Slandering and Hateshaming
Pink Truth is apparently just one or two women who didn’t put in effort with their Mary Kay venture, and now they’re jealous and they’re taking it out online. We need to take ownership of our choices. And also someone who could have been a national was probably prevented from doing that because of Pink Truth. Great job, everyone. Thanks for the input, random pink truth critic!
I keep reading all these stories and posts and what I don’t understand is why any one of these people involved in this site even cares? It’s masked as a way “to help other ‘victims’ from the mary kay scam” but really sounds like a bunch of whiney, negative, judgemental women. I’m not a consultant nor do I care if Mary Kay is a “scam” or not.
No one is being manipulated or promised anything from what I can tell nor does anyone have a gun put to their head to invest in their involvement is this company so hardly think this page is necessary. If anyone felt pressured to do something that is their own internal nonsense talking. No one can make you feel a certain way, your giving these consultants to much damm credit frankly.
If you really wanted Mary Kay to sink and fall you would not show any attention to the company at all. That is indifference and indifference will kill a company more than slandering and hateshaming ever could. Anyone truly wasting their time slandering a company for selling cosmetics and recruiting other employees suggests jealousy that you didn’t so the work needed to be successful yourself. Otherwise if that were not the case you wouldn’t care.
I find it hard to believe a company that lasts 60+ years without any debt worldwide could do so while silently manipulating victims the whole time. Its more likely that one or two women who “tried” mary kay, invested money, put in little time of effort in to be sucessful got jealous and bitter and quit and decided to take out their feelings of inadequacy online. You know statistically there is study after study that visualization and positive enforcement will create sucess in business then skepticism?
The ones truly harming the potential of future consultants are those on this site. Its like everyone takes god and family before work to mean that every hiccup, diaper rash and diaper change is worth using as an excuse not to work your business and any one who disagrees is part of a manipulative pyrimid scheme…no..we disagree because your flaky and lazy and expect success to fall in your lap.
You exoect to run sucessful business without startup costs. These other businesses made everyone so damn entitled. No real business can effectively run without a stock of inventory and that always costs money. What if your favorite clothes store only carried one item of every size to try on and you haf to order your new clothes? Dumb.
Sorry for whomever got “manipulated” and quit their business and feels burned but maybe take mote ownership of your choices because seems to me while you are criticising and judging these sales directors about their lies etc that they are too busy earning jewelry and free cars etc to be bothered with that childish behavior…this is such a dumb Congo in my opinion and its not your job to save anyone. And shoving your point down potential recruits throats makes you no. Better then the women your complaining about.
How do you know your site hasn’t held back a woman from signing who would have been a national and had a totally different life for their family but you “saved her” so now she and her family struggle pay to pay wishing they had a plan b set up? I dunno just some thoughts.
I guess “I’m not a consultant!!!!!!!!!” is the new “stumbled”. You’re not fooling anyone, chica. You speak fluent MK cliche and you repeat the same tired old ad hominem arguments and flawed logic on display here Friday after Friday.
Like so:
“You exoect to run sucessful business without startup costs. These other businesses made everyone so damn entitled. No real business can effectively run without a stock of inventory and that always costs money. What if your favorite clothes store only carried one item of every size to try on and you haf to order your new clothes? Dumb.”
People want clothes. People buy clothes. The clothing retailer buys clothes at wholesale and sells them to customers at a suitable markup, thus making a profit. Online clothing companies still make money because they still have a desirable product, and most people don’t mind waiting a while to get it. No one wants MK. People don’t buy it unless it’s at such a deep discount that you’re losing money on the deal. It doens’t matter if you’re carrying a full store or not: no one wants that crap.
Dumb? NO U
“How do you know your site hasn’t held back a woman from signing who would have been a national and had a totally different life for their family but you “saved her” so now she and her family struggle pay to pay wishing they had a plan b set up? I dunno just some thoughts.”
Ah, yes, the false dichotomy of “glamorous life of weath and glory” vs. “miserable life of grinding poverty”. People living in poverty face a ton of complicated political, socioeconomic, educational, and racial problems that make it really freaking hard to break out of the cycle. There’s no magic wand you can wave in order to turn them into the Rockefellers. And if you can’t afford diapers and groceries, you sure as hell don’t need to be tying up your limited income in fripperies that your circle can’t afford and don’t want.
It’s not like any of the nationals are all that and a bag of chips, either. Mia Mason Porter, trying to declare bankruptcy due to crusing debt… and lying on the forms. Jamie Taylor, carried by her downline’s debts and now watching her unit crumble bit by bit.
There’s no guarantee of income, no stability. You lose too many directors or miss production, you’re outta there. There is loads of greed (“spend your money so I can win a prize!!!”), rampant divorce, using your children as props to either show off what you’ve got or shill for what you want, lawsuits, crime, and a scorched-earth trail of broke and despondent downline for miles behind them. Not something to aspire to.
And I’m still wondering what the Congo has to do with any of this.
I thought the same thing! Definitely in the cult.
I once ordered a pair of shoes from the store I was in because I loved the shoes but my size was out of stock. The salesperson helped me order them, pay for them, and had them shipped to my house within a week. *gasp*
She could have been a National!!!!!!
She coulda been a contendah!
Eating mashed potatoes out of a martini glass!
“I find it hard to believe a company that lasts 60+ years without any debt worldwide could do so while silently manipulating victims the whole time.”
Oh there is debt alright. Just not at corporate. The company profits off the losses of the sales force. The burden is on you, PTC, to explain how you can support a company who’s business model has yet to produce a profitable down-line in 60+ years.
More important than Mary Kay’s lack of corporate debt is the downline financial carnage required to make this possible.
“they are too busy earning jewelry and free cars etc to be bothered” … NOPE. they are too busy dialing for month-end dollars, juggling credit card balances and desperately looking for that ONE CRAZY THING that will jump-start their business like an AED jump-starts a cardiac arrest.
Multiply what you just said by a million times this month to finish up Seminar Awards production just to walk across stage for a minute! It’s so sad that people become addicted to it all just for a little attention. And then after the attendees are all tapped out, they are required to place an order right after the event to get a small product bonus!
I keep reading all these stories and posts and what I don’t understand is why any one of these people involved in this site even cares?
Because we are empathic people who care about strangers.
It’s masked as a way “to help other ‘victims’ from the mary (sic) kay scam” but really sounds like a bunch of whiney, negative, judgemental women.
🛑stop trying to invalidate women’s emotions. Especially those you find to be negative.
I’m not a consultant nor do I care if Mary Kay is a “scam” or not.
I think you are lying since this diatribe reeks of MK/MLM buzzwords.
No one is being manipulated or promised anything from what I can tell nor does anyone have a gun put to their head to invest in their involvement is this company so hardly think this page is necessary.
Thank goodness not everything is about you, Ms. Random Stranger. There are plenty of YouTube channels, blogs/websites about other MLMs and subreddits not to mention pages on the Book of Faces which detail the emotional manipulation these companies indulge in.
If anyone felt pressured to do something that is their own internal nonsense talking. No one can make you feel a certain way, your giving these consultants to much damm(sic) credit frankly.
Our recent crop of PTC lack a high degree of empathy, I’ve noticed.
If you really wanted Mary Kay to sink and fall you would not show any attention to the company at all. That is indifference and indifference will kill a company more than slandering and hateshaming (sic) ever could.
I’d love see your evidence on this. Companies go bankrupt for many reasons but indifference isn’t one of them. In fact if indifference worked, why do so many people still voice their outrage at the actions of various governments around the world?
Anyone truly wasting their time slandering a company for selling cosmetics and recruiting other employees suggests jealousy that you didn’t so the work needed to be successful yourself. Otherwise if that were not the case you wouldn’t care.
The bolded part is why I care. The bolded part is how Mary Kay Wagner Rogers Eckman Weaver Louis Miller Hallenbeck Ash’s company makes money, not selling but recruiting. A consultant cannot be “successful” without recruiting.
I find it hard to believe a company that lasts 60+ years without any debt worldwide could do so while silently manipulating victims the whole time.
Where do you think the debt is, if not in the pockets of the recruited consultants?
Its more likely that one or two women who “tried” mary (sic) kay, invested money, put in little time of effort in to be sucessful (sic) got jealous and bitter and quit and decided to take out their feelings of inadequacy online.
Paging Dr. Freud, some-one here needs help and it isn’t me. She’s projecting like a 3D IMAX cinema here.
You know statistically there is study after study that visualization and positive enforcement will create sucess(sic) in business then skepticism?
And? Your point would have been more valid if you had provided one. But all the visualisation wouldn’t help in an oversaturated market.
The ones truly harming the potential of future consultants are those on this site.
Its like everyone takes god (sic) and family before work to mean that every hiccup, diaper rash and diaper change is worth using as an excuse not to work your business and any one who disagrees is part of a manipulative pyrimid(sic) scheme…no..we disagree because your flaky and lazy and expect success to fall in your lap.
Having watched many Tik Toks, YouTube videos and IG reels where our valiant, hardworking MLM moms outright ignore their children while “hustling there buisness”, you have to wonder about family before business.
And for some-one who says that they are not a consultant , then why would you disagree
and call some-one you don’t know “flaky and lazy” ?
You exoect(sic) to run sucessful (sic) business without startup(sic) costs. These other businesses made everyone so damn entitled.
Since no-one expects that, I want to know which other businesses operate in such a way.
No real business can effectively run without a stock of inventory and that always costs money. What if your favorite clothes store only carried one item of every size to try on and you haf (sic)to order your new clothes? Dumb.
Many bridal and other formal wear shops operate in that way and they seem successful but it wouldn’t work for a fast fashion boutique.
Sorry for whomever got “manipulated”
Your previous words indicate that you, in fact do not feel sorry for them and if you truly did then manipulated would not be in quotes.
and quit their business and feels burned but maybe take mote(sic) ownership of your choices because seems to me while you are criticising (sic)and judging these sales directors about their lies etc(sic) that they are too busy earning jewelry and free cars etc (sic) to be bothered with that childish behavior
Those directors are not “earning free” anythings. Their downlines are paying for them.
…this is such a dumb Congo (sic)in my opinion and its not your job to save anyone.
Our world would be a bleak, bitter place if no-one stepped up to follow Jesus’s to help one another.
And shoving your point down potential recruits throats makes you no. Better then the women your (sic) complaining about.
Existing as a presence on the internet is not the same as having some-one in your face desperately trying to get you to buy a large enough order to keep their rank for this month.
How do you know your site hasn’t held back a woman from signing who would have been a national and had a totally different life for their family but you “saved her” so now she and her family struggle pay to pay wishing they had a plan b set up?
I hope that it has. It would have saved her, her family , those she would have recruited and recruited and their families from financial ruin and lost relationships.
I dunno (sic) just some thoughts.
At least your thoughts aren’t lonely. At least Ms. NotAConsultant left out the God bothering prayers for us. I’m sure He is happy about that.
Ahhh… the typical Friday buzz words…
“Put a gun to your head”
“Flaky and lazy”
“Debt-free company”
“Slanderous activity”
Miss Ma’am, I highly doubt you know or understand what most of that means. I also highly doubt that you are NOT a consultant of some kind of MLM, including MK.
I just wanna say Pink Truth never held a gun to anyone’s head, either. If MK had evidence that it’s as great as it pretends to be, people wouldn’t let the info here dissuade them from joining. They’d see real-life success all around them & join. But, the fact is, THOUSANDS of consultants try MK every year & drop out because they’re not seeing the results they were promised. And there’s lots of personal use consultants out there selling at 50% off. Those are not exactly strong sellings point for Mary Kay.
A Cadillac SSD has been offering half-off bundles for weeks; e.g., $300 retail in skincare products for $150. No profit. But, she’ll get some money to buy more products to meet her June 30 ordering goal.
Great training for her new team members. I hope they pick up on the red flags.
These products sell themselves and fly off the shelves.
“I find it hard to believe a company that lasts 60+ years without any debt worldwide could do so while silently manipulating victims the whole time.“
Well, this just shows how very little, if anything, you know about the business structure of MLMs. And Mary Kay (and all MLMs) are banking on such ignorance.
Oh wait, it’s “dual marketing”. Sure, Jan. Same business plan applies, regardless.
Mary Kay Inc has no debt, while nearly every independent contractor of MK carries the debt.
MK says they’re debt free. How do we really know?
Original thoughts only, please. Your overused drivel is boring….yawn. Next! I think these folks should have to submit schedule C’s before their opinions can be posted. They haven’t even been to seminar once. Slapping my knee laughing like Bugs Bunny, saying, “What a moron!”.
@Consultant Please submit your Schedule C so you can prove to us that you make money scamming, lying, and cheating other women in a product-based pyramid scheme.
I’m sorry, but this strategy seems misguided.
I agree with you Char. The schedule C talking point needs to be put to rest.
“I find it hard to believe a company that lasts 60+ years without any debt worldwide could do so while silently manipulating victims the whole time.“—
Look in the mirror. Your entire email shows that you believe it, which proves their manipulation is still going strong.
You don’t even understand WHY they are debt free, but you speak of it anyway. It’s classic brainwashing to merely repeat what you’ve heard without realizing that it’s detrimental to your own argument.
“…not a consultant, nor do I care…”
Yeah, right. You just happen to know the typical catch phrases (put a gun to your head, do the work) how old the company is, that it claims to be debt-free (who really knows? It’s a private company so nothing prevents them from lying).
But, sure, you pretend to not be a consultant, and I’ll pretend not to have gray hair.