Mary Kay Nsds Add Value

It’s that time of year when the focus is creating class envy in Mary Kay. The haves and the have nots. The main even is the annual national sales director trip. Mary Kay loads up all of the nsds and gives them a fancy trip to an exotic location. All the nsds take pictures and videos of the event, and publish them for the benefit of the sales directors and consultants in their area. “Look what I’m doing! Don’t you wish you were here??? You can do it too if you work hard enough!”

If you create enough envy, you get people to work harder. Work in Mary Kay means order more products and get others to order products. Most of which aren’t needed and will never be sold, because Mary Kay (and all other MLMs) are not about selling products to consumers. They’re about recruiting people to order products because the recruits are the true customers.

But even among the nsds, the company is creating class envy to encourage more recruiting and pushing of inventory packages. The “inner circle” nsds (i.e. highest commission earners) received Prada bags and sunglasses on the first night. It’s a great gift. But Mary Kay Inc. is smart. It is less about rewarding the inner circle ladies, and more about making the non-inner circle nsds want to be there. Yes, the other nsds will be more likely to recruit harder and push inventory packages harder. It’s a diabolical plan by MK that has worked for 60 years.

Maybe the most humorous part of this all is little Jamie Taylor’s comment about the value they add:

“They get treated like that because of the VALUE they add for so many people. For how much they lead. For the work that they do. The more value you add to others, the better your own life gets!!”

Mary Kay national sales directors add NO value to the lives of consultants and directors. Their sole purpose in life is to recruit more and push more inventory packages. They are well aware that Mary Kay is a loser of business for almost everyone and that the vast majority of these products will never be sold. And yet they keep selling the lie, and it’s all about enriching themselves. Remember this video where Jamie was thanking people for putting unneeded products on their credit cards so she could get to nsd?



  1. That video of Jamie is disgusting. It should be required viewing for anyone who signs up in her down line. Those two consultants who helped her finish are no longer directors. Wonder how much of their inventory is left ? Wonder how they feel watching her brag about things that they essentially paid for for her?

    • And that video is forever on the interwebs, no matter how much Jamie wishes it weren’t, because Tracy is quick to catch such damning evidence and save it for eternity. If watching that video rips the pink blindfold off the eyes of even one potential DIQ in Jamie’s Area (more like Unit as it currently stands), it’s worth it.

  2. More handbags and sunglasses. More self-aggrandizing photos.

    “It is better to be humble in spirit with the needy
    Than to divide the spoils with the proud.” ~~ Proverbs 16:19

  3. “If you create enough envy, you get people to work harder.” Mary Kay was the one who set up the system of multiple layers of directors and clothing status signals. The Star ordering levels, tawdry prizes, and public bestowing of largess is all her idea. They disguise it as praise, but it’s just a thinly disguised envy factory.

  4. All you have to do is look at Cleta’s photo of overstocked shelves to understand that MK is about ordering and recruiting others to order. Selling? The Chelsea’s in MK sell at or under cost so that they can order more to climb the ladder faster. What chance does a new recruit have against someone who constantly has a big sale or BOGO every week? The Chels in MK know the score. It’s about hosting classes, sell at a loss in order to recruit, recruit, recruit.


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