New Red Jackets
Mary Kay has unveiled the new red jackets that will be available from 2023 to 2026. They are interesting choices to say the least.
Mary Kay has unveiled the new red jackets that will be available from 2023 to 2026. They are interesting choices to say the least.
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Yay, time to play “Project Runway”!
First of all, most every real company has been getting more and more casual, especially since the quarantine, unless you work in law/finance/maybe sales. This is good because casual clothing is widely available, a heck of a lot more comfortable, available in a wider size range, and machine washable. I personally do not buy anything dry clean only or that needs ironing. MK, meanwhile, still has its head stuck up 1960 and just loves to broadcast how out of touch it is with modern tastes.
Outfit A: The blazer is not hideous, but it is very boring. Much the same could be said of the blouse, but whoever decided that fuchsia goes with red needs to be shot-blasted with those chalky awful Valentine hearts. I’m guessing the print on the skirt is meant to be Gerbera daisies or something but it really looks like someone went haywire with a potato stamp.
Outfit B: Scuba-style jackets went out of style in the mid 2000s and I can’t with the restaurant booth upholstery fabric. It doesn’t go at all with the little pink number (again, that kind of pleating and silhouette was all the rage 20 years ago). Pink and red again? Blah. Not to mention it looks to end well above the knee. Rather than project “successful boss babe” it makes you look like you got lost on your way to a 2005 cocktail party.
Outfit C: Another ugly plaid Chanel-wannabe knockoff that I remember stores selling circa 2005 (I’m seeing a pattern here). Those giant poofy bows are something I remember my mother wearing to her office job in the 80s. That shiny black pencil skirt is going to highlight every lump and bump and jiggle you’ve got. Fair disclosure: I’m 5’4″ and a size 20 so I know about lumps and bumps. I’ve got ’em, but I’m not about to show them off to the world.
Shoes: The hell is with those go-go boots? I’d much rather have sparkly silver Crocs than those, or those do-me heels with Outfit C.
They really do look 1980’s. And that blouse with the bow?? Are they kidding? Sadly, they are not.
Looking at them on my work computer, which has a bigger screen and better resolution, and they actually look worse than I thought at first. I didn’t think that was possible.
The shiny black (faux leather?) pencil skirt doesn’t even hang right on the mannequin and jacket B looks like cheap Halloween costume fabric.
And the heels with the giant floppy sparkly bows are actually puce, and don’t match any of the colors in the jacket.
Sure as heck makes me want to sign up right now. Not.
Lovely descriptions, Popinki!
The B and C are hideous and extremely unflattering to just about any body shape. I personally have broad football player shoulders and wear a 38DDD and do not have a slim waist…I would look positively awful in any of these. Most women will, I think, because the cuts just are so bad. If, being the CEO of my own Mary Kay business, I wasn’t “permitted” to buy any damn red jacket I wanted from any brand or store…well, I wouldn’t actually be a CEO now, would I?
They…they’re kidding, right?
I legit lol-ed from this, thanks!
Yay! Ridiculous Downvote ™!
horrifically frumpy and stuck in previous decades (as Mary Kay is wont to be).
Can you imagine that you achieved your “promotion’ and these jackets are supposed to be your badge of honor?
And yet there will be Instagram and Facebook pictures of women unboxing them and carrying on like they just scored something right off the runway in Paris.
And they look even worse on humans.
These are the designs for the next three years?? They are already out of date, imagine having to wear one of those for three years! LOL
There are plenty of plus size women in Mary Kay (I’m a former consultant from way back when), and I can’t see any of these ‘ensembles’ flattering them (I am a plus size woman so I feel justified saying this). These poor saps have to pay for the outfits, right? It might have been nice if they had one choice for larger women and a larger mannequin to put it on. Just saying…
I think the only item here worth a second look is the pink pleated dress on mannequin B. Pleats are back in style right now… I’ve been seeing them a lot lately. If done right, they can look quite nice, even with all of the lumps and bumps.
I obviously missed my calling as an anti-fashion designer.
If these are the final three selections, can you imagine the designs that didn’t make the cut?
All I have to say is… YIKES.
Hideous!! Maybe that’s supposed to be motivation to get out of the red jacket, and into the director suit? Which, ironically, is usually just as hideous…
I “won” a free ugly jacket after I paid way too much for another one. I tried to pretend that they were cool!! I cringed reading my “directors” description, exhorting everyone that they needed to fet in to one of these fabulous creations!! I cant!!! Yes, I’m still in MK (former pink bubbled, car earning director) but out of the bubble, dealing with a few waning customers.
Options A,B, and C: OUTdated
Me: OUTdone
Future Red Jackets: OUTcasts!