I thought it would be fun to take a look at an article that ran in Fortune Magazine almost 30 years ago. If you’re wondering how or why the dollar store prizes motivate the sales force, look no further. The Read more…
Written by Raisinberry I’ll have to admit I bought into this hook line and sinker. Anybody with a Sales Training background is conditioned to believe that sales is a numbers game and so it requires more calls, more leads, more Read more…
In Mary Kay, the pyramid-toppers want you to believe that you control your own income. That you don’t depend on others. If you want a raise, you just go out and get it for yourself. You, as a director, can Read more…
“You have to order before month-end!” This is the lie they have been telling in Mary Kay for decades. They say you shouldn’t wait until the first of the next month to order because your products might be delayed. Tell Read more…
A critic of Pink Truth thinks that we don’t take responsibility for our own actions. She’s upset because we call out women who finish directorship with fake consultants and products purchased in their names. The sad truth is that everyone Read more…
Written by Raisinberry The higher up a person in the Mary Kay pyramid, the more she is exposed to the failed reality of a Mary Kay business. Since that goes against her programming, she looks for reasons to justify her Read more…
Mary Kay lives and dies by initial inventory orders. That is where corporate makes their money, because the initial order is almost always the MOST a consultant will order in their tenure with MK. Sales directors make their money with Read more…
Written by Raisinberry Many years back, I stepped through the doors of my first Mary Kay event, completely uncomfortable by what I saw. I thought it was me, since they appeared to be so close and having so much fun. Read more…
Let’s talk about the deceptive recruiting techniques used by members of the independent sales force of Mary Kay. How many of these buzz words and catch phrases did you hear when you were being recruited? We will go through a Read more…
Here’s a note from Tina, a Mary Kay lady who has been failing since 2011 but is not going to quit! There are reasons! Obviously the opportunity still worked for her, and she’s sorry it didn’t work for us. Mary Read more…
"$200 swag bag" LOL Probably two MK samples, a MK "Gift Certificate", coupons for local fast-food eateries, a few wrapped…
(I guess I should explain the June comment for the people reading who aren't familiar with the MK liturgical calendar)…
It won't even take six months for them to have strong opinions. June Is Coming ::ominous scary music::
Taylor also runs a content business on the side where she makes templates for other consultants to use - such…
"Proenter" Interesting, not familiar with that term. Is that MK talk?