Your Efforts to Claim Fame
Mary Kay consultant Cindy Jackson-Williams posted this comment on our article about Mia Mason Porter’s bankruptcy attempt. Cindy was sure I wouldn’t post her comment. I wouldn’t want to disappoint her, would I?
Wow, is bashing Mary Kay on your website all you can do with your life?? Looks to me like you would find something productive to do with your time … something meaningful & important. And don’t tell me you’re trying to save the world from Mary Kay. You are no better in your efforts to claim fame, which is totally why this website exists. Continuing to spew venom about Mary Kay only solidifies you can’t let go. Hate is not the opposite of love – indifference is. … perhaps there’s a part of you who knows you gave up, & this website of hate is some sort of confrontation therapy for you. Hurting people hurt people.
Instead of obsessing over Mary Kay, why don’t you try to forgive the wrong you feel was done to you & go out & get a productive life??
I’m sure my comment won’t be posted on your website, but I wanted to give my perspective …
Hi Cindy! You’re suggesting that I get a productive life. You might not know that I am a very successful forensic accountant. I am not, however, a failed Mary Kay consultant like you. You’ve been a consultant for decades and you’re not a car driver or director? Why is that?
We’re just here to provide facts and opinions about Mary Kay. It’s not about hurting anyone. In fact, it’s about saving women from this terrible, predatory company and the lies told by people like you.
If it helps, Cindy, I’m completely indifferent towards you.
Also, your comment didn’t include any stumbling, excessive punctuation, poor spelling, or hate-praying. Tracy was pretty much guaranteed to publish it just for the novelty value 😜
Wow, is bashing Mary Kay on your website all you can do with your life??
No, I have plenty of hobbies. As I have often pointed out Pink Truth isn’t special in talking about the negative aspects of a multi-national company.
Looks to me like you would find something productive to do with your time … something meaningful & important.
I think that this is important. Warning people about the dangers of multi level marking, of which Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company is a perfect example.
And don’t tell me you’re trying to save the world from Mary Kay. You are no better in your efforts to claim fame, which is totally why this website exists.
Totally missing the point of this website.
Continuing to spew venom about Mary Kay only solidifies you can’t let go. Hate is not the opposite of love – indifference is.
Ignoring an injustice is also indifference while confronting it is an act of love.
… perhaps there’s a part of you who knows you gave up, & this website of hate is some sort of confrontation therapy for you. Hurting people hurt people.
What a bunch of word salad. “Hurting people hurt people” is typical of trying to negate some-one’s lived experience and gaslighting them.
Instead of obsessing over Mary Kay, why don’t you try to forgive the wrong you feel was done to you & go out & get a productive life??
And not a word of sympathy for Ms. Mason Porter. Not an acknowledgement that an NSD who is the Tippy Top of MK isn’t making the executive pay she was promised.
I’m sure my comment won’t be posted on your website, but I wanted to give my perspective …
Well, you got a whole page to yourself Ms. Jackson-Williams. Shame you didn’t actually give a new nor novel perspective on MK or Ms. Mason Porter. Just another spiel of gate-keeping, gaslighting and deflections.
“And don’t tell me you’re trying to save the world from Mary Kay.”
Cindy, maybe you could spend part of your time saving Mary Kay from Pink Truth? That would involve pushing for changes at Mary Kay to protect women from the very real harm that is exposed here.
Most businesses welcome feedback on their products and their company so they can improve. Mary Kay doesn’t want to reduce their impact on women because the business is built on hurting women, and can’t survive without significant losses in every single downline.
If what is written here is wrong or misleading, please provide real data to prove us wrong. Research shows why every MLM downline loses money, and how MLMs are fueled by these losses. If you think it is wrong to point this out, please explain why.
I think the burden is on Mary Kay and the sales team to explain why it is okay to promote a business model that loses so much money for nearly everone involved.
Cindy–the pillar of Dawn Otten-Sweeny’s Skyscraper Unit! The money she made in February! No updates since then so most likely no commissions in March, April, and May?
Nice find!
She really only made $52 commission for an entire month? LOLOL!
“Hate is not the opposite of love – indifference is.” We can’t be indifferent, because as John Stuart Mill said, “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
If we looked on, indifferent, as the lies and greed of Mary Kay and other MLMs wreaked havoc on the lives and finances of their recruits, we would be ignoring suffering. That would be evil.
Right on. It’s a bit like yanking a stranger out of the way of a speeding car. You don’t know them or particularly care about them, or might not even like them, but it’s basic human decency to keep them from getting flattened.
The whole MLM system is abusive and exploitative. People deserve to know what they’re potentially getting themselves into based on facts and opinions from people who have been there, because MLM recruitment is nothing but lies and whitewash.
If Pink Truth keeps someone from signing up, great. If someone reads here and does anyway… at least they walked in front of the speeding car with their eyes open.
Well, she certainly has an “interesting” makeup look.
“Looks to me like you would find something productive to do with your time … something meaningful & important.”
Oh dear…. another one who claims we do not have meaningful, productive lives. I will say it again, maybe even louder for those in the back, you don’t know me, know what I do, and the impact of my work. So how can you make such a blanket statement?
The former SDs and consultants on this site know and understand the predatory nature of MK and other MLMs. We have seen things you haven’t. Please keep your self-righteousness in check.
Me, a person with a great J.O.B: Spends 10 minutes a day on Pinktruth.com during my breaks
MK Huns spending 18 hrs a day “working their business” : Omfg get a life you loser!
You love to see it!
In pantyhose and a skirt!
In this Economy???? 🤑😇😈
Here in NEPA, The Humidity has arrived. The devil himself couldn’t make me put on tight clingy nylon if he jammed his pitchfork up my nose 🥵
And just imagine Seminar in Dallas during the hottest and most humid time of the year! Awards ceremony in the afternoon – no, thank you!
Cult #101: You are lacking and flawed if you don’t follow their unfounded beliefs associated with their chosen organization.
“Looks to me like you would find something productive to do with your time ….something meaningful & important…. you can’t let go…..there’s a part of you who knows you gave up….this website of hate is some sort of confrontation therapy for you…..try to forgive the wrong you feel was done to you & go out & get a productive life??”
All subjective-speak and nothing based on factual information. Blatantly false, actually. Typical.
This, boys and girls, is what we call “projecting.”
It’s when you know you have shortcomings, so you project them onto your adversaries to assuage your feelings of inferiority.
Sad, really.