselllers. In MLM, upline and the company make money from recruiting and new orders. Look at this scenario:
Serena is the recruiter. She recruits Ester in January with a $1000 inventory package. Serena makes a commission on that $1000. February comes and Ester wants to resell her new inventory, but Serena and her upline do not benefit monetarily from that action. BUT, if Ester recruits Naomi in February, instead of reselling existing product to her, Serena and upline will make new commission money on Ester’s recruit. This also helps maintain upline’s rank. Which do you think Serena and upline prefer?
When Serena initially convinced Ester to order $1000 worth of inventory, she implied that Ester would be reselling her investment. Serena made her commission on that first $1000, but she wants more. Serena is in Mary Kay to make money for herself. Of course she is. That means new orders and new recruits. What Ester does with her inventory is of no concern to Serena’s business.
Ester found it difficult to resell inventory at full price anyway. (Why pay full price when you can just sign up, buy from eBay, or buy from Chelsea at 50% off to help her or other consultants make rank?) So with encouragement for upline, Ester also decided to build a unit/team and recruited Naomi.
Ester wants to make recruiting commissions like Serena; she appears so successful. Plus, when you dangle the lure of making money, people are willing to order more. (Why do we think Ester placed a $1000 order in the first place?) Ester also wants to be a business leader, not a door-to-door $20 lipstick sales lady. Note: Naomi, Ester’s new recruit, is now in the same position Ester was regarding reselling product.
The MLM system always defaults to endless-chain recruiting and new orders.
Here’s where the zero-sum game is important to understand. If everyone buying/ordering product is a consultant (players), consultants have to lose so upline consultants can win.
How many consultants have said to their downline, “You have to spend money so I can make money”?
Is that what Serena said to Ester when she placed an order for $1000 worth of products? It was never about the products, was it? It was about getting $1000 contributed to the game, the zero-sum con game.
“Love Check”. Gag me. Enough with the infantilizing language. I thought you were all grown businesswomen.
Question — how much is a typical Love check, seeing that these people have to invest $600 of their own money to even receive one?
Less than $20
Reading this is nauseating. Yes, I am sure the more meek amongst the consultants truly are THANKING directorzilla for bothering them each month to order. Some people are just incapable of ghosting annoying people, especially if they may run into the person or if it’s a family member. The wheedling behavior of this director must be a perfect study of manipulation if she has been practicing it for at least 10 years. What an achievement.