You Are Dream Stealers
We are dream stealers, according to this critic.
I was searching for a POSITIVE website and my Pastor says that the world is 90% negative and 10% positive. I feel so blessed and priveledged to be among the 10%. When I was in business school, I learned that business is not for everyone but for those who chose to be in business. I just have a few words to say.
When I fell upon this site, I felt responsible to do my input. I am amazed to find that people actually took the time to create this extensive website dedicated to bringing in the 90% of the negative. This website is no different than the websites that lead teenagers to commit suicide, the sites that lead people to sell drugs, the sites that promote infidelity and the sites that promote terrrorism. and the site that promote Anti-God and so on and so on.
Internet is a good resource when it is promoting good research that helps people to think positive and provides positive and productive solutions, . However, when it becomes a way to downgrade ANY company, person, or purpose of other or effort of others or it becomes a way to play with the weakness of other individuals, it becomes an ATOMIC BOMB!!
I can understand being disgruntled, let-down feeling defeated and dishonored by others. I have been there, just like many. However, life is too short. And only those who are willing to help other people use their talents and skills to influence them in a positive direction are called CHILDREN OF GOD.
I have learned that by sharing all of my problems with EVERYONE constantly brings other down and creates a haven for them to do the same which also hinders their personal, spiritual, physical, intellectual and financial growth and mine as well. This is NOT what GOD has intended for people to do.
There was a time in my life when I wanted to start a website like this one., but I realized that it was taking ALL my energy, spirit and not giving good sense of fullfillment.
Therefore, I decided to apply ALL of my energy and efforts for a good cause. I understand and accept that in any good cause there is still obstacles, dream-stealers, the suffering and the tears in order to Grow. As long as it will benefit the majority of others, it will be a good cause..
Whoever created this website, seems to be a go-getter and very creative, how about putting energy, time and effort in a positive direction. No One says that you have to like MaryKay, Primeamerica, Party Lite, Avon, Herbal life, to have a job, work in a corporation or in a private business or even have your own business, be married etc. or that you will find the PERFECT life and people. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE PERFECT LIFE. I hope all of you realize that there is NO PERFECT LIFE.
This is my first and last time visiting this site. I have my life to live and family to care for WITH!! Good luck and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! and make it a great LIFE! YOu all deserve it!
“Pink Truth: Literally Worse than Terrorism”
OP, it is a proven fact that more than 99% of participants in MLMs like Mary Kay have negative cash flow. Choosing to hide this truth does not make you a positive person. Rather, it makes you complicit in promoting a system that has brought financial and relationship harm to millions and millions of women.
Contrary to your spin, the act of steering people clear of danger is actually a positive thing.
Since our OP is all about god and spiritual growth, she might appreciate Hadith 26, since Allah the the exact same god as in Judaism, Christianity, and even ostensibly Mary Kay.
According to the Prophet Muhammad, “On every person’s joints or small bones (i.e. fingers and toes), there is sadaqah (charity) every day the sun rises. Doing justice between two people is sadaqah; assisting a man to mount his animal, or lifting up his belongings onto it is sadaqah; a good word is sadaqah; every step you take towards prayer is sadaqah; and removing harmful things from pathways is sadaqah.”
This site does all of that. Supporting people burned by MLM so they can rebuild their relationships with friends and family is charity. (The second doesn’t really apply, except everyone here seems pretty nice and would probably help you load up your car if you’re moving or going on vacation or something.) Reminding MLM victims that they are good, smart, competent people and not stupid failures is charity. Helping godly people who have been subverted into worshipping the false idols of MLM see their way back to their spiritual journey is charity. Warning people about the hidden dangers that the recruiter doesn’t bother to tell you about, giving you the ability to make an informed decision to protect yourself from harm, is charity.
And for the benefit of our esteemed correspondent, the vast majority of Muslims are thoroughly normal people (ie NOT TERRORISTS) who live their lives according to the five Pillars of Islam: faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca. I’m no longer religious, but I remember doing a heck of a lot of the first four when I was, and I’d love to take a trip to the Holy Land someday.
Congratulations on the “Ridiculous Downvote” ™.
Sadly, there are many who feel Mohammad is a false prophet while seeing Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash as a True Profit.
::rimshot:: Excellent.
He was a cat lover, and that’s good enough for me 😀
One of the legends about why tabby cats have that M-shaped marking on their foreheads is because, one day the Prophet’s favorite cat was sleeping on the sleeve of his robe, and rather than wake it up he cut the sleeve off his robe. When the cat awoke it thanked him and he stroked it three times on the forehead, and since then tabby cats have had the mark of Muhammed on them.
Alternatively, when Baby Jesus was born he wouldn’t stop crying from the cold and the picky straw and whatnot, driving Mary absolutely bonkers. A tabby cat hopped up in the manger and cuddled up with him, keeping him warm and soothing him with its purring, so Mary thanked it and the M stands for Mary’s Cat.
Either way, the lesson is that cats will find a way to finagle themselves into any situation.
I had a cat who used to bring me dead mice. However he always brought the mouse-trap with them. He was either the smartest cat I ever had or the laziest.
Now how the heck did your brilliantly lazy cat get a Ridiculous Downvote?! }:(
Probably one of our Feline OverLords trying to suppress our knowledge of their Superior Hunting Skills ™.
“I just have a few words to say”
…eight paragraphs later…
There must be some trip hazards out there on the internet if she “fell upon” this site. Oopsies.
And my life IS great, thank you very much. Zero Mary Kay or any other MLM required.
I was searching for a POSITIVE website and my Pastor says that the world is 90% negative and 10% positive.
This is one of the most positive websites I have come across in my nearly 30 years of being an internet citizen. Your pastor isn’t one of the brightest if he feels that the world is so very negative.
I feel so blessed and priveledged(sic) to be among the 10%.
10% of your so-called positive people or 10% of the Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s minions who mange to scrape a few dollars off the financial suffering of those below them in the pyramid?
When I was in business school, I learned that business is not for everyone but for those who chose to be in business.
Not a very good business school if it didn’t warn you to stay away from MLMs/direct sales/network marketing.
I just have a few words to say.
Which is why I have had to split my reply into two sections.😏
When I fell upon this site, I felt responsible to do my input.
I can hardly wait since I’m certain it isn’t anything I haven’t read the gist of before.🙄
I am amazed to find that people actually took the time to create this extensive website dedicated to bringing in the 90% of the negative.
I’m amazed that with all of the resources out on the internet people still fall for MLMs, so there’s that. And how dare you reject the other women’s lived experiences . Those are not negative since they have affected many people in their orbit, both positive and negative. This screams victim blaming.
This website is no different than the websites that lead teenagers to commit suicide, the sites that lead people to sell drugs, the sites that promote infidelity and the sites that promote terrrorism (sic).
First day on the internet? Because this website is nothing like that. And I’m laughing that you are so naïve if you have bought into this.
and the site that promote Anti-God and so on and so on.
I’m what..wait.. or 🤣
Internet is a good resource when it is promoting good research that helps people to think positive and provides positive and productive solutions, .
Here we provide support for those who have fallen victim to the dream stealers that masquerade as being their own business owners, that you can make executive pay for part time work, work from home without spending time away from your family. We tell you how to return your inventory so maximize the return on your money . All the things your directors don’t want you to know since your lack of this knowledge prevents them from losing your hard earned cash.
That is a positive and productive solution.
However, when it becomes a way to downgrade ANY company, person, or purpose of other or effort of others or it becomes a way to play with the weakness of other individuals, it becomes an ATOMIC BOMB!!
I wonder if Ms. Friday Critic thinks the same about the numerous blogs which point out the massive failing in Wal*Mart, Disney Amazon et alia . These websites and blogs are not ‘playing with the weakness’ , they are pointing out the inherent problem of working for such large , faceless entities.
🎵Oh, uh-huh, make it magnificent
Your hair is beautiful
Oh-oh, atomic
Oh-oh, atomic
Oh-oh, atomic
Oh-oh 🎶
Sorry, my love language is ear-worms.
I can understand being disgruntled, let-down feeling defeated and dishonored by others.
Which is why (general) we need to band together to stop this happening to other women and those who will be affected by the fallout.
I have been there, just like many.
I’m sorry to hear that.
However, life is too short. And only those who are willing to help other people use their talents and skills to influence them in a positive direction are called CHILDREN OF GOD.
Hey, y’all, this woman thinks we are CHILDREN OF GOD for bringing the Truth™ about Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company to light. Since we are pointing out the pitfalls of said company and those who operate a business system like it, I guess.
Testify, @DestinyAngel
>”When I was in business school, I learned that business is not for everyone but for those who chose to be in business.”
Yeah… so here’s the thing: I have both an undergraduate degree in Business and an MBA.
If OP has either I’d highly suggest that university reaches out and rescinds the degree. There is no way someone with a basic understanding of Economics – let alone a higher education in Business! – doesn’t see the financial issues with the MLM model IMMEDIATELY. Or can’t do basic math to arrive at the 99% failure rate. And that’s just the financial impossibility of the “opportunity”.
I’d also say that there’s no way that someone who has any ethics or morals doesn’t see the predatory aspects of the MLM model – again, pretty quickly – but apparently either (1) OP has reached the apex of hypocrisy or (2) OP’s prays to a “God” that the rest of us have never heard of: one that preaches the benefits of being avaricious, exploitative, mercenary, heartless, selfish, unscrupulous, and fraudulent. Have at it Hun. But I understand why no one else is interested in your “God”.
Part deux
I have learned that by sharing all of my problems with EVERYONE constantly brings other down and creates a haven for them to do the same which also hinders their personal, spiritual, physical, intellectual and financial growth and mine as well.
I agree, being around “Negative Nellies” is difficult and annoying if they keep dropping their problems in your lap and expecting them to solve them for them. But here, we are not negative. We are positive, helpful, fun and can offer so many ways to help other people extract themselves without loss of face, faith or money.
This is NOT what GOD has intended for people to do.
GOD didn’t intend people to lie about their income, to flaunt their over-priced gems, to encourage covertness, but guess who does? Mary kay’s over-eager little minions to entrap women wanting the best for their families.
There was a time in my life when I wanted to start a website like this one., but I realized that it was taking ALL my energy, spirit and not giving good sense of fullfillment (sic).
Good for you for putting yourself first.
Therefore, I decided to apply ALL of my energy and efforts for a good cause
Just like us. We are applying a fraction of our energy to a good cause, that of helping others.
I understand and accept that in any good cause there is still obstacles, dream-stealers, the suffering and the tears in order to Grow. As long as it will benefit the majority of others, it will be a good cause..
Sometimes those who look like Dream-Stealers™ are those who are trying to stop you fall into Nightmare Chasm™. That is a good cause.
Helping my friend from possibly ruining her life and that of those she loves is a good cause.
Mentoring young people is a good cause.
Visiting the elderly and sick is a good cause.
Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s faux business opportunity isn’t a good cause.
Whoever created this website, seems to be a go-getter and very creative, how about putting energy, time and effort in a positive direction.
See above for why this is positive.
No One says that you have to like MaryKay(sic), Primeamerica(sic), Party Lite, Avon, Herbal life (sic), to have a job, work in a corporation or in a private business or even have your own business, be married etc. or that you will find the PERFECT life and people.
There are some people who do find a perfect life for themselves. There are others who are miserable sitting on mounds of dollar bills.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE PERFECT LIFE. I hope all of you realize that there is NO PERFECT LIFE.
My life is pretty good. Not perfect but could be a lot worse and I’m not desperately trying to shift over-priced make-up in a saturated market either.
This is my first and last time visiting this site. I have my life to live and family to care for WITH!! Good luck and GOD BLESS YOU ALL!! and make it a great LIFE! YOu all deserve it!
I don’t know why these people are desperate to inform us that this is their “first and last time” visiting here. We are not in an airport where you have to announce a departure.
However, I suspect that yet another Ms. Friday Critic will be back if only to see that she’s been published for bragging rights to her cronies.
DA, please forgive me. For a minute there, I read “covertness” as “covetousness” and I mentally accused you of a typo!
Thankfully, though we are guilty of many sins around here, typos are few and far between. In any case, “covertness” and “covetousness” both work for that sentence and sentiment.
Oh, poop! I had meant to type covetousness since it is one of the Top Ten things God is against. But you are correct, Frosty Rose, both words do work in that sentence.
“This website is no different than the websites that lead teenagers to commit suicide, the sites that lead people to sell drugs, the sites that promote infidelity and the sites that promote terrrorism. and the site that promote Anti-God and so on and so on.”
That’s quite the leap there, OP.
Going for either the triple jump or the pole vault gold medal 🥇🏅
Like Superman, only lame:
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE PERFECT LIFE. I hope all of you realize that there is NO PERFECT LIFE.
Okay, first of all:
Uh…what makes you think that because we want to fight MLM’s (scammers) that we expect life to be perfect?
“This is not what god intended for people to do.”
Actually, I’m pretty sure god didn’t intend for people to manipulate one another into buying thousands of dollars worth of unsellable product so that they could make a profit.
And, fyi, in the Bible Jesus flipped tables on those he felt were taking from others unrightfully. So, continue us the table flippers. ✌🏼
🤦🏻♀️🙄 consider, not continue.
Uh Jesus flipped tables over because they turned God’s house of prayer into a marketplace not because he felt people were being taken advantage of
I’m probably going to catch the ire of the Ridiculous Downvoter, but these Kaybots don’t seem to understand that there’s other religions out in the world that isn’t Christianity and not everyone subscribes to Christian beliefs.
Also, I would think that if you’ve been to business school, you would know how to correctly spell the word “privilege”.
I will be the first to admit–I have trouble spelling privilege. It doesn’t make sense in my brain to spell it that way. However… I also understand the function of this magical little new-fangled invention called Spell Check.
Me too, and I have a BA in English. *facepalm*
I’m absolutely positive that this website and all the wisdom it contains is saving women mounds of unnecessary debt… and unnecessary debt is negative. So, in those terms, this is a very positive site to read and participate in! 🙂
“or that you will find the PERFECT life and people. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE PERFECT LIFE. I hope all of you realize that there is NO PERFECT LIFE.”
Well actually when I think about it, my life is actually perfect. I have a roof over my head, a job that pays me regularly and understands that being off means I am not checking my email, a husband that loves me, a family that loves me, friends I can count on to help me at anytime, food in my refrigerator, and the only debt I’m in is for our modest little home in the Midwest. …… I don’t mean to brag & to be absolutely honest it took me a long time to get here. And I am extremely grateful and happy to be here. Really when I think about it, the only thing missing is a puppy….
Yes I understand that my version of the perfect life is going to be different compared to everyone else’s. But isn’t that what makes life so wonderful to begin with?
I think she hit her head when she ‘fell upon’ this site.
“Pastor says that the world is 90% negative and 10% positive.”
…is that in the Bible somewhere?
I’m as cynical and jaded as they come, but even I don’t think the world is 90% negative.
Since you went to business school, what would you do if your employer or a client of yours showed you financial statements that showed they were hemorrhaging cash and turning no profit? Would you keep it to yourself to avoid “negativity,” or would you advise them to slash their expenses and look for new sources of revenue?
This is the second or third time, recently, that a MKbot has used the “Gone to Business School” as the Appeal to Authority Fallacy.
They may have gone, but I’ll never believe that they graduated. Or if they did, it was from some diploma mill so their degree isn’t even worth the paper it’s printed on.