I have watched this over the years. Never commented. Today is the last day I will come here. I asked myself, “why would someone spend a lifetime spreading negativity about one company when there are certainly multi level businesses that Read more…
If you’ve spent any time in or around Mary Kay (or any other mutli-level marketing company, for that matter), you’re familiar with the recruiting lies that are told. There are plenty of scripts used to mislead, and earnings claims make Read more…
Written by MaryKayExploitsWomen Many sales directors in Mary Kay are very hesitant about recruiting personal use consultants. Their excuse is that they don’t want to invest all of their time in training personal use consultants if they aren’t going to Read more…
Are you wondering how the latest and greatest Mary Kay national sales directors got there? It’s simple. They churned DIQs (directors in qualification) fast and furious. Those who don’t make it to director really don’t matter because there are plenty Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose Mary Kay and its MLM ilk have long tussled with the FTC regarding deceptive income claims. Corporate wrings its hands and proclaims that its consultants are independent contractors and there’s only so much they can do Read more…
A former Mary Kay consultant lost money years ago, but is going to try it again and she is going to make money. She will not be “silly enough” or “stupid,” and she won’t have “bad judgment” like Pink Truth Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose I spent a long time, both during and after my Mary Kay career, being angry with my director. You see, I was a high driver, high achieving, high D (for those who know the DISC behavior Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Here on Pink Truth, we have daily contact with women from all over who have become victims of this MLM cancer. It entered their lives under the guise of being something good and right and noble. After Read more…
But Mary Kay isn’t a pyramid scheme!!! A woman is beside herself because she mentioned Mary Kay in a group and got a negative reaction. There were a bunch of supportive comments, but the funniest one was that “pyramid schemes Read more…
Written by Frosty Rose and Parsonsgreen We spend a lot of time here talking about Jamie Taylor and her national area. Why? Is it because she’s unique? No. Does she stand out? Only in her wide-open social media presence. Jamie Read more…
Valued for who you are?? Don't order next month, quit your business and return the inventory, skip meetings to spend…
And can we compare it against the Canadian Income Disclosure I linked to earlier?
If Mary Kay really does work, how much money (after expenses please) are you making annually? Nobody here knows who…
My only two questions for you are: - Do you realize Mary Kay uses the MLM system? - Do you…
What other place in this world gives women the opportunity to dream and values them for who they truly are?…