Find Something Good to Do With Your Lives!
Former consultant Theresa obviously doesn’t understand the value of educating and warning other women about Mary Kay. It was her choice to buy Mary Kay products that are now sitting in her basement. But what she forgets is that it was her upline who told her to buy the products and the wonderful reasons why stocking up was a good thing. They lied to her and they lie to everyone else. It’s not a grudge, it’s a public information campaign.
I stumbled across this website.
I think what surprised me the most was that so many had such terrible experiences, so terrible that you would waste your precious time on earth with this website! Time is precious, people! Find something beautiful and creative to do with your lives! Don’t waste it here!
Does the fate of MK impact your lives? NO! Whether it goes on or it doesn’t, should have absolutely no bearing on your life!
You can’t stop someone if they are determined to do it, and, if it is a scam, it is not the first, nor will it be the last!
I have a basement full of it, but grudges have no place in my life! It wasn’t the MK that brought me financial ruin. It was my bad habits in general.
Whatever your bad experience was, it is over and done. You can’t unring that bell! Instead of focusing on a negative experience, find something good to do with your lives! Jesus needs you to build the kingdom! Focus on that!
Tracy, you have got to get some safety rails installed around here. People keep stumbling over the site and you don’t need OSHA breathing down your neck.
What the former MK people, MLM experts, and number crunchers on this site are doing IS a creative and beautiful thing: informing the unaware and curious about the reality of the “business” in order to help them make informed decisions. Perhaps even more importantly, they’re providing a safe and supportive outlet for those who have been burned by MLM to share their stories and find support as they recover from the financial and emotional disaster.
No, you can’t stop anyone from doing something they’re determined to do, but it’s a courtesy to warn them of the dangers ahead the same way you’d warn a motorist that there’s giant potholes all over Main Street so don’t go that way. Same with scams: they’ll always be around, which is why we need to study their tactics and warn people about them in order to prevent them falling victim.
The continued existence of MK may not directly affect their lives. However, I find it noble that they’re putting themselves out there in an attempt to keep others from being hurt as they were.
As for yourself, instead of blaming yourself (that’s a time-honored MK tactic, by the way. The system is designed to fail for 99% of people and WHEN (not if) you fail they have you conditioned to blame yourself so that the company saves face) think about why you bought all that stuff. Were you encouraged to buy it so that you always have whatever your customer wants, which means she’s guaranteed to want the one shade of lipstick or foundation you don’t have? Urged to load up on limited edition and new products? Caught out in a packaging/ formula upgrade and had to buy all new stuff? Fed a line about being a team player so your director could keep her unit, or helping pay for… I mean, helping your director earn that pink Caddy you never even got to ride in?
It’s good that you don’t want to hold grudges, but there’s no shame in placing the blame where it really lies: Mary Kay, Inc. which allegedly makes billions of dollars off you, your director, her upline, the folks here while they were in, your fellow consultants, and on and on.
If you ever need advice or just a safe place to tell your REAL “I Story” there’s loads of that to be found here.
“I have a basement full of it…”
Mary Kay Inc., filling the basements of consultants with unsold beauty products for half a century.
OP, you do realize this is Mary Kay’s goal, don’t you? To get consultants to order way more product than they could ever use or sell, and to recruit others to do the same?
This site is not about holding a grudge. It is about holding Mary Kay Inc. accountable, by shining a light on their unhealthy business plan, with the goal of protecting and supporting the folks who are about to or have already fallen for Mary Kay’s lies and deception.
This is a noble cause.
I stumbled across this website.
Sorry, our warning signs are obviously not visible enough.
I think what surprised me the most was that so many had such terrible experiences, so terrible that you would waste your precious time on earth with this website!
At least, you admit that some people have had bad experiences. I don’t know how much time the other members of the community spend here but in my case its around 20-30 minutes a day. Which is around the amount of time it takes me to clear up the house on a daily basis, the joys of living alone.
Time is precious, people!
Yes, it is. So be careful that you spend it in what you want to do. Don’t feel obliged to spent it chasing some-one else’s dream for them.
Find something beautiful and creative to do with your lives!
So far this week I have mastered running stitch, back stitch, French knots and pistil stitch. And I’m three quarters of the way into turning the old closet space into a book-nook and craft space for me.
Don’t waste it here!
I’m not wasting my time here.
Does the fate of MK impact your lives?
Directly no. Indirectly, yes. There are far too many women out there who have been affected by Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company and by those companies who follow a similar business structure.
That’s a bold statement for some-one who doesn’t know me.
Whether it goes on or it doesn’t, should have absolutely no bearing on your life!
But it does affect people I know. My sister in law has friends who flaunt their middle aged, middle class lifestyle of large house, two or more cars, the cottage, the Sea-Doo, Ski-Doo, the ATV, as proof of how their side-hustle works. They actively harm other people for their own gain. That’s why it has a bearing on my life.
You can’t stop someone if they are determined to do it, and, if it is a scam, it is not the first, nor will it be the last!
I might not be able to stop some-one but I should at least try. To quote Dickens
“Business!” cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”
I have a basement full of it, but grudges have no place in my life!
I’m guessing the it is inventory that you bought. But always we are told that you don’t need a large inventory. That it just flies off the shelf. That it’s like having an ATM in your house.
Why would you be holding a grudge? If you were successful, then you wouldn’t be here chastising us. You would be far too busy proving us wrong.
If, however, you were not successful then finding us is an easy way of venting your anger and grief at the bad advise you took to heart.
It wasn’t the MK that brought me financial ruin. It was my bad habits in general.
I’m not sure that it’s not a combination of both. I’m truly sorry that you suffered financial ruin. MK may not have been the sole cause but I think that it played a larger part than you are willing to admit at the moment.
Whatever your bad experience was, it is over and done.
Just because something is over and done, that doesn’t mean it has no further value in my life. It was a learning experience that added to my life story. If I can stop some-one else from that pain and sorrow, then I can point out my familiarity with the situation to help them.
You can’t unring (sic) that bell!
I can’t , no. But I can use it as a warning to those who responded.
Instead of focusing on a negative experience, find something good to do with your lives!
We are attempting do turn a negative into a positive by showing how impossible the Pink Dream is. We hope to show other women how to escape with their money and dignity intact. We offer a listening ear and a sympathetic shoulder to those in need. Not brushing it aside.
Jesus needs you to build the kingdom! Focus on that!
If I was a Christian, then I’d focusing on braiding a whip to scour the Temple, then I’d be looking to serve my community in a way that would honour Jesus. Not mouth off platitudes on websites.
This is one of the saddest Friday Critic letters I have seen. The author has totally internalised the message that if she failed it was all her fault, not that the system was rigged against her in the first place.
I agree.
“ if she failed it was all her fault”
That really is sad, and it’s exactly what the upline wants everyone to believe. She was a good target for them.
Of all the despicable things MK does, I think the worst is how they convince everyone who fails that it is somehow their fault.
Mary Kay claims to offer everyone the keys to a successful business, then turn around and give the worst business advice possible:
1. Buy lots of inventory.
2. Recruit your own competition.
3. Don’t worry about having no protected territory.
If they were a business school, they would lose their accreditation. Yet they claim to offer the equivalent of a “college education.” Hah. Mary Kay doesn’t offer any advice that isn’t to their own benefit.
1. Buy lots of inventory because that’s how we make money.
2. Recruit your competition so they’ll buy inventory and we will make money.
3. Don’t worry about territories, because if you saw how many other sellers were in your neighborhood, you wouldn’t sign up and buy inventory, and we wouldn’t… well you know.
Letter writer, you may be willing to ignore what happened to you, but don’t you think others should be warned about crap companies like Mary Kay? Why are you letting them off the hook?
For the record, I have no personal axe to grind. I was never in Mary Kay, nor were any of my friends or family. I just happen to think part of doing good is warning others of evil, as Jesus did when he warned about the evil deeds of the Pharasees and Scribes.
“Time is precious, people! Find something beautiful and creative to do with your lives! Don’t waste it here!”
Damn skippy, time is precious! I would love to say that I waste time on Pink Truth all day, yet as another member mentioned, I am here maybe 20-30 minutes daily.
Right now, I’m waging war on the robins and small birds who keep trying to build nests on my deck columns (including right over the tv and seating area). Bird spikes for the win! (Plus, the contractor who built the deck is coming over so we can redo the trim for a more permanent solution,) I’m also working on my Doctorate of Nursing Practice. A legit doctorate, not the honorary ones handed out to people like GMB.
My time is rather valuable, and I know what I’m worth. That worth is a helluva lot more than what some MLM scam can offer.
Arrrgh, birds, especially house sparrows. I had to get a louvered cover for my dryer vent to keep the little bleepers from building nests in it. Plus they managed to get into my soffits and then attic one year – bird doodoo all over everything, anything paper or cardboard scratched and pecked to bits… arrrrrgh.
Last year robins built a nest in one of the trees in my backyard, which is all well and good, but I couldn’t go outside without getting divebombed by the angry parents.
Wonders of nature, my foot }:(
I need the Cooper hawk babies to get out of their nests ASAP. When the youngins are out of the nest, the squirrel and bird populations drop.
Some birds came through our area that thought fiberglass window screens make great nesting material. All our windows have the bottom 8 inches of screen missing. Must I bird-spike the entire house? (A pair of mourning doves built a nest perched atop bird spikes on a front-porch column, so they don’t always work.)
“I stumbled across this website.” Because of the pink fog obscuring your vision? So many people stumble onto this web site that we are considering safety netting.
“Time is precious, people! Find something beautiful and creative to do with your lives!” Time spent helping others is indeed precious. I can think of nothing more beautiful than saving people from financial ruin by showing them the truth about MLMs.
“…if it is a scam, it is not the first, nor will it be the last!”
Another outstanding tagline for Mary Kay.
As a business owner in the real world, I believe I have a responsibility to call out unethical business practices when I see them. And Mary Kay is full of them. I’m not going to just leave it in the past when thousands upon thousands of women are still being taken advantage of by companies like Mary Kay. People deserve to know the truth. All of it.
“thousands upon thousands”
That’s actually millions upon millions in Mary Kay alone…
This is true.
Hey can you all help me?
On a previous post where a former MK died, they were trying to get her customer list..
So, in order to “sell” this means MK has to have your customers info?
Consultants are supposed to have all of their customer’s information. If they’re on her mailing list for the seasonal catalogs, they’ll be in a database. The information is somewhere even if it’s a stack of hand written sales tickets
As I recall, she had a good customer base and they wanted the info to recruit and keep selling. Like in gaming: loot the corpse. If she was smart, she kept the list in her personal computer, not on Mary Kay InTouch.
Excuse you but these valiant and pure-spirited ladies merely wished
to exploit another person’s deathto provide the same level of customer service to their former colleague’s customers.I think your strikethrough is the correct analysis.