Dear New MK Consultant
Written by SteppingOut
Dear New Consultant,
I’m so excited you’ve decided to start this amazing new journey!! I know you. I love you! I was you. Did that first line seem familiar? Was that what your director said in her welcome email or text? I know you and I love you because I was you.
I can’t wait for you to see all of the possibilities this wonderful company has to offer! Would you have a quick few minutes today or tomorrow to grab coffee or FaceTime and go over how to get started?
I know you smiled ear to ear when you got that text!! Maybe you were busy though and needed it to be next week and she assured you it would be just a quick coffee and she promised not to keep you long but she was “totally booked up with appointments” next week so is there any way you could fit it in? You rearrange a few things because a director who has earned her car and diamonds or is working on earning a free trip wants to meet with YOU and help YOU!
I bet you don’t want to disappoint her though right? You want to be sure you know everything you can so that when you meet she sees you as the savvy business woman you want to be and not the girl searching for more that you are right now. After all, she’s incredibly successful right? So it’s time to put your best food forward and put those google skills to work!
I know your brain is probable racing with ideas from Pinterest to Facebook posts that look cute, party decor, cute pink lemonade recipes for your debut party, not to mention that coffee mug from Etsy that says “Wake Up and Make Up.” You start to envision yourself in that pink Cadillac or buying yourself new shoes, a new purse, or maybe just paying off your debt and it feels GOOD to imagine yourself finally WINNING.
You see the articles and blogs about why MLMs are a bad idea but you skip them because “Mary Kay isn’t an MLM! It’s Dual Level Marketing and it’s just you and the company and you WILL own your own store. Plus those women really are just so bitter and I know I can make this work because I’m so driven.”
Girl, I. Get. It. That was me!
I was going to get the cars, the diamonds, the money, the director suit, the dream life I’d been looking for. If only 2% of women are successful in direct sales, no one was going to tell me I wasn’t good enough to be in that 2%! I don’t want to talk you out of it though I promise! This will just be a quick few minutes of your time no pressure to hear a few things to help our team at PinkTruth with a training. 😉
- How excited are you to be in that F-R-E-E Car?! Did you set aside money for the co=payments for when your team doesn’t meet your required quota? If not, that’s okay! I’m sure your director can help you lay out a plan to put aside about $100 a week for that payment! You’ll have to sell at least $200 worth of product a week though but then you’ll break even!!
- Have you made your “wedding list” of women you can text and call to tell them how excited you are and see if you can borrow their face to practice? When you made it, did you think about who would be good at MK, who would spend a lot of money, who would do it just to help you…? But…its just for practice right…no pressure on them to buy…? (Does that “practice” line feel a little dishonest?)
- Have you “Imagined your life a year from now, two years from now” and thought, what could I do with all that money? Ask your director what she did with hers! Ask her if the house she bought with her MK money was funded with anything else. Did her husband’s income help? Was she given family money? If her entire team quite tomorrow would she still be able to pay her bills from sales? Because this isn’t an MLM right?? Its about selling! So she must sell a ton of lipstick to be so successful!!!!
- Have you asked her why it is so exciting to be in the top 6%, 4%, or 2% of the company as a Team leader, DIQ, or Director? Wait…. There are 2.4 million MK consultants in the world and only 2% are directors…. That’s only like 48,000… But girl you’ve GOT THIS! Though….If you’re into like crazy hard challenges apply to Harvard too!! Did you know they only accepted about 6% of their applications in 2018? So you’ve got a greater chance of getting accepted to the IVY LEAGUES. Girlllllll go on with your bad self!
- Are you ready to be at every weekly meeting, every training video call, every marketing event? Are you ready to hold 3-5 parties a week while booking 7-9 so that you account for the ones that don’t hold? Are you ready to bring samples to church, to the daycare, to your doctors office, to the grocery store, because everyone would be excited to get FREE pampering products right???? Have you ever said yes to the guy at the kiosk at the mall who wants to straighten you hair…? Thats FREEEEEEE pampering!!
New Consultant, I am so excited that you’re excited. I know you. I love you. I. WAS. YOU. I worked day in and day out. I earned everything you could earn. Read that again…. I earned everything you COULD earn. Money wasn’t one of them. I earned diamonds, cars, trips, purses, prizes, jewelry, and trainings. I didn’t earn money. If I did I had to use it for my “free” car or for prizes for my team or for weekly meetings or for trips or for training or for text services or for my director suit.
New Consultant, I know you want an amazing life. I want that for you too!! Go apply to Harvard. Go find a job at an office you love. Open your own store. Go back to school. Write a blog. Learn photography. Learn a skill.
I know you think you can succeed because you can do anything you set your mind to. You can do anything you set your mind to if it is humanly possible. Except succeeding in MK is nearly impossible, and you don’t want to bet your family’s money and future on the unlikely chance that the winner is going to be you.
“There are 2.4 million MK consultants in the world…”
It’s 2023. No one needs a sales force that large. Walmart was able to sell over $150B just in 4Q22 with a smaller employee base than Mary Kay.
In Mary Kay, such a large sales force is needed only because, in reality, these are actually Mary Kay’s customers!
Just imagine if Walmart made money almost exclusively from their employees. They would have to significantly raise the price of everything, then they’d have to fool their employees into thinking they are business owners to get them to pay those high prices. Regular customers would quickly buy elsewhere.
It would not matter that those employees could get vastly superior products at lower prices from other sources. Its all in the opportunity, don’t you know.
But they’d never sell $150B in a single quarter that way, and everyone else would start to avoid their Walmart “business owner” friends to spare themselves the Walmart “pitch”.
But in the real world, Walmart’s reputation is what it is, dear consultant. But so is Mary Kay’s. The vast majority of people you know and encounter going forward will wish you had never joined Mary Kay. Meanwhile, no one is bothered by having a friend who works for Walmart.
And something you can say for Walmart and Amazon and all the other Big Soulless Companies out there that you can’t say for MLM: the employees aren’t misled about their compensation, their schedule, and their job duties.
MLM, on the other hand, can’t get people to sign up without promising the moon and letting the unlucky new recruits find out the bad news on their own.
And all of those BSCs have plenty of “hate blogs” and websites pointing out the problems that they inflict on local communities and their own employees. Pink Truth isn’t unique in that aspect except it focuses solely on Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company.
Are you ready to bring samples to church, to the daycare, to your doctors office, to the grocery store, because everyone would be excited to get FREE pampering products right????
But I thought that selling MK freed you up to be a full-time stay at home mother looking after your own children because it’s part-time work for full time pay.
I bought the electric hair straightening brush at the State Fair of Texas about 5 years back. But the dude styled my whole head. He didn’t have me do it myself and only half my head.